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Lyrics of Opick - Open Eyes Open Heart, Reflection on Sin and Forgiveness

Lyrics of Opick - Open Eyes Open Heart, Reflection on Sin and Forgiveness Opick's Song - Open Eyes Open Heart (credit: - The song Open Eyes Open Heart by Opick is not just a religious song, but also a prayer that touches the heart. The lyrics in this religious song invite listeners to reflect on the sins that have occurred and the importance of seeking forgiveness and guidance from God.

With a soulful melody and meaningful lyrics, this song serves as a reminder that without His light, life feels dark and meaningless. The song Open Eyes Open Heart teaches the importance of self-awareness and sincerity in repentance to receive His grace.

Let's take a look at the complete lyrics of the song Open Eyes Open Heart by Opick, which is a melody reflecting on sin. Come on, let's check it out KLovers!

1. Lyrics of Opick - Open My Eyes Open My Heart

Open my eyes open my heart
Allah enlighten
My life with Your light

I feel helpless
Without Your mercy I am lowly

Countless sins have occurred
Coloring my steps
Blackened self
Black were the days gone by
If without Your light
My whole life is dark
Helpless, meaningless, a waste

It’s impossible for me to be perfect
To love You as Your greatness
The lowly self is stained
Only kneeling
Begging for Your mercy

Countless sins have occurred
Coloring my steps
Blackened self
Black were the days gone by
If without Your light
My whole life is dark
Helpless, meaningless, a waste

Countless sins have occurred
Coloring my steps
Blackened self
Black were the days gone by
If without Your light
My whole life is dark
Helpless, meaningless, a waste

Countless sins have occurred
Coloring my steps
Blackened self
Black were the days gone by

Open my eyes open my heart
Allah enlighten
My life with Your light

That is the lyrics of the song Open My Eyes Open My Heart by Opick that KLovers can know while listening to the song. There are still many other religious song lyrics that KLovers can discover by reading articles on Because, if not now, When Again?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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