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Lyrics of the Viral Song 'Pay Pay Pay' by Sukatani, Withdrawn from Circulation Due to Intimidation from Certain Individuals?

Lyrics of the Viral Song 'Pay Pay Pay' by Sukatani, Withdrawn from Circulation Due to Intimidation from Certain Individuals? Sukatani went viral because of the song Pay Pay Pay! (Photo credit: - The punk band Sukatani has recently caught the public's attention due to their song titled Pay Pay Pay. This song was withdrawn from circulation after sparking controversy that involved an apology to the National Police Chief.

AL and Ovi, two members of Sukatani, issued a public apology. This apology came after their song was deemed to mock the police institution.

The decision to withdraw the song from music platforms has also sparked speculation among netizens. Many suspect that there was pressure or intimidation from certain individuals that led Sukatani to take this step.

1. Controversy of the Song 'Pay Pay Pay'

The song 'Pay Pay Pay' went viral after being withdrawn from circulation. This controversy arose from lyrics that were deemed inappropriate and offensive to the police.

After going viral, Sukatani immediately removed the song from all music platforms. This raised significant questions about what actually happened behind the scenes.

2. Sukatani's Apology and Public Reaction

AL and Ovi expressed their apologies to the Chief of Police in a viral video. They stated that the song was not intended to insult, but rather as a form of criticism.

Public reactions were mixed; some supported Sukatani's actions while others felt their actions were excessive. The intimidation allegedly experienced by Sukatani became a hot topic on social media.

3. Lyrics of the Controversial Song 'Pay Pay Pay'

Want to make a driver's license, pay the police

Get ticketed on the road, pay the police

Touring on a big motorbike, pay the police

Public transport wants to stop, pay the police

Oh dear, I have no money

To be able to pay the police

Want to make gigs, pay the police

Report lost items, pay the police

Go to jail, pay the police

Get out of jail, pay the police

Oh dear, I have no money

To be able to pay the police

Want to commit corruption, pay the police

Want to evict houses, pay the police

Want to clear the forest, pay the police

Want to become a police officer, pay the police

Oh dear, I have no money

To be able to pay the police


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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