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120 Words for Hypocrites that Stab, Becoming Subtle and Elegant Satire

120 Words for Hypocrites that Stab, Becoming Subtle and Elegant Satire Illustration (credit: Freepik) - Hypocrisy is a very bad trait for humans. Hypocrisy itself is a human attitude that likes to pretend and break every promise they make. There are many words for hypocrites, to become advice. However, there are also words for hypocrites that are used as one of the satires.

In our lives, we will definitely experience something difficult, but that doesn't mean it makes us hypocrites, KLovers. Because this hypocritical nature can harm others and make people feel sad. That's why in a religion, hypocrisy is considered a sinful thing.

Now for those of you who are looking for wise words for hypocrites, then the following words will be suitable. For that, quoted from, here are 120 words for hypocrites that stab. Let's check it out KLovers.

1. Words for Hypocrites who Stab

These are the words for hypocrites who stab, and can be a subtle and elegant satire. Here are some words for hypocrites:

1. "Listen carefully to how someone talks about others in front of you. That's how they talk about you in front of others." - Chernoff

2. "Instead of being busy with others, you should correct yourself first."

3. "Sincerity makes someone who can't do anything more valuable than a very talented hypocrite." - Charles Spurgeon.

4. "You sound more pleasant when you keep your mouth shut."

5. "The best time to find a friend is before you need one." - Ether Barrymore

6. "A wise person will feel ashamed if their words are better than their actions."

7. "Someone who smiles too much with you will often steal from you when they are behind you." - Michael Bassey Johnson

8. "It's funny when you've known someone for so long and they change right in front of you." - Karina Barton

9. "Don't show your kindness to make others stay, but show your flaws and see who still stays."

10. "By speaking behind my back, it means you respect my presence enough not to act in front of me."

11. "I tried, you didn't. I cried, you didn't. You left, I didn't."

2. Words for Hypocrites Who Stab

Here are words for hypocrites who stab, and can be a subtle and elegant satire. Here are some words for hypocrites:

12. "It is better to be opposed by people from the front than to have a friend who stabs from behind."

13. "Friend is a label that anyone can try. And you are the one who determines who is most deserving to wear it." -Carlos Wallace

14. "Hypocrisy is the existence of a difference between words and heart, the existence of a difference between something that is visible and hidden."

15. "When a woman says, 'I hate drama!' It can almost be guaranteed that she is the drama queen."

16. "Although life is full of falsehood, do not be like those who are two-faced by making life a mask to cover their falsehood."

17. "I am not insulting you, I am just describing you."

18. "Say what you feel. That's called honesty, not impoliteness."

19. "God has given you one face, and you make another for yourself." - William Shakespeare

20. "A true friend will not feel offended when you insult them. They smile and insult you even worse."

21. "Your words mean nothing when what you do is the opposite."

22. "Oh, sorry for bothering you. I forgot that my presence is only considered when you need something from me."

3. Words for Hypocrites who Stab

These are the words for hypocrites who stab, and can be an elegant subtle sarcasm. Here are some words for those hypocrites:

23. "You won't lose anything, you won't lose anything if you're left by fake friends."

24. "I like listening to gossip, I'm amazed at how people can know things about me that I don't know."

25. "Something that makes humans the best subject is their amazing uncertainty."

26. "Stay honest, stay loyal, or stay away from me."

27. "There are seven billion people in this world. Why do you let one of them destroy your life?"

28. "Counting other people's sins won't make you a saint." - Hussein Nishah

29. "Wanting to be a friend is a quick job, but friendship is the ripening of a slow fruit." - Aristotle

30. "It's difficult to find someone who says thank you after being helped."

31. "I am me. Not what others talk about me. Not what others want me to be. I am me." - Brigitte Nicole

32. "There are three signs of a hypocrite. If they always lie, if they always break promises, and if they betray when entrusted." - HR. Bukhari

33. "Don't come close, I don't need your attention. I want to go somewhere and scream. This world is full of lies."

4. Words for Hypocrites who Stab

Here are the words for hypocrites who stab, and can be a subtle and elegant satire. Here are some words for those hypocrites:

34. "It is easier to deceive someone than to convince them that they have been deceived." - Mark Twain

35. "Hypocrisy in humility is the highest form of deception."

36. "Don't be foolish with friendship. I need more enemies. At least they are honest if they don't like me." - Manasa Rao Saarloos

37. "You remind me of loose change. Two-faced and worthless."

38. "It's called friend, there are good ones and there are hypocrites."

39. "I miss you. No, I take it back. I miss the old you, someone who always cared about me."

40. "Hypocrisy walks on two legs, and calls itself human." - Anthony T. Hincks

41. "I think I need glasses. Wherever I look, people always seem to have two faces."

42. "Even a log that has been in the river for decades will not turn into a crocodile."

43. "A good friend is hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget."

44. "One day you will go away, and I really hope you will still be there."

5. Words for Hypocrites who Stab

Here are words for hypocrites who stab, and can be a subtle and elegant sarcasm. Here are some words for those hypocrites:

45. "If I ask, you're so stingy, but if you ask, I'll give it right away."

46. "Hypocrites are those who criticize food, but eat it again, and praise other food, but throw it away."

47. "Are you a human or a chameleon? Every time you move, your nature changes."

48. "I don't need friends who change when I change and nod when I nod. My shadow can do it better." - Plutarch

49. "Don't be surprised if I speak like a fool. What else can I do so you can understand my intentions."

50. "Someone should look at themselves carefully before thinking of criticizing others' faults." - Moliere

51. "Better to be hated, but be yourself. Rather than being a hypocrite just to be liked by others."

52. "I hate two-faced people. It's hard to decide which face to slap first."

53. "I haven't lost a friend. I just realized that I never had one."

54. "What's the use of trying to look beautiful if your heart is rotten."

55. "When your friend forgets your favors. That's when we know which friend is good for you to be friends with."

6. Words for Hypocrites who Indirectly Insult

There is a feeling of annoyance and frustration when meeting a hypocrite whose words and actions do not match. It is not surprising that hypocrites are disliked by many people because of their attitude. That is why there are a number of words for hypocrites that sarcastically make them self-aware. The following sarcastic words for hypocrites can represent your feelings when encountering hypocrites, even those who are two-faced.

56. "If everyone looks in the mirror before judging others. No one would act holier-than-thou judging others." - Mario Teguh

57. "I hate people who say they hate someone, but still go and hang out with them."

58. "Life is indeed a drama, but most people are bad at acting."

59. "When a woman says, 'I hate drama!' it can almost be guaranteed that she is the drama queen."

60. "Like the saying 'empty vessels make the most noise.' Your attitude makes me believe that saying applies to you."

61. "People who are good at speaking, but their actions are not truly genuine. All that is seen is their foolishness."

62. "Stay honest, stay loyal, or stay away from me."

63. "I just want to know how they can easily and comfortably say all that to you, without you having to tell them what they talk about me."

64. "Sometimes I only need what you can give, not what you say."

65. "We do live for the future, but we cannot escape from the past, so don't be hypocritical."

66. "There are people busy looking for other people's mistakes without realizing they themselves are wrong."

67. "Counting other people's sins will not make you holier."

68. "You don't need to tell me what they say about me. Tell how they can comfortably say it to you." - Jay Z

69. "Better a little naughty but honest, than pretending to be pious and hypocritical."

70. "So many people are too smart to judge others, but too foolish to judge themselves."

71. "I don't have the energy to pretend to like you today."

72. "Someone is judged by their actions, not their empty words."

73. "You won't lose anything, you won't lose anything if you're left by a fake friend."

74. "Only with your empty words, it won't make you better than you are now."

75. "Many people are too smart to judge others but unfortunately they are too foolish to judge themselves."

7. Words for Hypocrites who Touch Emotions

Hypocrites tend to be untrustworthy because their words are full of lies. In addition, there is falsehood in their actions that make you annoyed and angry. Here are words for hypocrites that touch their feelings to make them introspect.

76. "If asked to choose between a friend who is busy with their own affairs and someone who is caring but pretends to be holy. I choose the first one. Someone who is caring but pretends to be holy is just hypocrisy."

77. "That person has two faces, give one of them to someone who likes to seek attention."

78. "The mirror is my best friend because it never laughs when I cry."

79. "A loser is someone who only dares to talk behind others' backs."

80. "Is that a mouth or a trash can? Always talking bad things about others."

81. "Stop acting like you know everything, unless your name is Google."

82. "If you want to make people interested, create something unique, not spread petty falsehoods."

83. "The word 'friend' is a label that anyone can try. And you are the one who determines who is most worthy of wearing it." - Carlos Wallace

84. "Nowadays it's hard to distinguish between sincerity and pretense. Be careful not to get confused!"

85. "Don't take someone's words too seriously. Sometimes people have mouths but not necessarily brains."

86. "Hypocrites are people with low memory, evidenced by their tendency to forget what has just been said."

87. "Your words make me believe that your behavior is no better than theirs."

88. "Talking about the faults and counting the sins of others does not make you the most holy person."

89. "A person who behaves well is not always two-faced because true goodness comes from the heart and not just as an expression."

90. "It is more enjoyable to be a child than to be a hypocrite pretending to be an adult."

91. "With the way you talk, I'm worried that you will soon receive karma."

92. "Hypocrisy is the difference between words and the heart, the difference between something visible and something hidden."

93. "If you want to take care of my life, don't forget to bear the cost as well."

94. "My time is wasted listening to your nonsense."

95. "A person wears a mask, then gradually their face adapts to the mask they wear." - George Orwell

96. "Instead of speaking incoherently and meaninglessly, it is better to learn little by little, so that your low IQ is not so apparent."

97. "I think I need glasses. Wherever I look, people always seem to have two faces."

98. "I clap my hands because you finally stop talking, not because I like what you're saying."

8. Words for Hypocrites Full of Admonition

Facing the attitude of hypocritical people who annoy with emotions certainly is not the best solution. That's why you can handle it calmly and wiser when dealing with hypocritical people. Like some references of words for hypocritical people that are full of admonition and advice below can be used as inspiration for them to reflect on their mistakes.

99. "A person should look at himself carefully before thinking of criticizing the faults of others." - Moliere

100. "No need for revenge. Just sit still and wait, let the people who hurt you destroy themselves. And if you're lucky, God will let you see it."

101. "Silence is much more elegant than being busy judging and exposing the mistakes of others and then forgetting to reflect on oneself."

102. "Do you know how sad it is for you to act so right when everything you do is wrong? May God give guidance soon."

103. "Envy and dishonesty originate from hypocrisy."

104. "Admitting mistakes and apologizing is much more noble and honorable than making excuses and pretending to be innocent."

105. "The truth belongs only to Allah alone. If you always feel right, then you feel better than God."

106. "If you spend your life criticizing others, when will you find time to improve yourself?"

107. "An extraordinary person tends to be simple in their words, but great in their actions."

108. "Speak up, even if it will be accepted or not, especially for those who are hypocrites and feel good about themselves."

109. "It is better to be an example and be true to yourself, rather than being emotional and hypocritical."

110. "Speak less of what you know and have more of what you can show."

111. "Life is not about being the best.. But about being good. And not pretending to be good."

112. "When you feel like you are in the safest point, you are actually in a state of decline."

113. "Don't try to control other people's lives if your own life is still a mess."

114. "People will notice how you change your attitude towards them, but they won't notice their own behavior that made you change."

115. "Whatever we do, let it be honest, because honesty is important in life. Without honesty, life will always be a game for others."

116. "Everyone thinks about changing the world. But few think about changing themselves."

117. "Instead of pretending to be holy, it's better to save your energy to learn and apply it in your own life."

118. "Hypocrites teach you a lesson, while good people bring you happiness."

119. "The more you speak as if you know everything, the more people will try to stay away from you."

120. "Hypocrisy in humility is the highest form of deceit."

Those are 120 words for hypocrites who stab, and they become a subtle and elegant satire. Hopefully, with these words for hypocrites, you can feel more relieved by using a subtle and elegant way of mocking.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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