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White-Gray Vocal Group Joins Music Label That Houses Bruno Mars and Ed Sheeran

White-Gray Vocal Group Joins Music Label That Houses Bruno Mars and Ed Sheeran White-Gray © special - The music group White-Gray is already well-known in the music world on YouTube. Their career skyrocketed when they arranged the song Bagaikan Langit by Potret. White-Gray is a vocal group formed from activities at SMK Dharma Kusuma, Cianjur, West Java.

Consisting of Cherryl, Karin, Taya, Intan, and Reikhansa, White-Gray now has a very strong fanbase on YouTube. It is proven by the fact that White-Gray's subscriber count has now exceeded 4 million subscribers.

Now, White-Gray has been given a great opportunity to join the major music label Warner Music Indonesia, which is a subsidiary of Warner Music International. The place where Bruno Mars and Ed Sheeran create their works.

1. Nervous When Offered

Of course, this is a great opportunity for Putih Abu-Abu to fulfill their dream of becoming a famous singer. Karin, one of the members of Putih Abu-Abu, admitted to feeling nervous when offered to join Warner Music Indonesia label.

"We were definitely nervous, wondering if we could do it when offered a music label. We also thought that the songs are new, so we wondered if we could perform them," said Karin at the Warner Music Indonesia office in Jakarta, recently.

2. Collaboration Opportunity

By joining Warner Music Indonesia label, Putih Abu-Abu also gets the opportunity to collaborate with musicians who are also part of the label, such as Ed Sheeran and Bruno Mars. Karin mentioned that meeting, let alone collaborating with these international musicians, is still far beyond their imagination.

"If we even imagine meeting Ed Sheeran and Bruno Mars, it's unimaginable. Because it's so far away, so we can only meet local artists," said Karin.

"Yes, actually as time goes by, even interviews like this make us nervous. We have never been interviewed by media friends about music before," added Karin.

3. Preparation for the Debut Album

The plan is for Putih Abu-Abu to work on their debut album under the Warner Music Indonesia label. Ogan, the person behind the formation of Putih Abu-Abu who is also one of the teachers at SMK Dharma Kusuma, said that currently Putih Abu-Abu is preparing to work on their debut album. If there are no obstacles, the plan is for Putih Abu-Abu's debut album to be released at the end of this year or early 2021.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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