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118 Wise Comfort Zone Quotes, Make Them Motivation to Move Forward

118 Wise Comfort Zone Quotes, Make Them Motivation to Move Forward Illustration (credit: - Comfort zone quotes can be a wise motivation for you to not get complacent and inspire you to move forward. Because, some people might get trapped in their comfort zone, which can hinder them from getting out of that situation.

Comfort zone is a popular and current term often used by today's generation to refer to the state when you are reluctant to leave your comfort zone. In this case, the comfort zone can also be associated with one's own abilities, capacities, or self-confidence.

Because someone who is trapped in their comfort zone generally tends to be afraid to try new and different things beyond their abilities. This fear is what may cause someone to face obstacles in moving forward.

That's why it's important to control oneself to know when is the right time to be in a comfort zone or vice versa. Well, the wise comfort zone quotes below can be used as wise motivation for you to be able to step out of your comfort zone.

Here are some wise comfort zone quotes that you can check out through the reviews below, which have been compiled by from various sources.


1. Wise Comfort Zone Quotes

The comfortable zone words below can be used as wise advice that inspires you. Because through these words, it can help you get out of your comfort zone. Not only that, these comfortable zone words can inspire you to be wiser in controlling when to rest or start a goal again.

1. "When was the last time you did something for the first time?"

2. "Outside your comfort zone is where miracles happen."

3. "If we grow, we will always step out of your comfort zone."

4. "It's okay to be afraid. Fear means you are about to do something very, very brave."

5. "Your comfort zone is your danger zone." - Greg Plitt

6. "Your life doesn't get better by chance, it gets better by change." - Jim Rohn

7. "Comfort zone is where dreams go to die." - Hustlershaven

8. "The hardest thing to do is to leave your comfort zone. But, you have to let go of the life you know and take risks to live the life you dream of." - T. Arigo

9. "Too many of us don't fulfill our dreams because we live in fear." - Les Brown

10. "The person who knows how to be grateful is the one who can enjoy the beauty and meaning of a happy life."

11. "Comfort is one measure of how successful you are."

12. "Comfort in work can only be enjoyed by those who work with heart."

13. "No matter how much material you acquire, it may not be able to buy comfort."

14. "Comfort will come as you discover many new experiences."

15. "Comfort becomes a precious happiness in life."

16. "Beware of the comfort zone. Comfortable doesn't always mean safe."

17. "Comfort zone can be a friend, but it can also be an enemy."

18. "Successful men and women always keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit." - Conrad Hilton

19. "Loving yourself starts with liking yourself, which starts with respecting yourself, which starts with thinking of yourself in positive ways." - Jerry Corsten

20. "Between the burden or stepping out of the comfort zone."


2. Motivational Comfort Zone Quotes

A number of words below can motivate you to not get trapped in the comfort zone. Although it's not wrong to be in the comfort zone, you must be ready to accept the ordinary conditions without any changes, even progress. That's why the following words about the comfort zone are full of positive motivation that can be used as inspiration.

21. "Everything you want is on the other side of your fear."

22. "Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right."

23. "Great things never come from comfort zones."

24. "If you want something you've never had, then you've got to do something you've never done."

25. "Don't be afraid to give up the good and go for the great." - Steve Prefontain

26. "Most of the things you want in life are outside of your comfort zone." - Idowu Koyenikan

27. "As long as we don't fulfill our dreams, our comfort zone has greater control over us than we have over ourselves."

28. "To achieve success, we must have strong motivation. However, for happiness, we can enjoy it when resting and being grateful."

29. "Loving the comfort zone is fine. But don't let it stop you from improving yourself."

30. "Develop an attitude to always be better. Making small differences in actions will result in significant differences in outcomes." - Brian Tracy

31. "First we form habits, then habits form us. Defeat your bad habits, or they will defeat you." - Dr. Rob Gilbert


3. Comfort Zone Quotes to Boost Your Spirit

The following comfortable zone words can rekindle your spirit to achieve certain goals. In addition, the comfortable zone words below can help cultivate your courage to step out of your comfort zone. Just take a look at the review of the comfortable zone words that make you enthusiastic.

32. "If you want to change, you must be willing to be uncomfortable."

33. "Step as far as possible out of your comfort zone so that you forget how to return."

34. "Self-discovery begins when your comfort zone ends." - Adam Braun

35. "Fear the ordinary." - Jonathan Ellery

36. "Comfort will lead you to two choices. Stay or step."

37. "Rising is a choice, whether to continue to be depressed or to step out of the comfort zone."

38. "To achieve dreams, you must dare to step out of your comfort zone."

39. "Only the brave can fight ego to step out of the comfort zone."

40. "Comfort zones are not just one. Dare yourself to create comfort in other zones."

41. "Ambition and worries will always force us to step out of the comfort zone."

42. "Journey is strength. Strength to dare to start and step out of our comfort zone."

43. "Many of life's failures are those who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas Edison

44. "Where there is focus, that is where energy will flow." - Tony Robbin

45. "Successful people are not afraid of failure, but understand that failure is important to learn from and grow from it." - Robert Kiyosaki


4. Meaningful Comfort Zone Quotes

The following comfortable zone words contain deep meanings that you can take as valuable lessons. For example, the meaning of courage, self-confidence, and so on. Here are meaningful comfortable zone words.

46. "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." - Neale Donald Walsch

47. "In the end, we regret the chances we didn't take."

48. "The greatest rewards in life are found outside your comfort zone. Just go through it. Fear and risk are prerequisites if you want to enjoy a successful life." - Jack Canfield

49. "All progress takes place outside the comfort zone." - Michael John Bobak

50. "The shell must break before the bird can fly."

51. "The comfort zone is a luxurious layered coffin. When you live in a luxurious coffin, you die." - Stan Dale

52. "Comfort cannot be found. Comfort must be created."

53. "No one can shape your comfort except you."

54. "Before meeting comfort, you must accept yourself."

55. "Happiness and comfort in life do not depend much on external things but depend on the inner wealth within human beings." - Emha Ainun Nadjib

56. "There is no comfort in old age for those who are lazy in their youth." - Bob Sadino

57. "Some people are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." - William Shakespeare

58. "Step out of your comfort zone if you want your life to change."

59. "The comfort zone is a great enemy of courage and self-confidence."


5. Quotes about Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Comfort zone doesn't always have a positive impact on ourselves. Because excessive comfort can sometimes make you reluctant to leave your comfort zone. That's why motivation is needed to help you get out of your comfort zone. Like the comfort zone quotes below might be an inspiration to overcome excessive comfort.

60. "Comfort zone always brings tranquility, not everyone is ready to face shocks." - Najwa Shihab

61. "When someone decides to leave their comfort zone, they have actually stepped out of their discomfort zone to find the real comfort zone." - Anonymous

62. "The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams and work wholeheartedly to make them come true."

63. "Most of what you want is outside your comfort zone." - Anonymous

64. "Building success starts from now, not tomorrow or later. There will be no miracles that come if you are not willing to try."

65. "Try to step out of your comfort zone, do extreme things outside your habits." - Anonymous

66. "Those who take the furthest steps are generally those who have desires and courage. A safe boat never goes far from the coastline." - Dale Carnegie

67. "The future will not give opportunities to those who are not willing to work hard."

68. "When given the opportunity to leave your comfort zone, anxiety will surely attack." - Anonymous

69. "Don't blame your fate in the future if you don't want to fight for the best position in your future."

70. "Without courage, we will always be pessimistic in facing life. Without challenges, life feels empty and meaningless."

71. "A dream is your creative vision for your future life. You have to step out of your comfort zone right now and get comfortable with the unfamiliar and unknown." - Anonymous

72. "If you don't value your time, neither will other aspects of your life. So stop wasting your time and talent, start filling it." - Kim Garst

73. "Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone and fight." - Anonymous

74. "Many people fail in life, not because of lack of ability, knowledge, or courage, but simply because they never focus their energy on a goal." - Elbert Hubbard

75. "Prayer gives strength to the weak, makes unbelievers believe, and gives courage to the fearful."


6. Comfort Zone Quotes to Overcome Laziness

Excessive comfort in the context of personal development can sometimes make you less able to upgrade yourself. There are various factors when you are unwilling to step out of your comfort zone, such as fear, lack of confidence, or simply being lazy to learn new things. If you are currently experiencing this situation.

Several words about the comfort zone below can rekindle your spirit to reduce laziness. The words about the comfort zone to overcome laziness can be found in the reviews below.

76. "A person who reads too much and uses their brain too little will fall into the habit of lazy thinking." - Albert Einstein

77. "God gives perfection to humans so that they always strive in their lives. Don't blame your God if your life doesn't change because of the laziness you have."

78. "Making dreams and then being lazy is the most beautiful way to torture yourself."

79. "People will seek you out if you are intelligent, and jobs will await you if you are knowledgeable. Learning is for your own good, not for others. Laziness will only lead you into difficulties in your life."

80. "And as a writer, one thing that always interests me is breaking out of my comfort zone." That's what I should do. Always remember and make you do something." - Anonymous

81. "Never be jealous of those who succeed, because they work hard to achieve their success, they don't know the word lazy."

82. "The progress of time will crush the future of lazy people."

83. "Prepare to be a person who is down, if you always enjoy laziness today."

84. "Laziness is victory now and defeat in the future."

85. "How you fight for your future, fighting against laziness alone is not enough. Don't get used to laziness because it will determine whether your future is bright or gloomy."

86. "Nothing is impossible in this world to achieve as long as you are willing to learn and strive, not enjoying laziness that will hinder the brightness of your future."

87. "It is not fate that determines your life, but you yourself determine your future. Laziness will become a barrier to the sustenance that God has given."

88. "You should not be satisfied with comfort, you must always push yourself to be outside your comfort zone." - Anonymous

89. "Even those who work hard still struggle to chase their success, let alone those who are lazy. Every day the competition is very tight, those who are lazy will fall further behind."

90. "Indeed, lazy people are very diligent in sabotaging themselves, and enjoy doing useless things." - Mario Teguh

91. "If you are lazy and just waste time, you will not know how to seize opportunities even when they are right in front of you." - Li Ka-Shing

92. "One of the cruelest dwarfings in life is to let a brilliant mind become a slave to a lazy body, which prioritizes rest before fatigue." - Buya Hamka

93. "As Heraclitus said, change is the only constant. Something that cannot be avoided. We can never grow if we continue to live in our comfort zone." - Anonymous

94. "Do not risk your future just because of trivial things, namely the laziness you enjoy today."

95. "Successful people have a habit of doing things that lazy people don't like to do." - James Stephens

96. "Lazy people have wasted the opportunities given by God, even though God never creates something in vain." - Mario Teguh

97. "Don't expect your future to be successful and happy, as long as today you always ignore laziness."

98. "If your dreams are as high as the sky, start reaching for them from now on by studying diligently. Laziness will hinder you from achieving the dreams you envision."


7. Comfort Zone Quotes and Courage

Courage and self-confidence are the key factors for you to step out of your comfort zone. If you lack one or even both of them, it may hinder you from progressing and developing yourself. That is why below are some references of words about comfort zone and courage to inspire you so that you won't be trapped in comfort.

99. "It's time to step out of your comfort zone and pursue your true dreams." - Anonymous

100. "Dare to dream, and dare yourself to make all your dreams come true. Because dreams cannot be achieved without courage."

101. "Happiness belongs to those who have dreams and have the courage to strive to make them a reality."

102. "Everyone has talent, but only a few have the courage to follow the guidance given by their talent."

103. "Sometimes we hesitate to try new things. We are reluctant to step out of our comfort zone. Whereas on the other side of everything we worry and fear, there is always knowledge and wisdom that we can find. Everything that gives us meaning, color, and taste that enriches our hearts and minds." - Anonymous

104. "Courage is the initial capital to start the journey of achieving your dreams."

105. "Life will be much better when you do the right thing, but often it takes courage to do it." - WilzKanadi

106. "Taking action even when you are not brave is true courage." - Mario Teguh

107. "Successful investment starts with courage."

108. "Whoever wants pearls must dare to dive into the deep sea. Waves and rocks are just small obstacles if you struggle with strong determination."

109. "Your greatest strength is the courage to try and the courage to fail."

110. "Courage is a better choice, because the lives of cowards are always dim and full of deceit." - Mario Teguh

111. "In life, we must dare to experiment, step out of our comfort zone." Anonymous

112. "Courage is needed to stand up and speak. Courage is also needed to sit down and listen."

113. "The best thing is to fight existing problems with courage."

114. "A greater strength than the desire to win is the courage to start."

115. "Whenever I go to a new city, to really get a chance to see the city, I like to run at the right time zone." - Mark Zuckerberg

116. "All dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them wholeheartedly." - Walt Disney

117. "If you have courage, determination, and a strong desire to achieve your dreams, then you will surely succeed."

118. "You will never accomplish anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind after honor." - Aristotle

Those are 118 wise words about the comfort zone, which can be a motivation to move forward. The above words can inspire you to not get trapped in your comfort zone.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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