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Lyrics and Meaning of the Song Taubat - Medina, Contains Hope to Return to the Path of Allah

Lyrics and Meaning of the Song Taubat - Medina, Contains Hope to Return to the Path of Allah Lyrics and Meaning of the Song Taubat - Medina (credit: unsplash) -

In living life, everyone has made mistakes and sins. However, what is most important is the awareness to return to the right path. The song Taubat by Medina was created as a reminder that every human always has the opportunity to repent as long as they are still given life.

With touching lyrics, the song Taubat - Medina invites its listeners to draw closer to Allah SWT. In its lyrics, Medina conveys a message about sincerity in asking for forgiveness and the belief that Allah SWT always accepts the repentance of His servants. Each line of this song's lyrics also depicts the spiritual journey of someone who wants to improve their life after realizing past mistakes.

To better understand the meaning contained in the song Taubat - Medina, let's directly refer to the following review.

1. Lyrics of Taubat - Medina

The song Taubat - Medina presents lyrics that are full of meaning and touching to the heart. Here are the complete lyrics:

Time flies without us noticing
Life is full of sin
The shame that has enveloped me all this time
Today I am hurt

To find my way in life
As long as I am still given
A long life aaa
Allah is my God

Muhammad is my prophet
The Qur'an is my book
Islam is my religion
Today I am hurt

To find my way in life
As long as I am still given
A long life aaa
Allah is my God

Muhammad is my prophet
The Qur'an is my book
Islam is my religion
There is no such thing as too late

To repent in front of Him
As long as I breathe Allah will
Always be in my heart hooo oooo
Allah is my God

Muhammad is my prophet
The Qur'an is my book
Islam is my religion
There is no such thing as too late

To repent in front of Him
As long as I breathe
As long as I breathe
Allah will always be in my heart

2. Interpretation of the Meaning of the Song Taubat - Medina

The meaning of the song Taubat by Medina depicts the reflection of someone who realizes their past mistakes and wishes to return to the right path. The lyrics reflect a deep sense of regret for the sins that have been committed. This awareness leads someone to seek a better meaning of life, with the belief that Allah always opens the door of repentance for His servants.

The main message of this song is that as long as someone is still given life, the opportunity to repent is always there. It is never too late to return to Allah SWT and improve oneself. This song emphasizes that Islam as a religion, the Qur'an as a guide, and Muhammad as a prophet are the main foundations in living a righteous life.

This song also contains hope that Allah SWT is always in the hearts of those who wish to change sincerely. In every lyric, there is a call for listeners not to hesitate in repenting because Allah SWT's love is limitless. This serves as a reminder that no human is perfect, but everyone has the chance to return to the right path.

Through this song, Medina wants to convey that a person's spiritual journey is not always easy, but with a strong intention and steadfast faith, change can be achieved. This song is not just a mere singing, but also a prayer and reminder for anyone who wants to get closer to Allah SWT.

That is the review of the lyrics and interpretation of the meaning of the song Taubat - Medina which has such profound meaning. Find other interesting song reviews at If not now, when else?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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