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80 Cool and Wise Afternoon Greetings, Suitable as Contemporary Greetings

80 Cool and Wise Afternoon Greetings, Suitable as Contemporary Greetings Illustration (credit: Shutterstock) - Afternoon is the time in the middle of the day. Usually, the afternoon is the time when a person's body has spent half of their energy in doing activities. So it's no wonder that in the afternoon, we are given time to recharge our energy so that we can enthusiastically carry out activities until the evening. In addition to food, there are several ways we can provide energy to stay motivated. One of them is through afternoon greetings.

Yup! These afternoon greetings are a form of greeting that you can give to the people around you to make them feel happier and more motivated. These greetings can be cool and funny words that entertain. So it not only helps them become more enthusiastic, but also provides cool entertainment. These afternoon greetings can also be a source of motivation for those of you who are feeling uninspired.

Therefore, based on various sources, here are 60 cool and inspirational afternoon greetings. Let's check them out, KLovers.


1. Cool Afternoon Words

The first afternoon words are cool words. The following words are not only a direct greeting, but can also be a greeting on social media. Here are the cool afternoon words:

1. "If we cannot provide pleasure to others, at least let us try not to send troubles to others. Good afternoon and enjoy your lunch."

2. "Forget for a moment the problems in this hot afternoon, remember the coolness that has passed like dew in the morning."

3. "While it's still afternoon, let's stay up late! Because at night, we get sleepy."

4. "Good afternoon and keep the spirit of going through the day. Even though the wallet is empty, the mind is dry, the face is tired, but the spirit continues to burn in positive activities this afternoon."

5. "Today my heart is good, I'm happy because you're still by my side, good afternoon my love. I hope your presence remains like the sun forever. Always giving hope, a ray of light, and always warming my heart."

6. "This afternoon is the right time to tell you how much I love and care for you."

7. "Good afternoon, friend. Let's face today's activities with enthusiasm."

8. "God always has beautiful plans for those who never complain."

9. "Love is a choice, to accept or reject, to let go or hold on."

10. "Perhaps it is my imperfections that actually make us perfect for each other. Good afternoon, my love."

11. "Everyone tries to achieve something great, without realizing that life is a collection of small things that you experience. Good afternoon everyone."

12. "I will dedicate this poem to my friend who is experiencing drought but flooding with sweat this afternoon. Big and fresh watermelon, different from the pungent smell of durian. For my siblings and friends there, you are all amazing! Greetings from me and good afternoon, friend."

13. "Hello friends, good afternoon. Good afternoon and enjoy your lunch."

14. "Don't regret what is lost, but regret what you have but forget to be grateful for. Good afternoon."

15. "Good, better, best. Never stop until your good is better and your better is best. Good afternoon!" - St.Jerome

16. "Let the failures in the morning inspire you to be better in the afternoon."

17. "Greatness is not what you say, but what you do. Good afternoon, world."

18. "High mountains are camping places. It's beautiful to see the sun. Keep working, don't be weak. For the sake of children and wife."

19. "This afternoon is very hot, my energy has been drained a lot, how about you? Enjoy your lunch well, and replenish the energy that has been drained. Good afternoon, enjoy your rest and lunch."

20. "Start your afternoon with enthusiasm and prayer. Achieve the fortune that has been destined for you, don't waste the opportunity to achieve success as soon as possible."


2. Inspirational Afternoon Words

Then the next daytime words are, there are words that are full of inspiration. The following words can be advice and motivation for life. Here are the inspirational daytime words:

21. "Life is like riding a bicycle, to avoid falling and stay balanced, we must keep moving and pedaling. Good afternoon and stay motivated."

22. "Honestly, waking up in the morning really makes me lazy, but if I wake up in the afternoon, I am very diligent. Without saying good morning, I can directly say good afternoon to you all."

23. "The sea is rising. Old memories linger. Even though it's already noon. Stay motivated, my dear."

24. "Tomorrow's matters, think about them tomorrow. If you think about them now, what will you think about tomorrow? It's better to think about the lunch menu now."

25. "May your afternoon be enjoyable and may all your dreams come true."

26. "Afternoon is indeed hot, if it's cold, it means it's an afternoon covered in clouds and targeted by rain. Even though it's unbearably hot, keep your spirits up in your afternoon. Even though your wallet is empty and there's only insects left, thoughts that are dried up, tired faces, don't let your spirit fade away, and keep doing your positive activities."

27. "Good afternoon to my friend who is working and learning new things. Are you ready to change the world with me today?"

28. "My love, do you know that the brightness of the sun in the afternoon cannot make my mood bright? That's because you're not here, I entrust this good afternoon greeting to the sun, because we are illuminated by the same sun."

29. "Even though I'm not with you right now, I hope your afternoon is as beautiful as when we were together."

30. "Have a nice day, good afternoon to my beloved honey. Don't forget to eat and rest. Strive to achieve your dreams, to make me halal as soon as possible."

31. "Gratitude always teaches that happiness is simple. Afternoon."

32. "Putu mayang is very delicious. Buy mango, kweni mango. I say good afternoon to all of you in this group."

33. "I pray that your afternoon is filled with blessings and love."

34. "Making a cake but it gets burnt. Body aches and feels sick again. Tired body, empty stomach. Let's eat until full."

35. "Afternoon is not just the middle part of the day. This is the time to complete the most important part of our tasks and continue living." - Shashikant Shinde

36. "Watermelon, durian fruit, I didn't expect I'm cool. Afternoon, friend."

37. "The rice for lunch is delicious, it tastes really good and feels enjoyable. I say good afternoon to you who are about to eat and rest."

38. "Having lunch is the happiest when I'm with you. Together with pindang while looking at each other."

39. "Goldfish swimming in the river. Cook one with coconut milk. This afternoon is very hot. As hot as seeing an ex. "

40. "My walk on the narrow path, trying to find the meaning of every step I have taken and looking for another step on my journey, good afternoon my friend."


3. Funny Afternoon Words

And the last words of the day are funny words. Yup! These words can be an entertaining greeting for those who hear them. Here are some funny words for the afternoon:

41. "I'm honestly lazy to wake up in the morning, but very diligent to wake up in the afternoon. Good afternoon to all of you."

42. "Good afternoon and rest well for those who work or go to school. Don't forget to update your status, stalking your ex who hasn't moved on yet."

43. "Darling, why are you stirring my heart like a spoon? It's already lunchtime, instead of eating quickly, you make my heart restless."

44. "Good afternoon to all the singles, let's enjoy your day by brewing bitter coffee, as bitter as your current love life."

45. "Good afternoon to you again, my love, don't expose yourself to the scorching sun." Just let me be the one who's dark, our love shouldn't be."

46. "A loyal girl can be fierce and ferocious, but romantic (if her fierceness doesn't flare up). Good afternoon, my love."

47. "When the sun has already emitted its light, open your eyes and you'll know that you're late! Wake up! Good afternoon, everyone."

48. "Laughing can be the best medicine. But if you're laughing without any clear reason, maybe you need medicine, too. Afternoon."

49. "Hello, good afternoon to everyone, don't forget to be happy. Keep pursuing your dreams, even though it's hot and humid today. You don't know which sweat will lead you to success."

50. "Those who haven't woken up at this hour are included in those who haven't woken up at that hour. Wake up, it's already 12 o'clock. Good afternoon to those who are already active."

51. "Let's start this afternoon with a smile. If there's no one to smile at, just smile to yourself. Good afternoon to all friends."

52. "Not a message asking for credit or money, this is just a message asking for something from my boyfriend. Please stop for a moment, my love. It's already afternoon. Go have your meal."

53. "Eating rice with rendang as the side dish tastes so delicious and enjoyable. I wish you a good afternoon for those who want to rest."

54. "Watermelon, durian fruit. For my friends there, you are all awesome! Good afternoon."

55. "Dim clouds break the earth, gusts of wind bring dreams. I want to give a good afternoon greeting to my girlfriend who hasn't showered yet."

56. "Being single is a principle, being single is fate. Hello, bro!"

57. "It's already noon, time to rest! Are you really working so hard? If it's heavy, we can carry it together, but if it's equally heavy, it's better to package it."

58. "Friendship is like wetting your pants. Everyone can see it, but only we can feel the warmth for real. Good afternoon."

59. "Leave tomorrow's business for tomorrow. If we think about it now, what will we think about tomorrow? It's better to think about lunch menu now."

60. "If I become Tarzan, I have three wishes. First, I want to preserve the forest. Second, I want to protect endangered species from extinction. Third, I want to hear what the animals have to say. Good afternoon, everyone."


4. Afternoon Words from Figures

61. "Then the days flew by quickly. Noon came and we grew up, became adults. Started to experience the bitterness of life. So, on one of those days, we suddenly felt sad because of failure or loss." -Tere Liye

62. "The day is not because the rooster crows, but the rooster crows because the day begins. The same goes for the people's movement. The people's movement arises not because the leader speaks, but the leader speaks because there is a movement." -Mohammad Hatta

63. "Anger at night does not eliminate darkness, wrath in the day does not dissipate shadows." -Achmad Mustafa Bisri

64. "Love transforms roughness into gentleness, transforms the undecided into firm decision-makers, transforms the cowardly into the brave, transforms suffering into happiness, and love brings changes to day and night." -Rumi

65. "A million doves will never fly if they refuse to learn to fly, a million stars will never shine if it's always daytime." -Jerinx

66. "The night has a thousand eyes, and the day only has one eye. But the bright light of the world will fade, along with the setting of the sun. Thoughts have a thousand eyes, and the heart only has one eye. But the light of life will perish, along with the death of love." -Francis William Bourdillon

67. "Mockery is my breakfast, rejection is my lunch, criticism is my dinner. That's what makes me stronger and more resilient." -Bong Chandra

68. "Those who dream during the day realize that many things are lost when they dream at night." -Edgar Allan Poe

69. "If you greet the day and night with joy, you have a reason to be happy." -Henry David Thoreau

70. "It's never too early to be happy. It's never too late to forgive." -Fiersa Besari

71. "Blessed is the person who is too busy to worry during the day, and too tired to worry at night." -Phil Marquart

72. "If I wake up late, my fortune will be taken by the rooster. Well, let it be, I will eat the rooster too." -Pidi Baiq

73. "The sunlight shines directly above my head, a sign that it's already noon and the heat is scorching. Yes, this heat, the heat that will become a symbol of my spirit and love. To keep moving forward, fighting, and living." -Ramaditya Adikara

74. "Think in the morning. Act during the day. Eat in the afternoon. Sleep at night." -William Blake

75. "True strength, the strength that we must fight for day and night, is not power over everything, but over humans." -George Orwell

76. "Use all the day for exercise and recreation, which is just as important as reading. I would even say it is more important because health is more valuable than lessons." -Thomas Jefferson

77. "How calming it is to surrender. Let the day and night pass, no longer seeing, hearing, or feeling the spinning of the world." -Ursula Poznanski

78. "In your old place, there is a gaping hole. There, I always found myself wandering during the day and falling into it at night. I miss you so much." -Edna St. Vincent Millay

79. "After misfortune, there will surely be luck. After sadness, there will surely be happiness. Because that's how life always revolves, like the alternation between day and night." -Netty Virgiantini

80. "The night is cold with piercing air, the day is hot with penetrating heat, all day the smell of decaying bodies." -Sungging Raga

Those are 60 cool and inspirational words for the day to form a greeting sentence. Hopefully, with these words for the day, you can become closer to the people around you.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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