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120 Wise Words from a Cool Woman, Becoming a Life Motivation

120 Wise Words from a Cool Woman, Becoming a Life Motivation Illustration (Credit: - Women are extraordinary creatures. Women who appear gentle can actually endure anything in this world. There are many great and tough women who can be an inspiration. Even wise words from a woman can be a source of encouragement and inspiration for other women.

When a child grows up to be a great and extraordinary person, there is an extraordinary woman behind it. There is a great and amazing mother, a daughter who always provides motivation, and a wife who always supports in difficult and happy times. Although not all women can stand on the world stage, their role behind the scenes is extraordinary.

For those of you who want to become a great woman, here are 120 wise words from a woman that can be an extraordinary advice. Let's check it out, KLovers.


1. Inspirational Words from a Woman

The first wise words from a woman are those that are inspirational. These words can be an inspiration for those of you who want to become a great woman. Here are the wise words from an inspiring woman:

1. "A woman is said to be tough when she remains patient even when burdened."

2. "A wise woman hopes not to become an enemy of anyone; a wise woman refuses to become a victim of anyone." (Maya Angelou)

3. "Failure is not the opposite of success, but a part of success itself." (Arianna Huffington)

4. "Success is not about how much money you make, but about the impact you make in life." (Michelle Obama)

5. "The difference between successful people and others is how long they pity themselves." (Barbara Cocoran)

6. "The less fear you have, the more your weaknesses erode, the sharper your strengths become, the stronger you are." (Honji Milagro)

7. "Cry tonight until there are no more tears left. But wake up tomorrow with a smile and hope." (Kei Savourie)

8. "The greatest adventure you can take is to fight for your dreams to become a reality." (Oprah Winfrey)

9. "You are capable of standing strong to achieve your own happiness and dreams. It brings more joy to your parents than repaying their kindness."

10. "A strong woman defends herself. A stronger woman defends others."

11. "You can tell who the strong women are. They are the ones building each other up, not tearing each other down.

12. "Don't seek for everything to happen as you wish, but hope that everything happens as it should, then your life will flow smoothly."

13. "The world needs strong women." Women who will lift up and build others, who will love and be loved. Women who live bravely, both gentle and fierce. Women with strong determination. "

14. "Women never become strong when they constantly confine themselves with anxiety about their weaknesses."

15. "You may not always get what you want, but if you try your best, you will surely get what you need."

16. "You have to know that you can do this. You are strong. You can definitely do it. Just hold on and keep believing in yourself, always."

17. "Fight hard in silence, and let our success echo throughout the world."

18. "Sometimes, pain must be endured before happiness is achieved. Smile when you're sad, because there will be happiness after that."

19. "Don't let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do or achieve. Do what you want to do and be the person you want to be." (Emma Watson)

20. "Be the fearless girl who dares to do anything."

21. "A strong woman defends herself. A stronger woman defends others."

22. "A strong woman loves, forgives, leaves, lets go, tries again, and perseveres, no matter what comes her way."

23. "Be a strong woman. So your daughter will have a role model and your son will know what to look for in a woman when he grows up."

24. "Never apologize for being a strong woman."

25. "Be a strong woman. Be a brave woman who dares to do anything. Be an independent woman who doesn't need a man. Be a woman who never backs down."

26. "I am a strong woman. I don't sit around feeling sorry for myself or let people mistreat me." I don't respond to people who dictate to me or try to bring me down. If I fall, I will rise stronger. I am in control of my life and there is nothing I cannot achieve."

27. "Life has knocked me down several times, it has shown me things I never wanted to see. I have experienced sadness and failure. But one thing is for sure, I always rise."

28. "A strong woman will consciously stop trying if she feels unwanted. She won't fix it or beg, she will just leave."

29. "I am not a difficult woman at all. I am just a strong woman who knows my worth."

30. "Beneath every strong and independent woman lies a broken-hearted little girl who must learn how to rise again and never depend on anyone."


2. A Woman's Wise Words of Perseverance

Furthermore, the wise words of another woman are, there are wise words of a woman who never gives up. These words can be a motivation for you. Here are some wise words of a woman who never gives up:

31. "Those who are happy are not those who live without problems, but those who skillfully turn every problem into wisdom."

32. "Being patient when being bullied feels bitter. But sometimes the bitter things are the ones that can heal the wounds." (Merry Riana)

33. "Never give up and try to run away, but face the challenges in front of us with patience."

34. "Sometimes, a woman can become stronger, greater, more understanding, patient, and less likely to give up compared to a man."

35. "A useful woman is a woman who can put herself in every situation."

36. "Be a valuable woman, desired by everyone but only one gets her."

37. "A strong woman is when 7 billion people in the world never know she cries. Keep trying, never give up. Keep standing, every time she falls down." (Tere Liye)

38. "Stay strong even when others fall. Keep smiling even though this struggle feels bitter and winding. - Dhiya Zafira

39. "Not everyone gets the first choice in this life. But we can live as happily as they do, even if we only get the second, third, or even the one hundred and first choice." (Tere Liye)

40. "Be the fearless girl who dares to do anything."

41. "For women, chase your dreams even if they are far away. But don't forget the people you love."

42. "Women are truly amazing! One of the proofs is that when they cry, they can still say 'I'm fine'."

43. "Women want to be loved without a reason, not because they are beautiful or good or smart, but because they are themselves."

44. "A true man will not distance you from Allah. If he does, then he is the wrong man."

45. "Women are known for their gentle character, but it is not a weakness."

46. "A valuable woman will not let herself drown in the glitter of life."

47. "When your heart is broken, it's good. With a broken heart, the light of God will enter more easily."

48. "Graceful attitude and sweet smile that adorn a woman's face will enhance her charm."

49. "A woman's heart will always be with her family and loved ones wherever she is."

50. "No man can be considered successful if his woman is not happy."

51. "Doubt is a killer. You just need to know who you are and what you fight for."

52. "The world needs strong women. Women who will lift and build others, who will love and be loved. A woman who lives bravely, gently, and fiercely. A woman with strong desires."

53. "After you know what respect feels like, it feels better than attention."

54. "Some women get lost in the fire. Some women are built from it."

55. "Forgive those who insult you, attack you, underestimate you, or belittle you. But, more than that, forgive yourself for allowing them to hurt you."

56. "The strongest action for a woman is to love herself, be herself, and shine among those who never believed she could."

57. "You must know that you can do this. You are strong. You definitely can. Endure and always believe in yourself."

58. "You can know who a strong woman is. They are the ones you see building each other up instead of tearing each other down."

59. "Sometimes it takes courage to be a woman."

60. "Be a strong woman so you won't be underestimated by others. Be a strong woman to serve as an example to other women."


3. Meaningful Words from a Woman

Words become choices for great advice, and here are some wise words from a woman who is full of food that can be great advice:

61. "Do not give up on what is in front of you, you can definitely do it with intention and strong determination."

62. "I am a strong woman because strong women raised me."

63. "Strong women are not born that way. We are forged through the challenges of life. With every challenge, we grow mentally and emotionally. We move forward with our heads held high and an undeniable strength. A woman who has weathered the storm and survived. We are fighters."

64. "Be the kind of woman that when your feet touch the floor every morning, the devil says, 'Oh crap, she's awake!'"

65. "Strong women do not play as victims. Don't make themselves look pitiful and don't accuse others. They stand and they are firm."

66. "Every time a woman defends herself, she defends all women."

67. "A strong woman is someone who can smile this morning as if she didn't cry last night."

68. "She is strong not because she is not afraid, but because she keeps moving forward strongly, despite the fear."

69. "Strong women are often misunderstood as cold and cruel just because they refuse to be disrespected, abused, or underestimated."

70. "Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid of failure. Failure is a stepping stone to greatness."

71. "Doubt is a killer. You just need to know who you are and what you are fighting for."

72. "Women want to be loved without any arguments, not because they are beautiful or good or smart, but because they are themselves."

73. "You can scream. You can also cry. However, you must not give up."

74. "Wise women are like swans on water. Graceful even while working and resilient even when hurt."

75. "When you feel like you have no one, remind yourself that Allah has sent them away so that you can be alone with Him."

76. "A woman is just like a flower. They should be treated gently, kindly, and with love."

77. "Women may not be as strong as men, but men will be as strong if not perfected by women."

78. "The most special right for a woman is the right to be a mother."

79. "Do not let your tongue speak ill of others, because you also have flaws and others have tongues."

80. "A strong woman will consciously stop trying if she feels unwanted. She will not fix it or beg. She will just leave."

81. "When a woman is silent, there are millions of things on her mind."

82. "Patience comes in two forms, patience for something you don't want and patience to restrain yourself from something you desire."

83. "A Muslim woman uses her mouth to speak the truth, her voice for kindness, her ears for compassion, and her heart to love those who dislike her."

84. "A broken love is not a broken happiness, you just need to be patient for a while because another happiness is waiting for you."

85. "When a woman hides her tears for a man, believe that she truly likes you."

86. "A good woman is meant for a good man and vice versa. It has all been decided by the Almighty."

87. "Women are trained to accept value, not to give value."

88. "Never let others speak for you and do not rely on others to fight for you."

89. "A woman shines like gold, so do not be surprised when she can radiate light to anyone she meets."

90. "Any man who honors a woman has preserved the hearts of his parents."


4. Islamic Words from a Woman

And finally, there are wise words from an Islamic woman. These words serve as beautiful advice for Muslims to become great and inspiring Muslim women. Here are the wise words from an Islamic woman:

91. "The best adornment for a woman is her sense of shame." - Fatimah binti Muhammad

92. "A woman is the pillar of a nation. If the women are good, then the nation is good. But if the women are bad, then the nation is bad." - Prophet Muhammad

93. "The world is an adornment, and the best adornment of the world is a righteous wife." - Prophet Muhammad from HR Muslim

94. "Islam elevates the status of women from the ground to the point where Paradise is placed beneath her feet." - Dr. Maulana Ansari

95. "Men dream of a perfect woman. Women desire a perfect man. They do not know that Allah created them to perfect each other." - Ahmad Al Shugairi

96. "If a wife performs the 5 daily prayers, fasts in the month of Ramadan, guards her chastity, and obeys her husband, it will be said to her, 'Enter Paradise.'" - HR. Ahmad

97. "Every mother is a school for her children."

98. "A woman is not a garment that you can put on and take off as you please." They are honorable and have their rights." - Umar bin Khattab

99. "Women are like flowers. They should be treated gently, kindly, and lovingly." - Ali bin Abi Thalib

100. "Good women are for good men. And good men are for good women." - Surah An-Nur 26

101. "And know that victory comes with patience. The way out comes with difficulty. And after difficulty, surely there will be ease." - HR.Tirmidzi

102. "Patience is not patience if it has limits, and sincerity is not sincerity if it still feels pain."

103. "It is far better to lose something for the sake of God than to lose God to gain something." - Mufti Menk

104. "For all the pain you experience, be patient and persevere, because Allah knows your limits."

105. "Waiting for you in patience is more beautiful to me than expressing it. Praying for you is more meaningful than explaining it." - Anonymous

106. "A true man will not distance you from Allah." If he does it, it means he is the wrong man." - Abdul Bary Yahya

107. "A man who will guide you to Allah, and not to the path full of sins, is always worth waiting for."

108. "Loving sincerely brings happiness in our hearts. Loving for the sake of Allah gives us more worship and happiness."

109. "Muslim women are the diamonds of Islam. No one will reveal their diamonds to strangers."

110. "Be a Muslimah who has two beauties, outer beauty protected by the hijab syar'i. Inner beauty adorned with noble character."

111. "Islam elevates the status of women from the earth to eventually place paradise beneath their feet." - Dr. Maulana Ansari

112. "Women are like flowers. They should be treated gently, kindly, and with love." - Ali bin Abi Thalib

113. "Women are not clothes that you can wear and take off as you please. They are honorable and have their rights." - Umar bin Khattab

114. "Muslim women use their mouths to speak the truth, their voices for goodness, their ears for compassion, and their hearts to love those who dislike them."

115. "Extremists are afraid of books and pens. The power of education makes them afraid. They are afraid of women." - Malala Yousafzai

116. "Do good no matter how small, because you never know which good deed will lead you to heaven." - Imam Hasan Al-Basri

117. "It is indeed very difficult to be patient, but wasting the rewards of patience is worse." - Abu Bakar as Siddiq

118. "This world only has three days: Yesterday, it has gone along with everything that came with it. Tomorrow, you may never meet it. Today, that's what you have, so make the most of it." - Hasan al Bashri

119. "The best adornment of a woman is her modesty." - Fatimah binti Muhammad

120. "Muslim women are the diamonds of Islam. No one will reveal their diamonds to strangers."

Those are 120 wise words from a cool and inspirational woman, which can even become a motivation for your life.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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