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Popular Wave To Earth Songs That Gen Z Loves

Popular Wave To Earth Songs That Gen Z Loves - Written by: Angelia Leony Van Augista

The name Wave To Earth must be familiar to KLovers. This band suddenly went viral on TikTok and many people use their songs for their content. Many people didn't expect that this band is not from South Korea because most of their songs are written in English. According to Korea JoongAng Daily, Wave To Earth's first album only has 3 songs with Korean lyrics, while the rest are in English. That's one of the reasons why the band quickly gained international fans.

Aside from their predominantly English lyrics, all of their songs are also easy listening and easily remembered by listeners. Their music videos are also simple and very Gen Z. Until now, their career is thriving and they are currently holding concert tours in various big cities around the world.

KLovers who often scroll through TikTok must be familiar with their songs, right? Let's check out 5 popular Wave To Earth songs that you must listen to!

1. Wave to Earth-seasons

Ranked first, seasons became Wave to Earth's most popular song with a total of 167 million streams on Spotify. Lasting for 4 minutes, this song tells the story of someone who is falling in love but cannot be together because they feel they are not worthy enough for the other person. Despite these feelings, they still care deeply for the person they love and if given the chance, they promise to give everything to that person.

KLovers can listen to the song here!

2. Wave to Earth-bad

In second place, we have bad with a total of 106 million streams on Spotify. This lovesick song tells the story of how the days don't feel bad when spent with the person we love. The presence of that person can turn a bad situation into a good one, simply because of the existence of the person we love.

Curious about the MV? Watch it here!

3. wave to earth-love

Well, the lyrics of this third song are written in Korean, KLovers. This song ranks third most popular with a total of 40 million streams on Spotify. This song tells about the power of love that can endure in difficult times. The lyrics depict the ups and downs of relationships and the challenges that arise in every process, as well as the importance of persevering through it all with the help of love.

Curious about the MV? Watch it here!

4. Wave to Earth-light

Once again with an English song by Wave to Earth, light with a total of 53 million streams on Spotify is a romantic song about love between two people. The lyrics evoke a sense of calm and peace, depicting a deep relationship between lovers.

KLovers can listen to the song here!

5. Wave to Earth-peach eyes

Ranked fifth, peach eyes became one of the most popular songs by Wave to Earth with a total of 28 million streams on Spotify. This song depicts the feelings of someone who deeply loves their partner and beautifully describes the partner's eyes resembling a peach.

KLovers can listen to the song here, ya1


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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