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Lyrics and Meaning of the Song Manusia Gila - Jefri Al Buchori, Reminding the Importance of Gratitude

Lyrics and Meaning of the Song Manusia Gila - Jefri Al Buchori, Reminding the Importance of Gratitude Lyrics and Meaning of the Song Manusia Gila - Jefri Al Buchori (credit: instagram/ujeloverss) - The song Manusia Gila performed by Jefri Al Buchori successfully captivates listeners, especially Muslims. This song carries a profound meaning containing a deep message about the greatness of God and the importance of gratitude. Through the simple yet meaningful lyrics of Manusia Gila - Jefri Al Buchori, this song invites us to reflect on the blessings from God.

The lyrics of the song Manusia Gila - Jefri Al Buchori touch the heart by reminding us not to be arrogant and to always be humble. In everyday life, we often forget that everything we have is a trust from Him. This song conveys an important message that we must always be grateful and not feel proud.

Additionally, Manusia Gila also invites us to draw closer to God. This song is full of praises to the Almighty God and reminds us not to be lulled by the world. To understand the deep message contained in this song, just check out the following review.

1. Lyrics of the Song Crazy Man - Jefri Al Buchori

The lyrics of the song Crazy Man begin with a reminder of the greatness of Allah, describing His magnificent creations, whether it be the earth we stand on or the sky we seek shelter under. Each verse contains deep words of praise and gratitude to Allah. Here are the lyrics to this song:

Allah (Allah)
Allah (Allah)
Allah (Allah)
Allah (Allah)
The earth we stand on
The earth we stand on
The sky we seek shelter under
The sky we seek shelter under
Who created?
Who created?
Subhan Allah, walhamd lillah
Subhan Allah, walhamd lillah
Wala ilaha illallah, wallahu akbar
Wala ilaha illallah, wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah, walhamd lillah
Subhan Allah, walhamd lillah
Wala ilaha illallah, wallahu akbar
Wala ilaha illallah, wallahu akbar

2. Interpretation of the Meaning of the Song Manusia Gila - Jefri Al Buchori

The meaning of the song Manusia Gila - Jefri Al Buchori conveys a very deep message. Jefri Al Buchori wants to remind us to always be grateful for all the blessings that Allah has given. Through its lyrics that tell of the beauty of nature, such as towering mountains and endless seas, we are invited to reflect on the greatness of Allah's creation that surrounds us.

This song also admonishes us not to become arrogant. Sometimes, humans often forget themselves and feel they own everything without realizing that all they have is a trust from God. This arrogance can lead us to foolishness, even making us like "crazy humans" who lose their sanity.

Ultimately, Manusia Gila is a song that is profound from a spiritual perspective. This song invites its listeners to draw closer to Allah, to be grateful for all blessings, and to always remember that everything belongs to Him. With the repeated praises, this song encourages us to maintain piety and always be thankful for all His gifts.

That is the review of the lyrics and interpretation of the meaning of the song Manusia Gila - Jefri Al Buchori which has a deep significance. Find reviews of other song lyrics and explanations of their meanings at If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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