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Lyrics of Opick's Song - 25 Prophets, An Educational Message for Children

Lyrics of Opick's Song - 25 Prophets, An Educational Message for Children Opick's Song - 25 Prophets (credit: YouTube Official) - Religious songs not only provide peace of mind, but they can also serve as an enjoyable educational medium. The song 25 Prophets by Opick is one of the songs that helps children recognize the names of prophets in Islam with lyrics that are easy to remember and full of meaning.

With a gentle melody and lyrics rich in messages, this song teaches the history of the prophets in an engaging way. It's no wonder that many parents choose the song 25 Prophets as a learning song for their children from an early age.

Here are the complete lyrics of the song 25 Prophets by Opick for you to know while listening to the song. Let's check it out, KLovers!

1. Lyrics of Opick - 25 Prophets

(Verse 1)
You are the blessing of the warriors
The light illuminating the earth
All blessings pour down
You show the way

For centuries it has been
As if you are still present
Realize you as
The guide of the soul

Salamun 'alaik O Prophet, O Prophet
Salamun 'alaik O Messenger, O Messenger

(Verse 2)
Adam and Idris, Noah and Saleh
Ibrahim and Lut, Ismail and Ishaq
Jacob and Yusuf, Shu'aib and Ayyub
O Dhul-Kifl, Musa and Harun

Salamun 'alaik O Prophet, O Prophet
Salamun 'alaik O Messenger, O Messenger

(Verse 3)
David and Solomon, Ilyasa and Ilyas
Jonah and Zakaria, Yahya and Jesus
O Mustofa, O Muhammad
Last of the Prophets, O Beloved of Allah

Salamun 'alaik O Prophet of Allah
You are the guide of the soul in this world
Salamun 'alaik O Prophet of Allah
Illuminate this heart, illuminate this path

(Outro Refrain)
Salamun 'alaik O Prophet, O Prophet
Salamun 'alaik O Messenger, O Messenger (x6)

Those are the lyrics of the song 25 Prophets by Opick that KLovers can know and understand its meaning. There are still many other song lyrics that KLovers can discover by reading articles on Because, if not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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