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Ustaz Derry Sulaiman Releases Single 'Adam Hawa', Collaborates with Young Singer Azka

Ustaz Derry Sulaiman Releases Single 'Adam Hawa', Collaborates with Young Singer Azka Ustaz Derry Sulaiman and Azka release single Adam Hawa (Credit Photo: Personal Documentation) - Despite being a preacher, Ustaz Derry Sulaiman's musical spirit is still alive. Previously, he wrote a song titled Dunia Sementara Akhirat Selamanya which was quite successful in the market. And this time, he released a new single titled Adam Hawa.

Not alone, Ustaz Derry collaborated with a talented young singer from East Java, Azka. The unique fact is that the 45-year-old man finally agreed to duet with the opposite sex, of course for certain reasons.

"From the beginning, I never collaborated with women, if there is a collaboration project with a woman, I choose to step back. But when I met Azka, who is still young at 12 years old and for me it's not a problem, where I can guide Azka to become a religious singer," said Ustaz Derry at a press conference at Kafe 278 Cibubur Point, Depok, on Tuesday (12/3).

1. Meaning of the Song Adam Hawa

Plans are underway to release the single Adam Hawa on the Syiar Nada Youtube channel on Friday (15/3) at 15:00 WIB. Ustaz Derry also shared a little about his new single.

"Adam Hawa tells the story of the importance of loving and tolerating each other, regardless of ethnicity and religion. Because we are all descendants of Prophet Adam and Mother Eve," explained Ustaz Derry.

2. Re-released in a New Version

According to Ustaz Derry, Adam Hawa was previously released about 7 years ago. But now it is being re-released in a newer version. "This song was released about 7 years ago. Coincidentally, Azka mentioned that he likes the song Adam Hawa when we met in Bali," continued Ustaz Derry.

According to Ustaz Derry, Azka is a talented young singer. In addition to singing, Azka also has acting abilities. Ustaz Derry's interest in Azka is because the girl from East Java has a unique and characterful voice.

"Hopefully, the collaboration with Azka through Adam Hawa will be accepted by the public. Thank you also to TA Pro for facilitating the release of Adam Hawa," added Ustaz Derry.

3. Consider Ustaz Derry as a Role Model

Meanwhile, Azka himself admits that he is proud to be able to sing with Ustaz Derry. According to him, Ustaz Derry is a role model, because besides being a preacher and lecturer, he also has a good voice. Many of his songs are also well-known by the public.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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