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65 Beautiful Islamic Words Full of Meaning and Wise Messages, Calm the Heart - Make Life More Peaceful

65 Beautiful Islamic Words Full of Meaning and Wise Messages, Calm the Heart - Make Life More Peaceful Illustration (credit: shutterstock) - Human life in this world is not always beautiful and easy. Often difficult situations arise, making someone feel tired and restless. When that happens, it takes spirit and motivation to rise. There are many ways to revive motivation, one of which is by reading beautiful Islamic words.

Not only does it make oneself more enthusiastic, the beauty in Islamic words also soothes the heart. By reading and interpreting these words, a heart that was once difficult and restless can become more peaceful. As a result, no matter how heavy life is, it will be lived with gratitude.

Beautiful Islamic words can indeed be a powerful means of self-entertainment as well as full of wise advice. So not only does it make one happy, these words can also make someone change for the better than before. Compiled from various sources, here are beautiful Islamic words full of meaning and containing wise messages.


1. Beautiful Islamic Words Full of Meaning

Beautiful Islamic words are not just about impressive beauty. More than that, these words are also written with deep meaning. Here are beautiful Islamic words full of meaning that can possibly be a source of inspiration.

1. "For all the pain you experience, be patient and endure, because Allah knows your limits."

2. "The heart becomes restless and anxious when we are accustomed to fantasizing in dealing with life's problems" (Aa Gym).

3. "Love does not weaken the heart, does not bring despair, does not cause tears of sadness. But love brings hope to life, strengthens the heart in the struggle to endure the hardships and thorns of life" (Buya Hamka).

4. "It is better to lose something for the sake of God than to lose God for the sake of gaining something." (Mufti Menk)

5. "Love never asks to wait. It takes the opportunity or allows it. The first is courage, the second is sacrifice." (Salim A. Fillah)

6. "Death without love is the worst death of all" (Jalaluddin Rumi).

7. "You may hate something even though it is good for you, and you may like something even though it is bad for you. Allah knows, while you do not know" (QS.Al-Baqarah 216).

8. "When I do not express Your beauty in words, I keep Your love in my heart" (Jalaluddin Rumi)

9. "If something you love does not happen, then love what happens" (Ali bin Abi Thalib)

10. "Indeed, it is very difficult to be patient, but wasting the rewards of patience is worse" (Abu Bakar)

11. "Death does not wait until you become better. Be a good person and wait for death" (Habib Ali Zainal Abidin).

12. "Whoever walks earnestly on his path will surely reach his destination"

13. "This world is a prison for believers and a paradise for unbelievers"

14. "There is no greater gift from parents to their children than noble character"

15. "The best human being is one who has good manners and is beneficial to others"

16. "Life is a journey, a journey from Allah and then back to Allah"

17. "The wind does not blow to shake the trees, but to test the strength of their roots"

2. Wise Beautiful Islamic Words

As mentioned earlier, besides being beautiful and meaningful, beautiful Islamic words also contain wise messages in them. Thus, from these words, a Muslim can learn how to live life more wisely. Here are beautiful Islamic words that contain wise messages.

18. "Failure is Allah's way of saying be patient because I have something better for you when the time comes."

19. "The richest person is the one who accepts Allah's distribution with a happy heart" (Ali bin Husein).

20. "Do not grieve. Indeed, Allah is always with us" (QS.At Taubah 40).

21. "Do not be sad. Indeed, help will come with patience" (HR.Ahmad).

22. "Do not explain about yourself to anyone, because those who like you don't need it. And those who hate you won't believe it" (Ali bin Abi Thalib).

23. "If you love someone, let them go. If he comes back, he is yours. If not, he was never yours." (Khalil Gibran).

24. "If we do not feel grateful for what we already have, what makes us think we would be happy with more?"

25. "Do not love someone who does not love Allah. If they can leave Allah, they will also leave you." Imam Asy Syafii).

26. "Do not give up when your prayers are not answered. If you can be patient, Allah can give more than what you ask for."

27. "Do not feel ashamed to give, even if it is just a little, because giving nothing at all is definitely worth less."

28. "Stay away from envy, because envy consumes good deeds like fire consumes firewood." (Prophet Muhammad SAW).

29. "Patience is not patience if it still has limits, and sincerity is not sincerity if it still feels pain."

30. "Allah made you a Muslimah because He wants to see you in paradise, all you have to do is be worthy of it."

31. "Islam treats women with respect and dignity. So do not accept anything less than that."

32. "Faith makes someone love death. Disbelief makes someone afraid of it."

33. "Do not let your love become attachment or your hatred become destruction." (Umar bin Khattab)


3. Soothing Beautiful Islamic Words

Beautiful Islamic words can be a simple but powerful means of entertaining oneself. These words are suitable to be read when feeling tired and restless. By understanding their meanings, a troubled heart will become cool and calm. Here are beautiful Islamic words that soothe the heart.

34. "Rizki (provision) has been divided, it will not increase or decrease. Rizki is said to increase if the owner is facilitated by Allah to spend it in obedience" (Imam Hambali).

35. "Happiness lies in the victory of fighting desires and restraining excessive will".

36. "I try to make people happy, and since then I have gained the energy needed to express the truth" (Imam Hambali).

37. "I believe that Allah's destiny is surely the best for me and for you too".

38. "Do not grieve, whatever is lost from you will return in another form" (Jalaludin Rumi).

39. "Do not grieve over what has happened, because nothing in this world is eternal" (Imam Syafi'i).

40. "Whoever strives sincerely, will succeed".

41. "If Allah gives you only a piece of bread, be grateful for it, because Allah does not make you beg others to get it".

42. "Gratitude is the best way to feel enough, even when lacking. Do not expect more before making more effort".

43. "There is no human being except: tested with blessings to know how grateful they are, or tested with a disaster to know how patient they are" (Ibn Qayyim).

44. "We are creatures who like to blame others, not realizing that the problem usually comes from within" (Abu Hamid Al Ghazali).

45. "Do not feel weak and do not be sad, for you have the highest status if you believe" (Q.S. Ali Imran: 139).

46. "A strong person is not the one who never cries, but the one who remains steadfast amidst temptations".

47. "The truth of a matter is not determined by how many people believe in it" (KH Ahmad Dahlan).

48. "Make patience and prayer your allies, for surely Allah is with those who are patient" (Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 153).

49. "Love that happens for the sake of Allah will never end" (H.R. Muslim)


4. Peaceful Beautiful Islamic Words

Everyone certainly wants to have a peaceful life and far from anxiety. Beautiful Islamic words can be a source of inspiration for a Muslim to live a peaceful life, even though they have to face many problems. Here are beautiful Islamic words that can make life peaceful.

50. "Complaining will only make our lives more stressed, while gratitude will always lead us to the path of ease."

51. "So indeed, with hardship, there is relief" (QS Al Insyirah 5).

52. "Know the meaning of life, because with that you can feel true happiness. Life is about how we appreciate everything we still have."

53. "The best revenge is to make yourself better" (Ali bin Abi Thalib).

54. "For anyone who never loses spirit, failure is only temporary."

55. "Every breath that Allah allows you to take is not only a blessing but also a responsibility."

56. "Know that victory comes with patience, ease comes with difficulty, and hardship comes with ease" (HR Tirmidzi).

57. "Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves" (QS.Ar Rad: 11).

58. "There are always more things to be grateful for than to complain about. Alhamdulillah."

59. "Be grateful if Allah gives you a test in life because, in this way, Allah gives you the opportunity to become a better human being."

60. "Be grateful no matter what your current situation is. Happiness begins with gratitude that is always expressed."

61. "So indeed, with hardship, there is relief." (QS. Al Insyirah 5)

62. Allah's promise never disappoints, and if you still feel disappointed, there may be something wrong with your faith."

63. "The richest person is the one who accepts Allah's distribution with a happy heart" (Ali bin Husein).

64. "The secret to happiness lies in 3 things: Patience, Gratitude, and Sincerity."

65. "Indeed, if you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe" (QS.Ibrahim: 7).

Those are among the 65 beautiful Islamic words that are full of meaning and contain wise messages. Hopefully, they are beneficial and can inspire you to increase your faith and piety. Amen.



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