Lyrics of Nancy Ajram's Song - Oul Tani Eyh and Its Translation in Indonesian
Let’s take a look at the complete lyrics of Nancy Ajram's song titled Oul Tani Eyh along with its translation. Come on, let’s check it out, KLovers! - Nissa Sabyan presents a meaningful religious song through Alhijratu. This song tells the story of the hijrah journey of Prophet Muhammad SAW along with his companions. The beautiful lyrics contain a spiritual message about sacrifice, faith, and Allah's protection for His servants.
In this article, Kapanlagi will present the lyrics of Nissa Sabyan - Alhijratu in Latin and its translation. By understanding the lyrics of Nissa Sabyan - Alhijratu, you can better appreciate the story of the Prophet's hijrah and the Islamic values contained in this song.
Let's take a look at the lyrics of Nissa Sabyan's song titled Alhijratu along with its translation. Come on, let's check it out KLovers!
alhijratu rihlatun hadina
Hijrah is a journey that serves as a guide for us
hamalal islama lana dina
(Prophet Muhammad) brought Islam as a religion for us
fasalamullahi alal hadi
May the peace from Allah be upon the Prophet, the bearer of guidance
walkawnu yuraddidu amina
And may the universe always be in peace
rahala as-siddiqu anid-dar
Abu Bakar As Shiddiq left his house
fi suhbati khayril abrar
To accompany the Best of Mankind
salawatu allahi tabarakah
May blessings and grace be upon him
mala addunya bil anwar
Who has filled the world with light
allahu takaffala yahmihi
Allah always protects him
wa ali asbaha yafdihi
And Ali bin Abi Talib became his successor
wabisirril qawmi al-ashrar
Unbeknownst to the disbelievers
bintu as-siddiqi tuwafihi
Fatimah, the daughter of Abu Bakar, fulfilled it
That is the complete lyrics of Nissa Sabyan's Alhijratu along with its translation. There are still many other religious lyrics that KLovers can discover by reading articles on Because, if not now, when?
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Let’s take a look at the complete lyrics of Nancy Ajram's song titled Oul Tani Eyh along with its translation. Come on, let’s check it out, KLovers!
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