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130 Meaningful Disappointment Quotes, Wise Messages that Can Make You Stronger

130 Meaningful Disappointment Quotes, Wise Messages that Can Make You Stronger Disappointment quotes about life (credit: Shutterstock) - Life is not always beautiful and happy. Various sad and heartbreaking things often happen. So it's understandable that almost everyone has experienced disappointment in their lives. Like other negative feelings, disappointment should also be expressed so that it doesn't become a burden. Disappointed words about life can represent sadness and disappointment in the heart.

In this life, disappointment can arise at any time. Moreover, there are many things that can trigger disappointment. Someone can feel disappointed because of unfulfilled expectations or hopes. In addition, other people's inappropriate behavior often becomes a reason for someone to feel disappointed.

Gathered from various sources, here are disappointed words about life that are meaningful and touching, which might represent your current feelings.


1. Disappointed Words about a Difficult Life

Living a difficult and burdensome life often invites disappointment. Without realizing it, sometimes disappointment comes when we feel we have failed to face life's problems. Here are disappointed words about life that is hard to live.

1. "It is better to lose than to continue feeling pain."

2. "I think we are disappointment wrapped in superficial laughter."

3. "It is better to be alone than in a bad relationship."

4. "I will stay here to be sad for a while. So, you don't have to worry about me. Go and have fun."

5. "No one said you can't cry, get hurt, and be disappointed. Disappointment, pain, and tears are what make you stronger." - AmandaAdriani

6. "It feels sad to know that you have tried your best, but it's still not enough."

7. "You are like a broken chapter from my favorite story."

8. "Tears are the way the eyes speak when the mouth is silenced, unable to explain how broken this heart is."

9. "You would hate me if I treated you the way you treated me."

10. "The only thing sadder than being hated is being ignored."

11. "You said this was a mistake. But the cruelest part is, it feels like this mistake is mine, for trusting you."

12. "It shouldn't be easy to trust promises."

13. "Everything is as it is, we suffer because we imagine it differently."

14. "Congratulations on your betrayal that has disappointed me, and thank you for reminding me of my awareness of you."


2. Touching Disappointed Words about Life

The feeling of disappointment exists in the depths of the heart. It is understandable if disappointment then becomes a heartache that is very difficult to heal. Therefore, the feeling of disappointment can only be expressed through touching words. Here are disappointed words about life that can touch the heart.

15. "Should never make me love you until you eventually disappoint me."

16. "To the past, stop patting my back. I don't want to look back."

17. "I don't blame you for disappointing me, I blame myself for believing in you."

18. "I'm not running away from you. I'm slowly distancing myself, and it's killing me. Because you don't care enough to stop me."

19. "Disappointment is actually just a term for our refusal to see the good side."

20. "If you only come to hurt me, it's better if we don't be friends."

21. "It's sad when you realize that you are not as important as someone you thought before."

22. "I'm not easily giving up on friendship." But when I do, it's because they gave up first."

23. "If I'm not part of your spirit, at least I'm one of the people who always mention you in my prayers."

24. "He hasn't changed, he's lying again in his own way."

25. "Thank you for what you've done that has disappointed me, this is the wisdom of being friends with you."

26. "Before I knew you, I never felt this hurt."

27. "It's amazing how quickly someone can become a stranger."

28. "We shouldn't trust each other. That's the only way to protect ourselves from betrayal."

29. "Hopefully this is your last lie to me, I might forgive but I won't forget, especially erase the disappointment."

30. "Before becoming a traitor, he used to be called a friend."


3. Wise Disappointed Words about Life

Sometimes disappointment must be conquered. Because dwelling in disappointment will only waste energy. Therefore, wise attitude is needed in this life. Here are disappointed words about life that contain wise messages.

31. "In life, there will always be disappointments. It's okay to be disappointed, but don't dwell on it for too long. Besides wasting time, it won't change anything."

32. "In life, if you are able to learn to accept more than expect too much, you will have less disappointment."

33. "When life makes you fall, lie down and look at the stars."

34. "We can be disappointed with the world, but it's useless for us because the world will keep spinning even if we don't move."

35. "Don't blame others when you are disappointed, but blame yourself for expecting something uncertain."

36. "Don't expect too much from someone, because when they can't fulfill your expectations, disappointment will fill your day."

37. "Don't let disappointment destroy hope. Indeed, God likes His servants who pray in hope, even though they have been disappointed."

38. "Never give someone false hope because in the end, it's very painful."

39. "When you learn to accept instead of expect, you will have less disappointment."

40. "Blessed is the person who expects nothing, because they will never be disappointed."

41. "Not trusting each other is the best way to avoid betrayal."

42. "You are free to choose something. But you can't run from the consequences of your choices."

43. "People always change and sometimes friends become strangers, but all memories will never change."

44. "Friendship is very fragile like glass. Once it breaks, it can be fixed. But there will always be cracks."

45. "When someone disappoints you, there's nothing you can do except to accept it."

46. "The wise saying is true, it's better to have many enemies who are real than to have one friend whom we have trusted all this time turns out to be an enemy in disguise."

47. "Disappointment is just God's way of saying 'I have something better'. Be patient, live life, have faith."


4. Meaningful Disappointed Words about Life

Disappointment words not only can be expressions of annoyance and disappointment. More than that, these words also contain deep meanings. Therefore, from these words we can learn many things in life. Here are meaningful disappointment words about life.

48. "Sometimes we create our own heartache through expectations."

49. "Expectation is the root of all heartache." - William Shakespeare

50. "Sometimes, when you're disappointed, it makes you stronger."

51. "The key to a happy life is to live, enjoy, and be grateful."

52. "Disappointment is a beautiful sadness, a fitting end to a tragic story of hope."

53. "Too high expectations cause pain in one's heart."

54. "You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see. But you can't close your heart to things you don't want to feel." - Johnny Depp

55. "Disappointment is a beautiful sadness, a fitting end to a story of love and tragic hope."

56. "Truth only exists in heaven, while the world is only false and fake."

57. "One of the worst feelings in the world is to doubt something that you thought shouldn't be questioned anymore."

58. "We run with the desire to fulfill what is written in our destiny with nails and warnings of disappointment and hidden regrets beneath it."

59. "Don't lose hope, and don't be sad." - (Q.S. Ali Imran, verse 139).

60. "Don't grieve, whatever you lose will come back in another form." - Jalaluddin Rumi 


5. Disappointed Words about Life with Messages

Disappointment is a common thing experienced by everyone when their desires are not fulfilled. However, that cannot be an excuse for you to give up. Well, to reduce your disappointment a little, try reading disappointed words about life containing positive messages below.

61. "Even if you feel sad, never give up. And even if you fall, never break." -Tablo

62. "Sometimes the sky can look like a blank sheet. But it's actually not. Your stars are still there. The Earth is just spinning." -Dee Lestari

63. "When you work, work. When you play, play. Don't mix them." -Jim Rohn

64. "Knowing alone is not enough; we must apply. Desire alone is not enough; we must do." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

65. "There are two rules for success. First, find out what you want to do. Second, do it." -Mario Cuomo

66. "Turn your wounds into wisdom." -Oprah Winfrey

67. "The way to get started is to stop talking and start doing." -Walt Disney

68. "The people around you can be an inspiration, or even drain your energy. So, choose wisely." -Hans F. Hanson

69. "All our dreams will come true if we have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney

70. "There is no secret to success. When you play, play. Don't mix them up." -Jim Rohn

64. "Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

65. "There are two rules for success. First, find out what you want to do. Second, do it." -Mario Cuomo

66. "Turn your wounds into wisdom." -Oprah Winfrey

67. "The way to get started is to quit talking and start doing." -Walt Disney

68. "The people around you can be your inspiration, or even drain your energy. So, choose wisely." -Hans F. Hanson

69. "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney

70. "There is no secret to success. Success can happen through preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." -Colin Powell

71. "Preparation is the key to success before doing anything." -Alexander Graham Bell

72. "The best way to predict the future is to create it." -Abraham Lincoln

73. "Everything seems impossible until it is proven." -Nelson Mandela.

74. "The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible." -Joel Brown

75. "If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up." -J.M.Power

76. "Blessed are those who dream dreams and are willing to pay the price to make them come true." -Leon Suenens

77. "Without goals and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination." -Fitzhugh Dodson

78. "Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm." -Sir Winston Churchill

79. "Dreams are not what you see in your sleep, they are the things that do not let you sleep." -APJ Abdul Kalam

80. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." -Lao Tzu

81. "If you keep believing, the dream you wish for will come true." -Cinderella

82. "Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have the strength, patience, and passion to reach for the stars and change the world." -Harriet Tubman

83. "Once you start chasing your dreams, your life wakes up and everything has meaning." -Barbara Sher


6. Disappointed Words about Life to Become Stronger

If you haven't achieved your dreams today, it doesn't mean you are weak. It could be that you are just given the opportunity to make it better in the future. To avoid feeling low or weak, please read disappointed words about life as follows to gain more strength.

84. "Never give up on your dreams just because of the time it will take to accomplish them. The time will pass anyway." - Earl Nightingale

85. "Focus on your dreams and do your best. You have the power to change your life situation." - Nick Vujicic

86. The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude of mind." - Oprah Winfrey

87. "Do everything you can to make your dreams come true." - Joel Osteen

88. "Living your dreams is simply a matter of living your passions, gradually making those passions a major part of your life through persistence and effort." - Urijah Faber

89. "Stay focused, chase your dreams, and keep moving towards your goals." - LL Cool J

90. "Nothing is impossible. No problem is unsolvable."

91. "One of the signs of someone's maturity is when they choose patience first in solving problems."

92. "Dreams must be noticed and accepted. Many of them become a reality." -Paracelsus

93. "Patience does not mean being motionless when faced with adversity. Instead, patience is actively seeking goodness when adversity comes."

94. "Strength does not come from physical ability, but from a determined spirit." -Mahatma Gandhi

95. "All problems come with their solutions. So be patient to find the answers."

96. "I will command myself and say that I am capable! I will overcome doubt, fear, self-doubt, and replace them with courage." -Merry Riana

97. "The first thing I build within myself to face the day with enthusiasm is to create as many positive thoughts as possible." -Merry Riana

98. "Do not lose self-confidence just because of the jealous comments of small-minded souls about your good life." -Mario Teguh

99. "Man jadda wajada. Whoever strives, will succeed." -Ahmad Fuadi

100. "Success is a journey, not a destination. Effort is often more important than the result."

101. "Everyone can have dreams, but not everyone can ignite high spirits." -Najwa Shihab

102. "Failure in a struggle does not necessarily mean regression."

103. "Learning is not just knowing what to do, but doing what we already know."

104. "No one has the ability to do something perfect. But, everyone is given many opportunities to do something right."

105. "Every phase you go through should bring lessons to move on to the next phase." -Merry Riana

106. "Enjoy difficulties because behind them there will surely be ease."


7. Disappointed Words about Life as Encouragement

Besides making you think positively, disappointed words about life can also foster new spirit. Especially if you don't get meaningful support from around, the quotes below might be a solution.

107. "Your biggest weapon is the spirit of life. Always keep that spirit alive." - Norman Cousins

108. "A bright future is never promised to anyone. You have to chase it yourself." - Wayne Dyer

109. "Whatever you do, do it as best as possible." - Walt Disney

110. "The greatest discovery of all time is that one can change their future just by changing their attitude in the present." - Oprah Winfrey

111. "No matter how small the kindness we do, it will never be in vain. Kindness will be rewarded with kindness."

112. "Don't be happy about what we receive, but be happy about what we can share."

113. "Have a heart that never hates, a smile that never hurts, and a love that never ends."

114. "Forgive yourself. Don't regret mistakes. Forgiveness heals the heart and reconciles oneself."

115. "Integrity is the most valuable and respected quality of leadership. Always keep your promise.

116. "Like a solid stone that cannot be shaken, so too is a wise person unshaken amidst criticism and praise.

117. "Life is never without problems because problems are one of the ways God makes you a stronger and more mature person.

118. "Learning to understand that not all desires can be fulfilled is the best remedy to prevent disappointment and heartache.

119. "Always do good in the best way because that is how peace will be created.

120. "We may not always get what we want, but believe me, God gives us what we need.

121. "A heart full of gratitude is not only the greatest virtue, but also the mother of all other virtues.

122. "Small tasks that are completed are better than big plans that are only discussed.

123. "Do not let yesterday's failure hinder today. Be enthusiastic about making tomorrow better through today.

124. "Some people dream of success, while others wake up every morning to achieve it.

125. "Love everything in the world appropriately because nothing in the world is eternal.

126. "Think about what you will say because every word that comes out of your mouth cannot be taken back.

127. "Be firm with yourself, get rid of negative thoughts, and do your best. Anxiety only belongs to those who are desperate.

128. "Make intelligence a shared happiness so that it can increase sincere gratitude for success.

129. "Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now without delay.

130. "Sometimes you meet someone who means a lot in your life only to realize in the end that you have to let them go.

Those are among the 130 meaningful and wise words about disappointment in life. So, is there anything that represents your current feelings?




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