Kapanlagi.com - Cytokine storms are said to be one of the conditions that need to be wary of covid-19 patients. Because cytokine storms are known to trigger organ dysfunction and even have life-threatening consequences. Generally, symptoms of cytokine storms in covid-19 patients can disrupt the respiratory system and even cause high fever.
Discussion about cytokine storms has recently been widely discussed by netizens. It started from the podcast channel on Youtube by Deddy Corbuzier who claimed to have been affected by a cytokine storm when he was found positive for the covid-19 virus. Through the podcast, Deddy Corbuzier never expected to be affected by a cytokine storm considering his body was quite fit by living a healthy lifestyle, exercising, and having enough vitamins.
This then raises many questions about cytokine storms that can occur in covid-19 patients. Therefore, below is a review of cytokine storms along with their symptoms and causes that need to be wary of as early as possible.
As for the review of what cytokine storms are, their symptoms and causes can be found through the review below, which has been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Understanding Cytokine Storm in Covid-19 Patients

(credit: pixabay.com)
As mentioned in the previous review, cytokine storms can occur in patients exposed to Covid-19, and their symptoms and effects need to be monitored. According to alodokter.com, a cytokine storm is a condition in which cytokines in the body are released in excessive amounts, causing the immune system to attack healthy cells. As a result, organs in the body can become inflamed and even damaged.
Cytokines themselves are proteins that function to help the body fight against viral or bacterial exposure. However, when cytokine production is excessive, it can lead to an overactive immune response, causing inflammation and organ damage.
In Covid-19 patients, cytokine storms can attack the lungs and blood vessels. This causes inflammation that disrupts the supply of oxygen in the body. As a result, patients may experience shortness of breath and require ventilator support. Cytokine storms in Covid-19 patients typically occur in the second week, around 6-7 days after symptoms appear.
2. Why Can Cytokine Storm Occur?

(credit: unsplash.com)
Cytokine storm is one of the conditions that need to be aware of in COVID-19 patients. This is because the harmful effects of cytokine storm, which causes inflammation, can threaten lives. That is why prompt treatment is needed by knowing the symptoms as early as possible.
So why can cytokine storm occur?
As reported on Deddy Corbuzier's YouTube channel, Dr. Gunawan explained about cytokine storm that can occur in COVID-19 patients even though their body condition is quite healthy. According to his explanation, there is a theory that healthy people sometimes have an excessive immune response. However, this also depends on each individual's immune response.
"So the white blood cells will recognize the virus and then eat it. When it is difficult to kill the virus, it will kill its own white blood cells. When it kills itself, it will burst and release inflammatory substances. That is what causes excessive inflammation if the immune response is excessive," explained Dr. Gunawan on Deddy Corbuzier's YouTube channel, Sunday, (22/08).
In addition, Dr. Gunawan also explained that the patient's body condition during critical periods and recovery also greatly affects when they are affected by cytokine storms.
3. Cytokine Storm Symptoms in Covid-19 Patients

(credit: pixabay.com)
Some common symptoms of cytokine storm in Covid-19 patients include shortness of breath and high fever. However, there are also cytokine storm symptoms in Covid-19 patients that need to be watched out for early on in order to receive appropriate treatment. The following are cytokine storm symptoms in Covid-19 patients:
- Fever and chills.
- Shortness of breath.
- Fatigue.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Headache.
- Cough.
- Swelling in the limbs.
- Skin rash.
- Irregular breathing.
- Seizures.
- Experiencing hallucinations and confusion.
- Low blood pressure.
- Blood clotting or coagulation.
4. Causes of Cytokine Storm in Covid-19 Patients

(credit: pixabay.com)
Meanwhile, the causes of cytokine storm in Covid-19 patients can occur due to several factors. Among the causes of cytokine storm in Covid-19 patients, which you can find out more about in the following discussion. Not only causing cytokine storm in Covid-19 patients, but it can also affect the patient's body health condition when affected by cytokine storm.
- Viral infection causes cytokine storm.
- Excessive immune system response to fight viral infection.
- Autoimmune disorders tend to be more at risk of being affected by cytokine storm.
5. Cytokine Storm Treatment

(credit: shutterstock.com)
Early intervention and treatment may be necessary when COVID-19 patients experience symptoms of cytokine storm. This is done to prevent the adverse effects of cytokine storms on COVID-19 patients.
Typically, cytokine storm treatment involves immunotherapy to suppress the inflammation that occurs. Other treatments include monitoring blood pressure, body temperature, pulse rate, and breathing intensively, using ventilators, administering fluids through infusion, monitoring electrolyte levels, performing dialysis, or providing medication to prevent inflammation caused by cytokine storms.
However, further research is still needed for the treatment of cytokine storms in COVID-19 patients. That's all about cytokine storms that occur in COVID-19 patients, including their symptoms and causes.
Source: alodokter.com, Kompas.com, Deddy Corbuzier's YouTube Channel
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.