Spirituality and Devotion in the Lyrics of I'm Your Servant - Zain Bhikha Full of Meaning
Let’s take a look at the lyrics of I'm Your Servant by Zain Bhikha, which is full of meaning for KLovers to explore. Come on, let’s check it out, KLovers!
Kapanlagi.com - The song "I Believe" popularized by Irfan Makki and Maher Zain is a song that offers a profound message about faith and hope. Through meaningful lyrics, this song invites its listeners to reflect on the true meaning of life.
Featuring two talented singers, Irfan Makki and Maher Zain, this song successfully combines elements of music and spirituality. The clear translation of the lyrics provides a deeper understanding, making this song an inspiration for many people.
Let's take a look at the lyrics of the song I Believe popularized by Irfan Makki and Maher Zain complete with its translation that can be understood. Come on, let's check it out KLovers!
When you're searching for the light
When you seek the light
And you see no hope in sight
And you see no hope in front of you
Be sure and have no doubt
Be sure and do not doubt
He's always close to you
He is always close to you
He's the one who knows you best
He is the one who knows you best
He knows what's in your heart
He knows what is in your heart
You'll find your peace at last
Finally, you will find peace
If you just have faith in Him
If you just believe in Him
You're always in my heart and mind
You are always in my heart and mind
Your name is mentioned every day
Your name is mentioned every day
I'll follow you no matter what
I will follow you no matter what happens
My biggest wish is to see you one day
My biggest wish is to see you one day
'Cause I believe
Because I believe
I believe
I believe
I believe
I believe
Do you believe, oh, do you believe?
Do you believe, oh, do you believe?
'Cause I believe
Because I believe
In a man who used to be
In a man who used to be
So full of love and harmony
So full of love and harmony
He fought for peace and liberty
He fought for peace and freedom
And never would he hurt anything
And he never hurt anything
He was a mercy for mankind
He was a mercy for humanity
A teacher till the end of time
A teacher until the end of time
No creature could be compared with him
No creature could be compared to him
So full of light and blessings
So full of light and blessings
You're always in my heart and mind
You are always in my heart and mind
Your name is mentioned every day
Your name is mentioned every day
I'll follow you no matter what
I will follow you no matter what happens
If God wills we'll meet one day
If God allows, we will meet one day
'Cause I believe
Because I believe
I believe
I believe
I believe
I believe
Do you believe, oh, do you believe?
Do you believe, oh, do you believe?
If you lose your way
If you get lost
Believe in a better day
Believe in a better day
Trials will come
Trials will come
But surely they will fade away
But surely they will pass
If you just believe
If you just believe
What is plain to see
What is clearly seen
Just open your heart
Just open your heart
And let His love flow through
And let His love flow
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe
And now I feel my heart is at peace
And now I feel my heart is at peace
I believe
I believe
I believe
I believe
I believe
I believe
Do you believe, oh, do you believe?
Do you believe, oh, do you believe?
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe
That is the lyrics of the song I Believe popularized by Irfan Makki and Maher Zain that KLovers can know. There are still many other song lyrics that KLovers can discover by reading articles on kapanlagi.com. Because, if not now, when else?
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Let’s take a look at the lyrics of I'm Your Servant by Zain Bhikha, which is full of meaning for KLovers to explore. Come on, let’s check it out, KLovers!
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