Kapanlagi.com - Running a household is not an easy matter. Various trials often arise to test the strength of the household. Therefore, it is essential for couples, husbands and wives, to complement and support each other. Islamic husband and wife quotes can be a guide in building a harmonious household.
As we know, in Islam, marriage is considered one of the important acts of worship. Because, marriage is an act of worship that is done throughout life with a partner. Therefore, it is important for every Muslim to adhere to the rules and recommendations of Islam in running their married life. So that the household runs harmoniously and full of blessings.
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Compiled from various sources, here are some Islamic husband and wife quotes that are meaningful and can bring blessings to the household.
1. Islamic Husband and Wife Pearls of Wisdom Full of Meaning

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Marriage is a sacred thing. Therefore, various things about marriage always have deep meanings. Likewise with the following Islamic pearls of wisdom for husband and wife, full of meaning and valuable lessons.
1. "Our love is the best love because you have made my faith increase, and also helped me in this world. That's why I want to meet you again in heaven."
2. "Any woman who dies while her husband is pleased with her, she will enter heaven."
3. "Never love someone who does not love Allah. If he leaves Allah, what about you?" - Imam Syafi'i
4. "Like a pair of shoes, together but still one. Because one alone will be useless."
5. "No matter how expensive a pillow is, it cannot replace the comfort and tranquility of a husband's shoulder to lean on."
6. "A man longs for a perfect wife, a woman also dreams of a perfect husband. However, they both do not realize that they were created to complement each other."
7. "The best love is marriage. And the best way to love is to pray for each other."
8. "When a man says 'I accept' in a marriage ceremony, it means he is saying 'I accept the responsibility to serve, love, and protect her'."
9. "Marriage is half of the journey to Allah's taqwa and part of the Sunnah of the Prophet."
10. "A man is not only responsible for providing for his family in this world. As a husband, a man must be able to be accountable for the future of his family in the hereafter."
11. "A righteous wife will treat her husband like a king, love him like a prince, but she also never forgets to remind her husband that he is only a servant of Allah."
12. "There is no way to unite two people who are in love except through marriage."
2. Islamic Husband and Wife Pearls of Wisdom Full of Prayers

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Marriage is also seen as a special worship. That is why marriage is always showered with good prayers hoping for the blessings of Allah SWT. Here are some husband and wife pearls of wisdom full of prayers for blessings.
13. "Sakinah, mawaddah, and rahmah do not appear by themselves, but must be sought together with the wife."
14. "When husband and wife look at each other with love and affection, Allah looks at both of them with a loving gaze."
15. "When a husband and wife pray together, they are actually sharing an intimacy that cannot be created in any other way. It is an amazing feeling."
16. "Our love is the best because my faith increases. You help me in this world, and because of that, I want to meet you again in heaven."
17. "Continue to take care of each other to always be close to Allah. Hopefully, we will enter paradise together."
18. "Marriage is worship, and every worship leads to His love as the goal. It is only fitting that every effort to attain His love is done with joy."
19. "Marriage is blessed love. Initially a promise, then it becomes worship, and in the end, God willing, it will be pleasing to Allah."
20. "A husband who honors his wife will receive the most beautiful place in the sight of Allah."
21. "Whatever you spend with your family will be a source of reward from Allah. Even with a piece of food that you feed to your wife."
22. "My husband, fear Allah. Do not feed us anything except what is halal. Indeed, we can be patient with little food, but we cannot be patient with the heat of the fire of Hell in the hereafter."
23. "Our love is the best love because you have made my faith increase and helped me in this world. That's why I want to meet you again in paradise."
3. Islamic Husband and Wife Pearls of Wisdom Soothing the Heart

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Not only meaningful, but Islamic pearls of wisdom also always soothe the heart. Anyone who reads them will feel calm and peaceful. Here are some Islamic pearls of wisdom for husband and wife that can soothe the heart and create a harmonious household.
24. "A good husband will wipe away his wife's tears, but a great husband will listen attentively to his wife's stories that make her cry."
25. "My husband may not be perfect, but he is perfect in my eyes."
26. "No matter who Allah has destined us to be with, be grateful for their strengths and patient with their weaknesses."
27. "This world is an adornment, and the best adornment is a righteous woman." - HR.Muslim
28. "Marriage is like a mosaic that we create with our partner, millions of small moments that become a love story."
29. "The heart of the home is a wife. If your wife's heart is not happy, the whole house will not be happy."
30. "There are four requirements in every happy marriage. The first is faith, and the rest is trust."
31. "Say words that touch the heart and make your wife happy."
32. "A woman is like a flower, she must be treated gently, with kindness, and with love."
33. "True love does not end with death. If Allah wills, that love will continue until paradise."
34. "Forbid your wife from associating with wicked women because bad behavior can quickly spread to others."
35. "Indeed, the world is full of adornments, and the best adornment of the world is a righteous wife."
36. "Your wife is your sustenance. Your wife is your choice. Your wife is your destiny. So do not look at anyone else's and do not compare her to women who are not yours."
4. Islamic Husband and Wife Pearls of Wisdom Wise

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Islam is a religion that prioritizes good morals in various aspects of life. Including, good morals in building a household. Therefore, pearls of wisdom for husband and wife are also full of wise messages that can bring a harmonious and lasting marriage even until the afterlife. Here are some Islamic pearls of wisdom for husband and wife with wise messages.
37. "The best among you husbands are those with the best morals towards their wives."
38. "One of the most beautiful ways to worship Allah is through marriage."
39. "A righteous wife is one who never shows her beauty and physical attractiveness except in front of her own husband."
40. "Husband and wife must play roles like two wings on the same bird. They must cooperate or their marriage will never reach the surface."
41. "A righteous wife is a wife who is obedient to her husband and carries out the commands of Allah and His Messenger."
42. "Husband and wife must play roles like two wings on the same bird. They must cooperate or their marriage will never reach the surface."
43. "A righteous husband is a husband who can guide his wife to the path that is pleasing to Allah and His Messenger."
44. "One of the most beautiful ways to worship Allah is through marriage."
45. "A successful marriage is not when you can live peacefully with your wife, but when you cannot live peacefully without her."
46. "Never speak ill of your husband to anyone."
47. "For Muslims, it is the husband's duty to provide good religious education and ensure that his wife also receives good religious education."
48. "The luckiest wife is the one whom Allah has blessed with a patient and loving husband, full of warmth and tenderness, willing to help, and with a sincere heart. If he is gone, the wife misses him. If she exists, a wife wants to be close."
49. "A wife prefers a husband who can be a support in her life rather than having abundant wealth but hurting her heart."
50. "If your partner is angry, you should stay calm. If one is fire, the other should be water."
51. "Respect your wife as you respect your mother. Because your wife is also a mother to your children."
52. "It is a husband's duty to have good religious education and ensure that his wife also receives good religious education." - Dr. Bilal Philips
53. "The goal in marriage is not to think alike, but to think together."
54. "A happy marriage is the union of two individuals who are willing to understand, comprehend, and forgive each other."
55. "Laugh, play, and joke with your wife. Because it is a sunnah."
5. Islamic Husband and Wife Pearls of Wisdom Romantic

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Growing love and affection in a household can be done in various ways, such as showing care through words of love. Like Islamic pearls of wisdom for husband and wife, which can maintain a close relationship. Here is a review of romantic Islamic pearls of wisdom for husband and wife.
56. "A strong person does not mean they never cry, but someone who remains steadfast in facing every test and temptation."
57. "If I gather all the joyful moments in my life, they will never compare to the beauty of the time I spend with you."
58. My wife, the name of love will become beautiful if it is based on the love of the Creator because indeed love comes from Him, and the most important love is the love for the Creator."
59. "When Allah loves you, He places the love of you in the hearts of the people whose love is worth having."
(When Allah loves you, He will place your love in the heart of someone whose love is proven worthy to have)
60. "When I lose you, I won't search for you far away. But it is enough for me to search for you in the depths of my heart where you always reside."
61. "I always worry about you from every sadness that will steal your smile."
62. "I love you all the time in my life."
63. "In every prayer during my prostration, I always pray to God to be able to live happily together with our children."
64. "With love and mercy, inshaAllah, I pray to stand by your side in Jannah."
(InshaAllah, with love and His mercy, I pray to be by your side in Paradise)
65. "I want a love that will say: 'Even death will not separate us, because we will be reunited in Paradise, inshaAllah.'"
66. "A household that always draws closer to Allah will become a family worthy of His help in all matters and trials."
67. "Forbidden love stories end when they get married. Meanwhile, true Halal love stories begin when they get married and end with entering Paradise together."
68. "You are my dua which came true."
(You are my prayer that has become a reality)
69. "To my future husband: I'm praying for you and I'm excited to pray with you for the rest of our days."
(To my future husband: I regularly pray for you and I am very hopeful to be able to pray together with you for the remainder of our lives)
6. Islamic Husband and Wife Pearls of Wisdom for Reflection

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Not only can it represent love and affection for a husband or wife, but there are also Islamic husband and wife pearls of wisdom that you can reflect on together. Because the following Islamic husband and wife pearls of wisdom contain wise words full of meaning about the meaning of love. Just take a look at the references about Islamic husband and wife pearls of wisdom for reflection and self-introspection.
70. "A strong person doesn't mean he never cries, but a person who continues to be steadfast in facing every test and temptation."
71. "And be patient, for indeed, the promise of Allah is true." - Surah Ar-Rum: 60
72. "Love for Allah is the pinnacle of love. Its valley is love for others." - Prophet Muhammad
73. "It may be that you dislike something while it is good for you, and it may be that you like something while it is bad for you. Allah knows, while you do not know." - Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 216
74. "Allah always answers your prayers in 3 ways. First, by granting it immediately. Second, postpone it. Third, replace it with something better for you."
75. "Find peace within yourself and you will find true relationships with others."
76. "The key to true peace in life is simple, live it, enjoy it, and be grateful for everything that exists."
77. "Stop looking for the perfect person, but look for someone who can also improve your offspring."
78. "Love for Allah is like bright light. Without it, you are like being tossed in the dark ocean." - Ibn Qayyim
79. "Your task is not just to find love, but to find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."
80. "Husband and wife should play the role of two wings on the same bird. They must cooperate or their marriage will never reach the surface."
81. "If your migration is for Allah, you will continue to move forward even when you are tired."
82. "Never give up when your prayers are not answered because for those who are patient, Allah SWT will even give more."
83. "A righteous woman (wife) is the one who is obedient and takes care of herself when her husband is not present because Allah has taken care of them."
84. "Change may have a difficult beginning, may be messy in the middle, but will be beautiful in the end."
85. "Be the best in the eyes of Allah, be the worst in your own eyes, be simple among people."
86. "A good man will not play with love, because he knows that love demands responsibility."
87. "If you feel unable to say good words, polite words that do not hurt, then the best choice is silence."
88. "Being chosen for physical appearance may be a little prideful, but being chosen for religious foundation will be more admirable."
89. "The most perfect believer is the one with the best character. And the best among you is the one who is best to his wife." - HR. Abu Hurairah
90. "Allah has written the name of your partner. What you need to do is improve your relationship with Him."
91. "Be patient because Allah SWT loves the group of people who are patient."
92. "Never forget the people who helped us when we were facing great problems, namely family, the figure of a happy household."
93. "Loving Allah is the highest form of love." Perfect your love for Allah before you place your love in His creatures."
94. "Learn to forgive, yourself first and then others."
95. "And indeed, HE is the one who makes people laugh and cry." - (QS. 53:43)
96. "For a Muslim, it is the husband's duty to provide good religious education and ensure that his wife also receives good religious education." - Dr. Bilal Philips
97. "Do not be too sad because help will always come with patience." - HR. Ahmad
98. "The secret of happiness lies in 3 things: Patience, Gratitude, and Sincerity."
99. "Life is sometimes not as beautiful as desired, but Allah's promise is certain."
7. Islamic Husband and Wife Pearls of Wisdom that Make Household Harmonious

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A number of Islamic husband and wife pearls of wisdom below will make your relationship possibly more harmonious. Because there are expressions of gratitude and appreciation for your partner for all the sacrifices or responsibilities they have for you. Here are some references to Islamic husband and wife pearls of wisdom to make a harmonious household.
100. "Never forgotten, always mention his name in every prayer. O Allah, protect his heart only for me, even though there is a distance that separates us."
101. "Part of the perfection of happiness in this world is being able to have a happy family."
102. "Indeed, love will not make the world go round, but love that revolves in the world can make the journey in the world very valuable."
103. "The real paradise we can feel now is our home, which is always filled with warmth from our family."
104. "When a husband and wife look at each other with love, Allah looks at them with mercy." - HR. Bukhari
105. "The characteristics of someone who loves their family are always patient in educating the morals and faith of their household."
106. "Even in darkness, happiness can be found. As long as you never forget to turn on the light."
107. "A successful marriage is not when you can live in peace with your wife. But when you cannot live in peace without her." - Yasir Qadhi
108. "Do not stop praying for the best for the one you love." - Ali bin Abi Thalib
109. "The leader of the household is a father. Be a father who can lead the family with integrity."
110. "Whatever you spend for your family will be a source of reward from Allah. Even a morsel of food that you feed to your wife." - Prophet Muhammad SAW
111. "Remind me of Allah, if your love for me is indeed true."
(Remind me regularly of Allah if you truly love me)
112. "A handsome man and a beautiful woman will make a beautiful wedding ceremony. But a man who is faithful to a righteous woman will make a beautiful marriage."
113. "Pray, Allah will listen to you. Be patient because Allah will answer your prayers at the right time."
114. "True love does not end when death comes. If Allah wills, that love will continue in paradise."
Those are among the 114 Islamic pearls of wisdom for husbands and wives that are full of meaning. Hopefully, they are useful and inspiring!
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