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Lyrics of Maher Zain - Huwa Al-Qur'an and Its Translation in Indonesian

Lyrics of Maher Zain - Huwa Al-Qur'an and Its Translation in Indonesian Song by Maher Zain - Huwa Al-Qur'an (credit: YouTube Official) - Maher Zain is known as a religious singer who touches the heart with meaningful lyrics. One of his songs titled Huwa Al-Qur'an depicts the beauty and grandeur of the Qur'an as a guide for life. The song Huwa Al-Qur'an carries a deep spiritual message for every listener.

With a soothing melody and touching lyrics, the lyrics of the song Huwa Al-Qur'an by Maher Zain remind us of the importance of the Qur'an in life. This religious song is not just a song but also a prayer and hope, inviting us closer to the teachings of Islam through its beautiful words.

Let's listen to and absorb the lyrics of the song Huwa Al-Qur'an by Maher Zain below, complete with its translation in Indonesian. Come on, let's check it out, KLovers!

1. Lyrics of Maher Zain - Huwa Al-Qur'an

Dhikrun wa mau'izatun wa nur
Reminder, advice, and light

Fihi shifa'un lish-shudur
Within it is a healer for the heart

Wa shafi'una yawman-nushur
And it is our intercessor on the Day of Resurrection

Ayatuhu tarwi al-mada
Its verses flow across the horizon

Wa sifatuhu nab'ul-huda
And its nature is the source of guidance

Narqa al-jinana bihubbihi
We ascend to paradise by loving it

Lan tastaqima hayatuna
Our lives will not be straight

Illa bihi
Except with it


Huwa al-Qur'an wa al-Furqan
He is the Qur'an and the criterion

Ilayhi tunsitu al-akwan
To Him all the worlds listen

Wafihi tu'attaru al-adhan
And in it, the ears become fragrant

Huwa al-Qur'an
He is the Qur'an

Diya'un yamla'ul-afaq
A light that fills the horizon

Wa nurun yab'athu al-ashwaq
And its light awakens longing

Wafihi mahasinu al-akhlaq
In it are the beauties of morals

Huwa al-Qur'an
He is the Qur'an

Kam yahtadi al-hayranu fihi
How many confused people find guidance from it

Wa an-nafsu kam hannat ilayhi
And how the heart longs for it

Ya'lu wa la yu'la 'alayhi
It is higher and there is nothing higher than it

Hayya nurattilu ayihi
Let us read its verses

Wana'ishu tahta zhilalihi
And live under its shade

Nansa al-humuma biqurbihi
Forget sadness by getting closer to it

Lan tastaqima hayatuna
Our lives will not be straight

Illa bihi
Except with it


Huwa al-Qur'an wa al-Furqan
He is the Qur'an and the criterion

Ilayhi tunsitu al-akwan
To Him all the worlds listen

Wafihi tu'attaru al-adhan
And in it, the ears become fragrant

Huwa al-Qur'an
He is the Qur'an

Diya'un yamla'ul-afaq
A light that fills the horizon

Wa nurun yab'athu al-ashwaq
And its light awakens longing

Wafihi mahasinu al-akhlaq
In it are the beauties of morals

Huwa al-Qur'an
He is the Qur'an

Asid bihi qulubana
Make our hearts happy with it

Waghfir bihi dhunubana
Forgive our sins with it

Washrah bihi shudurana
Ease our hearts with it

Ya Rabbana
Oh our Lord

Adhhib bihi ahzanana
Remove our sadness with it

Farij bihi humumana
Relieve our anxieties with it

Wajalhu shahidan lana
Make it a witness for us

Ya Rabbana
Oh our Lord


Huwa al-Qur'an wa al-Furqan
He is the Qur'an and the criterion

Ilayhi tunsitu al-akwan
To Him all the worlds listen

Wafihi tu'attaru al-adhan
And in it, the ears become fragrant

Huwa al-Qur'an
He is the Qur'an

Diya'un yamla'ul-afaq
A light that fills the horizon

Wa nurun yab'athu al-ashwaq
And its light awakens longing

Wafihi mahasinu al-akhlaq
In it are the beauties of morals

Huwa al-Qur'an
He is the Qur'an

These are the lyrics of the song Huwa Al-Qur'an by Maher Zain that KLovers can know and understand its meaning. There are still many other religious song lyrics that KLovers can learn by reading articles on Because, if not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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