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Nikita Willy Comeback Singing, Collaborates with Bian Gindas to Perform Kangen Band's Song

Nikita Willy Comeback Singing, Collaborates with Bian Gindas to Perform Kangen Band's Song Nikita Willy and Bian Gindas collaborate on the song 'Tentang Aku Kau dan Dia' / Credit Photo: Personal Documentation - Beautiful artist Nikita Willy has been absent from the entertainment world for quite some time, precisely after she decided to marry Indra Priawan and live in America. Now, the woman who has recently given birth to her first child surprises fans with an unexpected comeback in the music industry.

Yes, Nikita Willy has just been grabbed by Bian Gindas to collaborate on a new single titled Tentang Aku Kau dan Dia. Familiar with the title? It's understandable, because this song is actually a classic hit single from Kangen Band that has been remade by Bian Gindas and Nikita Willy.

"The desire to collaborate with Nikita has actually been there for a long time, but because the timing wasn't right, it only happened in this project. Nikita has a good vocal voice, she is also kind and fun. That also made the process of making this song very smooth and enjoyable," said Bian, the vocalist of Bian Gindas.

1. Appreciation Form for Kangen Band

One interesting trivia, Bian remade Kangen Band's song as a form of appreciation for the works of the Lampung-based band. As known, Kangen Band's name is currently in the spotlight because it was made fun of by musicians Tri Suaka and Zinidin Zidan some time ago.

"This song was once booming in its time and sold millions of copies. So, singing this song is more about nostalgia and appreciation for this song and Kangen Band," explained Bian.

2. Blend of Pop and Malay Vocal Colors

In terms of proportion, Bian does dominate. Nikita Willy only appears in the middle of the song, namely when entering the refrain section. However, Nikita Willy's appearance actually adds its own color to this song with her very pop vocal character to balance the Malay vocal color of Bian's distinctive voice.

"This song has a very strong Kangen Band character. So when Biangindas and Nikita perform it, it feels unique because of the differences in character, especially in vocals. It does feel different because of Bian's heavier voice and distinctive intonation. Musically, maybe it only differs in sound and fill selection. Because the basic song is already good, so there is no need for many significant changes," explained Bian.

KLovers, have you listened to the song 'Tentang Aku Kau dan Dia' version by Bian Gindas feat Nikita Willy? Write your comment below!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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