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105 Independent Life Words that are Cool, So as Not to Depend on Others

105 Independent Life Words that are Cool, So as Not to Depend on Others Illustration (Credit: Shutterstock) - Humans should live by helping each other. However, sometimes there are people who take advantage of that help to live dependently. It seems like they need to re-understand the meaning of help through independent life words.

By reading independent life words, you can gain enlightenment on how important it is for someone not to depend on others. In addition, you can also become a cool person and be able to fulfill your own needs or at least feel sufficient with the fulfillment of needs.

To be able to live independently, there are many things that you need to prepare. Mental and material are equally important. Well, the independent life words quoted from various sources below can be a mental reinforcement for you to balance work for the fulfillment of needs.


1. Words of Independent Living

Although it sounds simple, living independently is quite complicated to achieve. Maybe you are already working and earning enough material possessions. However, your mentality needs to be shaped, one of which is by understanding words of independent living like the following.

1. "Independence is simple. It's just not relying on someone else for your life."

2. "Never be a person who has emotional dependence on anyone. We must learn to live independently, adhere to principles, and know what priorities are in achieving our goals."

3. "I decide not to run away and stay strong. Even though it hurts, I believe I can be stronger than this."

4. "Finding new things is interesting, learning to adapt, living independently, all of these things shape a more mature way of thinking."

5. "After working and living independently, I appreciate my parents more."

6. "Have spirit, because that is the only basic capital that must be maintained."

7. "Many people misuse someone's kindness, depending on their kindness and making it seem like a dependency."

8. "You have all the answers within yourself. The more you believe in yourself, the easier your life flows."

9. "Being independent is quite difficult, but not always relying on others will make life easier."

10. "I decided not to run and stay strong. Even though it hurts, I believe I can be stronger than this."

11. "Leave anything that will not make you strong and independent in the future."

12. "Keep learning and seeking knowledge as if we never feel smart."

13. "This life will not be balanced if you only look up, be grateful and look down, there are still many less fortunate people like you."

14. "People who are used to living independently will be mentally stronger than those who are used to depending on others."

15. "Don't rely too much on others. In fact, you are stronger than you think, you just don't believe it."

16. "Others may not believe what you say, but others will believe in what you have proven."

17. "Living independently, although initially burdensome, is actually an enjoyable lifestyle."

18. "Don't rely on humans, because humans are not eternal. But rely on Allah. Because Allah is always there."

19. "Before, I thank you because you can always be the reason why I have to be enthusiastic and be more myself."

20. "We must learn to be independent and hard on ourselves."


2. Cool Words of Independent Living

A person who can solve their own problems and live independently is someone cool. Not everyone can do it, but by trying to learn the values of independent living in the following words, you can become a cool person.

21. "Orangutan babies live with their mothers for six to eight years before they can survive independently. How about you?"

22. "Don't make solitude a tormenting loneliness. Make solitude a meaningful silence."

23. "Sometimes, we have to face many failures first before we can become successful individuals."

24. "The peace of mind comes when this heart doesn't rely on hope from humans."

25. "To love means to independently decide to live with an equal partner and submit oneself to the formation of a new subject, which is us."

26. "Sometimes we often rely on humans until we forget that Allah has power over everything."

27. "Be an independent person, so that God gives you the best trust."

28. "Great people are those who can motivate themselves without being asked or forced by others. Taking the initiative to do good makes a person independent and strong."

29. "A true youth is like teak wood, ready to be independent, not easily suffer, even though living in the wilderness, having strong principles, spreading benefits."

30. "When we are physically and mentally healthy, we must live independently, free from dependence and mental poverty."

31. "Behind the story of independent living, there is success waiting."

32. "Do good for your future. You won't be young forever. Are you capable of living independently?"

33. "One of the processes of self-maturation is by training to live independently."

34. "Strive to live independently because others won't always be there."

35. "Do what you can with what you have and wherever you are."

36. "Believe in yourself more than anyone else." Don't let those who hate you be an obstacle for you to continue growing."

37. "Try to live on your own and not rely on others because others don't understand your problems deeply."

38. "Believe that you are stronger than you think, so don't always depend on others."

39. "Anyone who wants to lead others must first be able to control themselves."

40. "Believe in yourself, don't rely on others. The biggest motivator in your life is yourself."

41. "Independence requires money. But lack of money is not an excuse not to live independently."

42. "Don't depend too much, it will be hard to be independent. Strengthen each other, not weaken." -Fiersa Besari

43. "This solitude makes me understand that this world is so perfect to be enjoyed."

44. "I'm not antisocial, but I just enjoy solitude because there is too much hatred out there, I need peace."

45. "Solitude is boring but calming."


3. Words of Independent Living to Avoid Depending on Others

The habit of asking for help is different from depending on others. So that you are not considered a parasite, try to understand the value of living independently so that you are not seen as a parasite in other people's lives.

46. "Solitude is better than being with bad people, and being with good people is better than solitude."

47. "Sometimes solitude becomes beautiful when crowds cannot provide happiness."

48. "In the heart that I have not yet owned, thank you for teaching me the meaning of struggling in solitude."

49. "Solitude is not a mistake, only a time when you can try to get to know yourself better."

50. "Someone's solitude does not mean that no one is approaching, it could be that there is a heart that is waiting for them."

51. "Daydream before facing the reality that the body still has to accept solitude."

52. "Solitude is a choice. Solitude teaches us to be more mature."

53. "Between hidden darkness of solitude and emptiness, there is still a dazzling point of light."

54. "For those of you who are still single, don't worry about your solitude because out there are many who are in pairs, but still feel alone."

55. "Solitude teaches me that I can be without you."

56. "Indeed, we cannot defeat the feeling of solitude, but spare some time, even a little, to stay calm from the noise of restraining routines."

57. "This solitude gives me a lot of meaning and awareness to trust people more."

58. "Distinguish between being alone and feeling alone. In the midst of crowds, it does not guarantee that someone is free from solitude and loneliness."

59. "Being alone envelops the soul in silence is the best way to stay away from criticism, insults, and bullying by people who want to be seen as someone but are actually nothing."

60. "It is better to be happy alone than to be humiliated in togetherness with someone whose heart is never with you."

61. "Before loving someone else, loving yourself becomes important because you will be happier."

62. "Actually, there is no sincere love, because love requires presence, waiting destroys belief, being together and being alone have no difference."

63. "I want to ask. What is the point of being together if it only brings misery? It is better to be alone but happy, even though sometimes it is lonely."

64. "Single is not a status. It is the most appropriate word to describe someone who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others."

65. "Do not rely too much on others, not even friends will always be there for you. Be an independent person."

66. "Life is not about those who are always there to help you, but about you learning to be independent and helping others."


4. Words of Independent Living from Figures

Famous figures usually have a good way to define something. One admirable and inspiring thing from them is the following words of independent living.

67. "All human beings are born equal, free and independent." - George Mason

68. "I want to be an independent woman, a woman who can pay her own bills, a woman who can live her own life - and I became that woman." - Diane von Furstenberg

69. "True elegance for me is the manifestation of independent thinking." - Isabella Rossellini

70. "To find yourself, think for yourself." - Socrates

71. "It is easy to be independent when you have money. But to be independent when you have nothing, that is the test of God." - Mahalia Jackson

72. "The most courageous action is to think independently." - Coco Chanel

73. "Independence is nothing but an opportunity to become better." - Albert Camus

74. "I like being a strong and independent woman, and honestly, I'm never afraid to be alone." - Dido Armstrong

75. "Teaching someone how they can learn to grow independently, and for themselves, is perhaps the greatest service one person can do for another." - Benjamin Jowett

76. "Democracy is the art of thinking independently together." - Alexander Meiklejohn

77. "The essence of instinct is independently followed by reason." - Charles Darwin

78. "Independence doesn't mean you decide as you wish." - Stephen Breyer

79. "Someone who follows the crowd usually won't go further than the crowd. Someone who walks alone is likely to find themselves in a place no one has ever visited." - Albert Einstein

80. "Avoid the crowd. Think for yourself independently. Be a chess player, not a chess piece." - Ralph Charell

81. "A person who lives independently sees what works, learns from what doesn't work, sets new priorities, and then moves on." - Jeanne Sharbuno

82. "Solitude is not a flaw, but the time given to you. An opportunity to organize your life." - Merry Riana

83. "Sometimes sadness requires solitude, although solitude often invites unbearable sadness." - Tere Liye

84. "You deserve to be happy." And true happiness comes from within, not from others. - Juang

5. Words of Independent Living in English

The words of living independently can not only be learned by yourselves. You can occasionally share them with your loved ones as an effort to share knowledge. Well, for that, you can take some quotes below.

85. "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds." -Bob Marley

(Free yourself from mental slavery. No one but ourselves can free our minds.)

86. "There is no dependence that can be sure but a dependence upon one's self." -John Gay

(There is no dependence that can be certain except dependence on oneself.)

87. "Self-reliance leads to intellectual independence. Each man must think for himself, must train the mind to think, must habituate the soul to observe and analyze." -Ameen Rihani

(Self-reliance leads to intellectual independence. Each person must think for themselves, must train their mind to think, must habituate their soul to observe and analyze.)

88. "Don't depend too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness." -Ibn Taymiyyah

(Don't rely too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness.)

89. "Learn to depend upon yourself by doing things in accordance with your own thinking." -Grenville Kleiser

(Learn to rely on yourself by doing things according to your own thinking.)

90. "Freedom comes from strength and self-reliance." -Lisa Murkowski

(Freedom comes from strength and self-reliance.)

91. "The efficient man is the man who thinks for himself." -Charles W. Eliot

(Efficient people are those who think for themselves.)

92. "If you want a thing done well, do it yourself." -Napoleon Bonaparte

(If you want something done well, do it yourself.)

93. "Every man's in his own hands, with a little help from his brothers." -Janet Morris

(Every person is in control of their own destiny, with a little help from their siblings.)

94. "You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves." -Abraham Lincoln

(You cannot permanently help people by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.)

95. "You are constantly invited to be what you are." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

(You are constantly invited to be yourself.)

96. "An almost forgotten means of economic self-reliance is the home production of food. We are too accustomed to going to stores and purchasing what we need." -Ezra Taft Benson

(The almost forgotten means of economic self-reliance is the production of food at home. We are too used to going to stores and buying what we need.)

97. "As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

(As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.)

98. "Poverty breeds lack of self-reliance." -Daniel De Leon

(Poverty leads to a lack of self-reliance.)

99. "The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm." -Unknown

(The best place to find help is at the end of your own arm.)

100. "I admire the courage and self-reliance it takes to start your own business and make it succeed." -Martha Stewart

(I admire the courage and self-reliance it takes to start your own business and make it succeed.)

101. "Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

(Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.)

102. "Everyone wants to be strong and self-sufficient, but few are willing to put in the work necessary to achieve worthy goals." -Mahatma Gandhi

(Everyone wants to be strong and self-sufficient, but few are willing to put in the necessary work to achieve worthy goals.)

103. "Do we not realize that self-respect comes with self-reliance?" -A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

(Do we not realize that self-esteem comes with independence?)

104. "Life has no remote, get up and change it yourself." -Mark A Cooper

(Our lives have no control, wake up and change your life yourself)

105. "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me." -Carol Burnett

(Only I can change my life. No one else can do it for me)

Well, those are the words of independent living that you can read and learn to gain value so that you don't always depend on others.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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