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Lyrics and Translation of the Song Habibi Ruhi - Ihsan Latief ft. Anisa Rahman, Expression of Admiration for the Prophet Muhammad SAW

Lyrics and Translation of the Song Habibi Ruhi - Ihsan Latief ft. Anisa Rahman, Expression of Admiration for the Prophet Muhammad SAW Lyrics of the Song Habibi Ruhi - Ihsan Latief ft. Anisa Rahman (credit: Youtube Lathief Studio) -

The song Habibi Ruhi is one of the works performed by Ihsan Latief and Anisa Rahman. Anisa's heartfelt performance while reciting this sholawat has captivated the hearts of listeners. Through its beautiful lyrics, this sholawat serves as a means to express love for the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

With simple yet meaningful lyrics, Habibi Ruhi is easy to remember and sing. The words of praise in this sholawat reflect a deep respect and longing for the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Beautiful calls like "Habibi Ruhi" (beloved of my soul) strengthen the message of love and respect for the Prophet.

Containing respect and expressions of admiration for the Prophet Muhammad SAW, what are the lyrics and translation of the song Habibi Ruhi? To find out, just check out the following review.

1. Interesting Facts about Sholawat Habibi Ruhi

According to, the religious song Habibi Ruhi is a work by Lathief Ihsan, better known as Gus Ichan. This song was first released as part of Gus Ichan's debut album, which consists of ten other religious songs. With a duration of over four minutes, Habibi Ruhi offers a new nuance in the R&B music genre, which is usually used for love-themed songs.

This song is derived from the classic sholawat Ahmad Ya Habibi, created to glorify the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Gus Ichan adds a fresh and modern touch to the melody and rhythm of this sholawat, making it sound more contemporary. Collaborating with Anisa Rahman, former vocalist of Sabyan, this sholawat successfully blends traditional and modern impressions.

Habibi Ruhi captivates listeners not only through its meaningful lyrics but also through its touching musical harmony. Anisa Rahman's presence in this song adds emotional strength that makes listeners immersed in praise of the Messenger of Allah.

2. Lyrics and Translation of Sholawat Habibi Ruhi

Here are the lyrics of the sholawat Habibi Ruhi sung by Anisa Rahman along with its translation:

Yaa auna al-ghariib
(Oh helper who is foreign)
Yaa nuura az-zalaam
(Oh light of the darkness)
Yaa shafiia al-khalq
(Oh who grants intercession to creatures)
Yaa habiibii ruuhii
(Oh beloved of my soul)
Yaa Abaa al-Qaasim
(Oh Abal Qasim [Father of Qasim])
Yaa Abaa az-Zahraa
(Oh Aba Zahra [Father of Fatimah Az-Zahra])
Yaa jadda al-Husain
(Oh grandfather of Hasan & Husain)
Yaa habiibii ruuhii
(Oh beloved of my soul)

Ahmad yaa habiibii
(Ahmad oh my beloved)
Salaam alayka
(Peace be upon you)
Yaa habiibii an-nabii
(Oh my beloved, the Prophet)
Salaam alayka
(Peace be upon you)

Yaa Taahaa tabiibii
(Oh Thoha, my healer)
Yaa muhyii al-quluub
(Oh who revives the hearts)
Yaa qurrata aynii
(Oh coolness of my eyes)
Yaa habiibii ruuhii
(Oh beloved of my soul)

Yaa safwata Allaah
(Oh chosen one of Allah)
Yaa Rasuul Allaah
(Oh Messenger of Allah)
Yaa habiiba Allaah
(Oh beloved of Allah)
Yaa habiibii ruuhii
(Oh beloved of my soul)

Ahmad yaa habiibii
(Ahmad oh my beloved)
Salaam alayka
(Peace be upon you)
Yaa habiibii an-nabii
(Oh my beloved, the Prophet)
Salaam alayka
(Peace be upon you)

3. Deep Meaning of Sholawat Habibi Ruhi

Sholawat Habibi Ruhi is a manifestation of love and respect for the Prophet Muhammad SAW. In its lyrics, the Prophet is depicted as the protector of the ummah, a light in the darkness, and a giver of intercession for all humanity. Phrases like "Yaa Noor Az-Zalam" (light of the darkness) and "Yaa Aun Al-Gharib" (helper of the stranger) reflect the role of the Prophet as a mercy for the universe.

Additionally, this sholawat also shows the personal relationship of the ummah with the Prophet. The phrase "Habibi Ruhi" describes a deep and spiritual love, as if the Prophet is present in the hearts of every believer. These lyrics emphasize the importance of making the Prophet a life example that brings peace and happiness.

Finally, this sholawat teaches respect through greetings, such as "Salaam Alayka" (peace be upon you). This song is not just a praise but also a prayer that connects the ummah with the Prophet spiritually. By reciting this sholawat, you not only praise the Prophet but also strengthen your faith and closeness to him.

That is among the reviews of the lyrics and translation of the religious song Habibi Ruhi which contains respect for the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Find the translated lyrics and interpretations of other songs at kapanlagi. If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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