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115 Words of Do Not Give Up for the Future, Stronger in Facing Life's Problems

115 Words of Do Not Give Up for the Future, Stronger in Facing Life's Problems Illustration (credit: freepik) - Everyone surely has goals in their life. Unfortunately, reaching life goals is not an easy thing. Often, various obstacles emerge that hinder progress. The difficulty of the problems faced often breaks the existing spirit. But don't worry, words of do not give up can make you enthusiastic again.

Reading and understanding words of do not give up is similar to words of motivation that will keep us away from despair. Temptation to give up and despair often arises when we feel tired. Because struggling is indeed a difficult thing and often drains energy. Therefore, spirit becomes an important thing to fight against despair.

Summarized from various sources, here are meaningful words of do not give up that can revive the spirit in striving to achieve goals.




1. Don't Give Up Words for the Future

Everyone certainly wants a bright and happy future. Therefore, one must strive with all their might. Spirit must always be encouraged to avoid despair and wanting to give up. Here are some never give up quotes for the future.

1. "Don't give up on your dreams, dreams give you a purpose in life. Remember, success is not the key to happiness, happiness is the key to success. Keep going!"

2. "Being tired doesn't mean you should stop. A pair of legs needs a break to rest for a while to keep the rhythm of steps in order to achieve the goal."

3. "As long as we have a big goal to achieve, it is not appropriate to lose hope halfway." Remember! True success cannot be achieved without going through obstacles!"

4. "When it has been fought with great effort, whether the result is success or failure, the spirit of struggle is a success in itself."

5. "Occasionally stop just to relax. Not to be complacent, but to build the spirit for the next struggle.

6. "Successful people never give up, and those who give up never succeed."

7. "Some things that have been delayed do not mean they have stopped. They are just waiting for the right time."

8. "Failure is a postponed victory, do not give up because giving up means there is no victory."

9. "Do not despair if your mind is dull and your intelligence is lacking. Because sometimes someone with a dull mind but never gives up, is more successful than someone who is intelligent but lazy." - Buya Hamka

10. "Many people who will actually succeed, but they stop and give up too soon, remember your dreams, do not give up!

11. "The biggest mistake is not failure, but stopping and giving up before experiencing success."

12. "Humans may not be perfect. But, that doesn't mean it's an excuse for you to be unwilling to try."




2. Don't Give Up Words to Boost Motivation

The feeling of despair can be fought with the presence of spirit and motivation within oneself. Fortunately, reading words of never giving up can be one way to awaken that spirit. However, of course, to be able to reach that point, it is not enough just to read, but also to understand every meaning.

13. "Every time you wake up in the morning, your age is decreasing on earth. Realize that you must be more enthusiastic in everything you are fighting for here."

14. "Hold on as long as you are still breathing, do not give up, you are not alone, we are together."

15. "Dream as high as possible, what needs to be paid is to realize that dream. The way to pay is with hard work, spirit, and commitment."

16. "When you give up, you may not know how close you are to success."

17. "Do not give up easily, God never comes too late to help His people. Be patient and have strong faith!

18. "Pain in the struggle is only temporary, but if you give up, the pain will last forever."

19. "Success comes from one failure to another, without losing our spirit."

20. "Nothing ever succeeds well if its implementation is not supported by strong spirit."

21. "When you feel weak and desperate, do not let that situation dominate you. Remember! God always gives strength."

22. "The first thing I build in myself to face the day with enthusiasm is to create as many positive thoughts as possible."

23. "If you feel desperate and want to give up, don't force yourself to keep moving. But force your heart and mind to find a new purpose."

24. "Don't care about what others say to you, if you believe you will definitely succeed, keep doing it and don't give up."




3. Don't Give Up Words Full of Meaning

Behind his words that can arouse enthusiasm, words about not giving up also have deep meaning. No wonder, reading these words not only boosts morale but also provides valuable life lessons. Here are some meaningful words of not giving up.

25. "To get a better life, all you need is spirit, self-confidence, and never give up on your dreams."

26. "Remember that doubt will lead to defeat, but belief will lead to victory."

27. "Don't worry, every problem in your life is how God shows His blessings and miracles."

28. "Just because your dreams are delayed doesn't mean God rejects them. Everything will be beautiful in its time."

29. "Difficult doesn't mean impossible."

30. "Life will not have meaning if you are still hesitant to take risks."

31. "If we are ready to face the worst, every step of ease will become a step of gratitude and our spirit."

32. "I know this journey is still long, but I will never retreat because I will not give up."

33. "Difficulties and problems are what make this life interesting and meaningful."

34. "Giving up is like freefalling from a high cliff and hoping there are hands or someone willing to catch you."

35. "Never say goodbye if you are still trying, never give up if you still feel capable."

36. "Don't just focus on the closed door, so you don't see that there are other doors still open."

37. "Win when you can no longer hold back your tears, and erase them after you feel better, then rise to become a stronger human being."





4. Don't Give Up Words from Famous Figures

Famous figures' words often inspire. This is because the words of famous figures are usually based on their inspirational life experiences. The same goes for the famous words about not giving up, which are very inspiring and meaningful. Here are the words of not giving up from famous figures.

38. "The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change their future just by changing their attitude in the present." - Oprah Winfrey

39. "Optimism is a belief that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." - Helen Keller

40. "Everything will seem impossible until you finish doing it." - Nelson Mandela

41. "Don't waste your time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door." - Coco Chanel

42. "To stop dreaming is the greatest tragedy in a person's life." - Andrea Hirata

43. "Tell your heart that the fear of failure is worse than failure itself." - Paulo Coelho

44. "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me." - Carol Burnett

45. "The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little extra." - Jimmy Johnson

46. "Success is when preparation and opportunity meet." - Bobby Unser

47. "Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now without delay." - Simone de Beauvoir

48. "Always turn your face towards the sun, so the shadows fall behind you." - Walt Whitman

49. "Man jadda wajada. Whoever is serious, will succeed." - Ahmad Fuadi



5. Don't Give Up Words in Life

In living life in this world, humans are often faced with various problems and difficult situations. Therefore, spirit and motivation become something needed so that someone does not easily give up. Here are words of not giving up in living life.

50. "Today is not the time to give up, not even for tomorrow, because as long as you still want to live, giving up is not an option."

51. "Life is sad if you focus on sadness. And life is very exciting if you focus on the flow of the spirit of life."

52. "Do not give up when your prayers have not been answered, if you are able to be patient, God is able to give more than what you ask for."

53. "Some people eventually decide to give up. However, we need to know that giving up is just as difficult as continuing to fight."

54. "The worst mistake is a mistake that does not learn from mistakes, because in truth, mistakes are orders to improve ourselves so that we are not hurt by the next mistake."

55. "Life will not change for the better if we only hope. It must be continued with the spirit of struggle, never give up hard work, and have clear goals!"

56. "Never give up on something that is important to you and that you love. Every time you want to give up, remember why you started, remember what and who you are doing it for."

57. "The most important thing is how you face these obstacles, whether you will try or use them as a reason to stop and give up."

58. "No need to worry, every problem in your life is a way for God to show His blessings and miracles."

59. "Let everything go as it is, pass naturally, and end as it should."


6. Don't Give Up Words to Achieve Success

The spirit of never giving up is needed to achieve success. Because, on the journey to success, it takes a struggle that is not easy. With perseverance and not easily giving up, someone will find it easier to achieve the success they hope for. Here are the words of never giving up in achieving success.

60. "If you are wrong, fix it; if you fail, try again; but if you give up, everything is over."

61. "The fear of change often results in no progress."

62. "The worst mistake is when you don't believe in your own abilities, don't give up!"

63. "If you are not lucky today, maybe your success will come tomorrow. Don't give up!"

64. "Don't lose heart when life doesn't go as planned, remember that your life is meant to fulfill God's plan, not your plan. God's plan is the best, so don't stop giving up."

65. "Today is not the day to give up, but today is the day to stay motivated to achieve all goals and aspirations."

66. "If I fail, then I will start over, because in my life, I don't know the word 'give up'."

67. "Some people eventually decide to give up. However, we need to know that giving up is just as difficult as continuing to fight."

68. "Don't start the day with regrets from yesterday, because it will disturb the greatness of today and ruin the beauty of tomorrow."

69. "To have a better life, all that is needed is spirit, self-confidence, and never giving up on what is aspired."

70. "Desperation is the blindness of the mind to see the way out that is still scattered everywhere, and giving up will open up opportunities for others to easily take your success."


7. Funny Don't Give Up Words

Not only with fiery words, the spirit to never give up can also be conveyed implicitly in a funny language. Moreover, not only inspiring, these words can also be entertaining when tired of struggling. Here are funny and entertaining don't give up words.

71. "Don't repeat the same mistakes. There are still many other mistakes that need to be tried.

72. "Where there is an opportunity, there is public funding."

73. "Work hard until your neighbors think your sustenance is the result of black magic."

74. "Stop looking for someone perfect. Just find someone who has money, a car, and a house."

75. "Success starts with a dream. Therefore, let's sleep more."

76. "Once you row, the fatigue will last for two or three days."

77. "When life closes the door on you, just open it again. It's just a door, that's how it works."

78. "Don't soak in a failure. Even soaking clothes makes you tired, let alone soaking-sapi."

79. "It's called life. There will be many trials. If there are a lot of clothes, go to the laundry."

80. "Problems can make us more mature, so let's have problems more often."


8. Never Give Up English Quotes

Words of never giving up in English can also be a source of inspiration to boost spirits. Moreover, words in English often have deep and universal meanings, making them easily understood by anyone. Here are meaningful words of never giving up in English.

81. "You have gone this far, and you might be almost there. It is such a waste if you stop now."

(You have gone this far, and you might be almost there. It is such a waste if you stop now)

82. "Never give up because the difficulties we are facing now will make us stronger."

(Never give up because the difficulties we are facing now will make us stronger)

83. "We must keep doing whatever we are doing right now even though it is hard since it will be easier and easier each day."

(We must keep doing whatever we are doing right now even though it is hard, since it will be easier and easier each day)

84. "If you are confident and never give up, life will give you the true happiness that you deserve."

(If you are confident and never give up, life will give you the true happiness that you deserve)

85. "We'd better finish what we started. Stopping in the middle is not an option."

(We'd better finish what we started. Stopping in the middle is not an option)

86. "We must keep going, because the finish line may be right in front of our eyes."

(We must keep going, because the finish line may be right in front of our eyes)

87. "Today is hurricane, tomorrow will be rainbow. If you give today's hurricanes up, you will not taste tomorrow's rainbows."

(Today is a storm, tomorrow is a rainbow. If you give up today's storm, you will not experience tomorrow's rainbow)

88. "Never surrender. There are tough times, but you should be able to push through those times and focus on achieving your goal."

(Never give up. There are difficult times, but you should be able to overcome those times and focus on achieving your goal)

89. "Never quit. It seems impossible, but it is not until it is done."

(Never give up. It may seem impossible, but it is not impossible until it is done)

90. "No success without a failure."

(There is no success without failure)

91. "Don't stop trying, because you never know what God has in store for you."

(Do not stop trying, because you do not know what God has planned for you)

92. "Don't let the difficulties stop you from chasing your dreams."

(Do not let difficulties stop you from pursuing your dreams)

93. "Good attitude includes being positive, thinking positive, and never giving up."

(A good attitude includes being positive, thinking positive, and never giving up)

94. "Never give up on your dreams for they are always waiting for you forever."

(Never give up on your dreams, because your dreams will always be waiting for you forever)

95. "Hard work and perseverance will never betray you. Don't give up and don't stop holding on to hope."

(Hard work and perseverance will never betray you. Don't give up and don't stop holding on to hope) Don't give up and don't stop holding on to hope)

96. "No matter what given situation, we need to do the best we can do, and we must never quit."

(Whatever the situation, we must do our best and we must not give up)

97. "Your hard work will be paid off someday. You must not stop fighting and must not stop believing."

(Your hard work will be rewarded one day. You must not stop fighting and you must not stop believing)

9. Wise Never Give Up Quotes

Every word never give up always contains motivation and wise messages. It means not only making someone more enthusiastic, but also learning how to become a wiser person. Here are the words never give up with wise messages.

98. "You must remember that something that doesn't go according to plan doesn't mean it's useless. Maybe, it's the best path you should take."

99. "Difficult doesn't mean impossible because if there is a will, there is a way."

100. "Being silent doesn't mean giving up, but trying to be more mature in acceptance."

101. "Hard to get doesn't mean impossible to get."

102. "Sometimes silence doesn't mean not firm."

103. "This life is once, live it meaningfully."

104. "When you hope to be like someone else, it means you have wasted your own life."

105. "Optimism is a belief that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." - Helen Keller

106. "Change your mind, and your world will change." - Norman Vincent Peale

107. "Remember that not getting what you want sometimes is a beneficial blow." - Dalai Lama

108. "Every phase you go through should bring lessons to move on to the next phase." - Merry Riana, Mimpi Sejuta Dolar

109. "Success is going from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm." - Winston Churcill

110. "It doesn't matter how slowly you walk as long as you don't stop." - Confucius

111. "No one will succeed unless you do it." - Maya Angelou

112. "Don't lose hope when life doesn't go according to your plans, remember that your life is meant to fulfill God's plans, not yours. God's plans are the best, so don't give up."

113. "I know this journey is still long, but I will never retreat, because I will not give up."

114. "Stay patient, enthusiastic, and smile because you are learning in the University of Life. Allah has placed you where you are now not by chance."

115. "A living conscience will make someone aware of their mistakes and have the spirit to fix them so that the mistakes will not be repeated."

Those are among the 115 words never give up that are full of meaning and inspiration. Hopefully useful and can inspire!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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