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125 Subtle Sarcastic Words for Longing But Cold and Often Lying Boyfriend

125 Subtle Sarcastic Words for Longing But Cold and Often Lying Boyfriend Subtle sarcastic words (Credit: Freepik) - In a romantic relationship, there always seems to be an unpleasant obstacle. It can be an unpaid longing, repeated lies, or prolonged indifference. Therefore, it is understandable if one of the partners who feels uncomfortable really wants to express subtle sarcasm words to their boyfriend or girlfriend.

Sometimes, expressing subtle sarcasm words to your partner can lead to misinterpretation. Your good intentions to remind your partner can be seen as troublesome. Such a situation can backfire and create bigger problems in the relationship.

Therefore, you need to be careful when intending to convey subtle sarcasm words to your partner so that the problem can be resolved soon. Here are some advice words as a reference to remind your partner, sourced from various sources.


1. Subtle Satirical Words for Longing Boyfriends

Longing is indeed troublesome. Especially if you can't solve it directly. Giving hints to your partner through gentle sarcastic words for a boyfriend like the following can be one solution if you can no longer express it explicitly.

1. Hoping that I could rewind time. So I wouldn't know how painful it feels to love you.

2. Those who are loved, who are close to us, can make us sadder.

3. Just because I'm with you all the time, doesn't mean you can waste me and my time.

4. You need someone who genuinely tries to win your heart.

5.I miss you.No, let me correct myself.I miss the old you, who cared and didn't hurt me like this.

6.Acting tough, acting strong, even though her heart is broken.That's a woman, when she loves, she is willing to be the strongest.

7.My heart was not made to feel this way. Honestly, I'm tired of feeling sad and shedding tears.

8.Falling in love is the most beautiful thing on earth.But love is also what can make you fall at any time.

9.I'm really scared of falling in love if you can't catch it.

10.Why are tissues useful?Because love never has a dry season.

11.Teach me to be strong and not give any news for that long. Just like what you do to me and my heart every time.

12.Sometimes the heart can't align with thoughts.Especially if the problem arises from a love issue that may or may not be maintained at all.

13.This love relationship should always be about the two of us, you and me.Not you and you.

14.You no longer care about me, but you want to be fought for.Do you think this relationship is a joke?

15. If this relationship is a movie watched by many people, maybe this is the saddest part, which is me who always expects attention and your old heart.

16.Actions mean more than words. Care is an action that shows love and feelings more than a word.

17.If dating is suspended, it's better to put your heart on the door as a keychain. It will be more useful.

18.A relationship is like a ship, it will sink if there are too many passengers inside.

19.I dedicate everything to you. But you are heartless and ignore my feelings.

20.Nothing is perfect in this world, including your current partner. Keep complementing each other.


2. Subtle Satirical Words for Lying Boyfriends

When you see something suspicious in your partner, it's normal to feel suspicious. It's better to find out more about the problems that affect the relationship. Once you're sure, you can start taking action through subtle sarcastic words for your boyfriend, like the following:

21.I'm not angry if you lie. But I'm mad at myself because I can't trust you anymore.

22.Lies will only save you temporarily but destroy you forever.

23.Trust from innocent people is the most useful tool for liars. - Stephen King

24. If a person is used to acting honestly, others will still try to believe even if he lies.

25. Lies will not hurt you unless spoken by someone you trust.

26. The words that come out of your mouth are like refill perfume, fragrant but unfortunately fake.

27. I know but I pretend not to know. I do all this to keep seeing you smile.

28. Cheating is a foolish act by leaving the imperfect for the more imperfect.

29. The happiness of love will never be achieved through infidelity. That is actually the beginning of the destruction of a relationship.

30. Don't let someone who has left you make you sad and not want to know the true meaning of true love.

31. Hurt so deep, that may never be forgiven is when you commit infidelity.

32. Every word that comes out of your mouth is like refill perfume, fragrant but fake.

33. I'm not angry if you often lie. But I'm mad at myself because I will no longer trust you.

34. If a person is used to acting honestly, others will still try to believe even if they speak lies.

35. One mistake destroys a thousand honesty. One lie tears apart millions of honesty.

36. Trust from naive people is a useful tool for a liar.

37. No human has a good enough memory to be a successful liar.

38. It is your right to deceive me and my obligation to pretend not to know to make you happy because you succeeded in deceiving me.

39. Lies will only save you temporarily but destroy you forever.

40. If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.


3. Subtle Satirical Words for Indifferent Boyfriends

Ideally, every couple should be aware of giving attention to each other in a relationship. If now your relationship feels dull because of the indifferent attitude of one partner, you can try reminding them through subtle sarcastic words for your partner below. By doing so, the awareness to give attention may grow again like before.

41. We're both busy, I'm busy thinking about you, you're busy thinking about yourself.

42. If you ignore me, do I no longer need you like before?

43. If I treat you the same way you treat me, you must already hate me.

44. You let me be alone for too long, and now I'm used to being lonely. I am now getting familiar with loneliness.

45. I don't want this to become a habit, you're used to ignoring and I'm used to understanding.

46. I even forgot that I have a boyfriend, you never have any news.

47. Acting like you're checking your phone all the time. Even though no one is messaging you.

48. Some pretend to distance themselves, even though they want to get closer. Some pretend to ignore, even though they still hope.

49. Not all men are jerks. Believe me, there are good men in every corner of this earth. But this earth is round.

50. Loneliness is not a feeling when you are alone, loneliness is a feeling when no one cares.

51. Falling in love is a beautiful thing. But love can make you fall anytime.

52. I know how it feels to be ignored, no matter how busy I am, I will keep trying to inform you.

53. It's normal for you to ignore me, I hope you won't feel it later. Because it hurts so much.

54. I am here for you, but you never know, is your heart blind?


4. Subtle Satirical Words for Boyfriends

Being indifferent in a relationship is the most annoying thing. Living in a bond that has no reason to fight for such is indeed not worth fighting for. However, considering your time together, it doesn't hurt to try again through subtle satirical words for your boyfriend to make him realize.

55. It's sad, we used to care for each other, but now it's like we don't know each other anymore.

56. If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. - Mark Twain

57. This love relationship should be about us, the two of us, me and you. Not about you and you.

58. If the relationship is hanging, it's better to put it on the door as a keychain. It's even useful.

59. Just because I'm with you all the time, doesn't mean you can waste me.

60. I wish I could go back in time, so I wouldn't know that loving you would feel this painful.

61. I don't want this to become a habit, you're used to ignoring, and I'm used to understanding.

62. I didn't send you a message to train my fingers, I'm expecting a reply from you.

63. You ignored me for too long until I got used to being lonely and started getting familiar with solitude.

64. Is there still room? If there is, I will go home. If not, let me disappear.

65. When someone you fight for turns out to be the opposite, believe that there is someone more suitable out there waiting for you to let go of them.


5. Gentle Sarcasm for a Busy Boyfriend

Each person's busyness can be one cause of a strained relationship. Because, a super busy schedule can make someone forget to contact their lover. As a result, when one or both parties are immersed in busyness, a romantic relationship can be threatened. Here are some subtle sarcastic words for a busy partner to realize and become more attentive.

66. There is no such thing as someone who is truly busy, it depends on whether you are their priority or not.

67. Are you the one who is busy or am I no longer important?

68. Some are happy celebrating, while others are still busy assembling loneliness.

69. People who are too busy thinking about their fate usually end up with bad luck.

70. Not greeting you doesn't mean forgetting you. Sometimes I am a little busy and want to be greeted back.

71. Busy thinking about feelings, busy feeling thoughts.

72. Sometimes we are too busy understanding other people's feelings that we forget to understand our own feelings.

73. Too busy making others happy, until forgetting to make ourselves happy.

74. It's pointless to give attention to someone if they are too busy seeking attention from others.

75. Don't be busy searching for perfection, if simplicity can make you happy.

76.When you are busy searching for perfection, you will lose the best.

77.We are both busy. I'm busy thinking of you, you're busy thinking of yourself.

78.I keep myself busy with what I do. But every time I pause for a moment, I still think of you.

79.Sorry, I'm busy! My first sentence when you return after being thrown by him.

80.I'm busy holding back my feelings, you're busy hiding your feelings. We are both busy until we forget each other.

81.Don't be too busy with one thing, neglecting other things.

82.Problems are just a mind game that is busy going back and forth.

83.The person you're waiting for a reply to their message is busy responding to the attention of the person they love. Just give up, your hope is in vain.

84. You will lose the moon when you are busy counting the stars.

85.Many people are too busy to get more and more. They forget to enjoy what they have received.


6. Gentle Sarcasm for a Changing Boyfriend

A sudden change in attitude from a partner can also threaten the continuation of a romantic relationship. Therefore, it is important to express your feelings when you find your partner suddenly changing. Here are some subtle sarcastic words for a partner who suddenly changes.

86. Never make the person you love feel alone, especially when you are there.

87. Do not waste someone who is sincere, someday you will surely feel it.

88. I prefer to see you being cold rather than seeing you hurt and sad when we meet.

89. If this is a movie, maybe this is the sad part, where I always expect your attention and you ignore me.

90. What I know is that a lover can make us happy. However, why do I feel hurt and disappointed instead?

91. If you start missing me, remember that I didn't leave you, you are the one who let me go.

92. Before asking someone why they changed, ask yourself first how you treated them.

93. At first, it was you who reached out to dance with me, but suddenly you got bored and dumped me, while you were with someone else and laughing in front of me.

94. The worst thing in life is being with people who make you feel like you are alone.

95. Although it is better to be loved than hated, it is also much better to be hated than ignored.

96. This looks like a contest, where we don't care about each other. But I prefer it when you're by my side.

97. Being ignored is more painful than being hated, because it makes you feel worthless.

98. Some people are hurt by words and some by actions. But the greatest hurt, I believe, is when someone ignores you when you value them more than anything else.

99. Every human has a saturation point, patience has its limits.

100. You made me feel special at one point until you realized that I'm not even worth your time.

101. When you run with a smile, I stand still and can't reach you because for you, I never existed.

101. I know you very well. You weren't like this before.

102. Even the strongest feelings stop when they are ignored and accepted so easily.

103. The opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference."

104. "No one likes to be ignored because everyone even wants a little attention from the person they love."


7. Gentle Sarcasm for a Cheating Boyfriend

In building a romantic relationship, cheating is an unforgivable mistake. Therefore, cheating often becomes a reason for the end of a relationship. Finding out that your partner is cheating can be a bitter moment in life. Here are some subtle sarcastic words for a partner who is caught cheating.

105. I want to be angry, to vent, but I'm all alone here. I want to show everyone that my heart is disappointed. - Bunga Citra Lestari, Disappointed

106. Never deceive a girl. You never know what she has sacrificed to be with you.

107. Cheating is a choice, not a mistake.

108. Animals provide examples of loyalty while humans provide examples of betrayal.

109. Love has become a game of betrayal. The faster you learn, the better it is for you.

110. Being single is better than being lied to, deceived, and disrespected.

111. My crime is trusting him. My judgment is its betrayal.

112.They are falling in love, usually hoping.And those who hope, usually disappointed. - Raditya Dika

113.Even people with innocent faces deceive because every shining part is not a diamond.

114.For so long we've been together, it turns out you're the same.You think I believe all the deception, oh it's useless.You made it perfect at first, ended in disaster. - Cokelat, Karma

115. People don't cheat by accident, they cheat by choice.

116.You can deceive me.You can deceive your parents.You can deceive your family.You can deceive your neighbors.You can deceive the whole world.You can even deceive yourself. But, you can't deceive Him.

117.I don't understand why people cheat.If you're not happy, just leave.

118.Someone who truly loves us, won't let us wait even though they know we're willing to wait. - Tere Liye

119.Being labeled as a cheater is the worst.

120.You can betray your life, but never betray your love.

121.Cheating is not always about kissing, touching, or teasing. If you delete text messages so that your partner doesn't see them, you are already included.

122. The more you deceive the person you love, the lonelier your life becomes.

123. There is no pass or fail in a relationship, so there is no need to deceive.

124. When you start wondering if you deserve better, do it.

125. Cheating is the most selfish thing someone can do in a relationship! If you're not happy with the person you're with, just end it. It's that simple.

KLovers, those are gentle sarcastic words for your partner that you can express as an effort to remind them when faced with problems in the relationship. By doing so, your partner will soon realize that the relationship you have should be fought for.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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