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Ucay and Lowp Finally Reunite with Rocket Rockers

Ucay and Lowp Finally Reunite with Rocket Rockers Rocket Rockers © special - After about nine years of releasing the song Reuni, who would have thought that the Bandung-based pop punk band, Rocket Rockers, would experience it this year. Yes, that song is what finally brought Ucay and Lowp back together with their old band, Rocket Rockers.

As it is known, Ucay resigned from Rocket Rockers at the beginning of 2013. Five years later, precisely in 2018, it was Lowp's turn to decide to leave. Now, both of them are back together with Aska, Bisma, and Ozom in performing the song Reuni again.

1. Acapella Version

Interestingly, the song 'Reuni' is packaged in an acapella style. Ucay, as the songwriter of 'Reuni', created a guide by adapting the bass line from the song.

"The process of making the voice only/acapella version of 'Reuni' started by adapting the bass line, which would serve as the foundation for the other parts. This part is quite challenging because it requires using low vocals. After that, I filled in all the other parts to make it easier for Rocket Rockers to find variations in vocal arrangements. Well, after adding the other vocals, the result is amazing," said Ucay.

2. Humanitarian Themed Compilation Album

"You are the one who can make me laugh, when we share yeahh, you are the one who can make me happy and it means a lot.." This excerpt from the song's chorus is very suitable as the tagline for explore! programs, which have been involved in the humanitarian field for 3 years. Therefore, Rocket Rockers and explore! chose this song to bring back 'Reuni' with a different arrangement while also expressing their concern to help fellow humans without territorial limits.

This Reuni by Rocket Rockers is initiated by the humanitarian organization Explore, where Ucay and Lowp are members. They have the intention to release a compilation album with a humanitarian theme titled 'Voice of Humanity'. Interestingly, this album offers a different concept from previous compilation albums.

The acapella concept is a challenge offered by this album to the supporting artists, providing a new and different experience. Some old songs like 'Reuni' by Rocket Rockers will be performed with new arrangements and formats without using musical instruments.

3. Collaborating with Several Musicians

Not only Rocket Rockers, Explore also collaborated with several other musicians to be involved in this acapella album. Fadly (Padi, Musikimia) Mohammad Noh Saleh (Hujan) Malaysia, Eka (The Brandals), Yas Budaya (Alone at Last, Mitosmistis), Rudye (Revara, Lyon), Mp-Boys, Voccafarabi, and Glory of Love are involved in the Voice of Humanity album.

4. Humanitarian Donation

The proceeds from the songs in the “Voice of Humanity” album are donated to humanitarian activities carried out by explore! especially to help child victims, both in the health sector (malnutrition, nutrition) and education affected by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic for the past 6 months in Indonesia which is worsening day by day. Ucay hopes that with the presence of this album, especially young people will become more concerned about emerging humanitarian issues.

"Of course, to cultivate a sense of humanity among young people, so that they become more sensitive. Because I believe that the voices of musicians will reach young people more quickly and hopefully give rise to a movement that can help our brothers and sisters who are experiencing humanitarian disasters wherever they are," Ucay concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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