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Lyrics of Anisa Rahman - Pasir Putih, Carrying a Wise Message about Life

Lyrics of Anisa Rahman - Pasir Putih, Carrying a Wise Message about Life Lyrics of Pasir Putih (credit: Youtube Anisa Rahman) - Anisa Rahman is back with a meaningful song, Pasir Putih, which carries a deep message about life. The lyrics of this song invite listeners to reflect on the importance of wisely utilizing time and wealth wisely as a provision for the future.

Emphasizing life values and religious messages, Pasir Putihdepicts life like sand on a beautiful beach, yet fragile against the waves. The song Pasir Putih will serve as a reminder for all of us to prioritize what is meaningful in this world and the hereafter.

For KLovers who want to know the lyrics in more depth. Here are the lyrics of Anisa Rahman’s song titled Pasir Putih. Let's check it out, KLovers!

1. Lyrics of Anisa Rahman - White Sand

When the thunder is heard in the sky

Do not pour the water from the jug

She is like white sand on the beach

Washed by the waves, only then she bathes

She is like white sand on the beach

Washed by the waves, only then she bathes


Use your wealth, sir, while you have it

As provision for yourself in your old age

Do not use it for extravagance

Later you will regret and it will be useless

Do not use it for extravagance

Later you will regret and it will be useless


When I look at the stars in the sky

The full moon shines brightly

While healthy before sickness comes

Let us do good deeds for the hereafter

While healthy before sickness comes

Let us do good deeds for the hereafter


When the thunder is heard in the sky

Do not pour the water from the jug

She is like white sand on the beach

Washed by the waves, only then she bathes

She is like white sand on the beach

Washed by the waves, only then she bathes

That is the lyrics of Anisa Rahman's song titled White Sand that KLovers can know after listening to the song. There are still many lyric recommendations that KLovers can discover by reading articles on Because, if not now, when else?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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