Kapanlagi.com - Coronary heart disease is a health problem that needs to be aware of. This disease occurs because the heart does not receive enough blood and oxygen supply. The cause of coronary heart disease itself can occur due to various factors, both underlying medical conditions and certain habits.
A normal heart generally beats at a rate of about 60 to 100 times per minute. However, it also depends on age and activities carried out. The supply of blood and oxygen to the heart plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of this vital organ. Therefore, when the heart experiences obstacles in obtaining blood and oxygen supply, it can trigger the risk of heart diseases such as coronary heart disease.
Coronary heart disease occurs because the blood vessels in the heart are damaged due to the accumulation of atheroma. Atheroma is a kind of lump that accumulates on the arterial wall of the heart, thus obstructing the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart.
As a result, the heart's function cannot work properly, thus triggering symptoms of coronary heart disease. Below is a summary of the causes of coronary heart disease and its symptoms. This is important for you to recognize as early as possible to prevent further risks. Let's take a look at the following review about the causes of coronary heart disease that has been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Causes of Coronary Heart Disease

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As mentioned in the previous review, the cause of coronary heart disease can occur due to damage to blood vessels that function to deliver oxygen and blood to the heart. As a result, it triggers the risk of coronary heart disease because the heart does not receive enough blood supply and oxygen.
The damage to the blood vessels is triggered by the accumulation of atheroma that causes narrowing of the arterial walls of the heart. According to liputan6.com, cholesterol is one of the triggers for narrowing of the arterial walls of the heart, causing damage. The damage to the arteries in the heart tends to allow fat to adhere and even thicken. This causes inflammation, especially if the fat plaque ruptures, it will obstruct the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart.
2. Medical Conditions that Cause Coronary Heart Disease

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In addition to the causes of coronary heart disease in the previous review, there are also several triggering factors for the risk of coronary heart disease from medical conditions to certain habits. That is why some of the following causes of coronary heart disease may not be realized by you and can trigger the risk of coronary heart disease. Therefore, let's directly look at the explanation about the causes of coronary heart disease based on medical conditions.
1. Hypertension
The first cause of coronary heart disease based on medical conditions is high blood pressure. Hypertension can trigger a higher risk of coronary heart disease. Because blood pressure is often related to the heart's function of pumping blood and oxygen throughout the body. If the blood pressure is high, it can cause the heart to pump harder, triggering inflammation in the arteries. In a worse condition, hypertension can also cause thickening of the arteries and hinder the blood flow and oxygen to the heart.
2. High cholesterol
Similar to hypertension, high levels of LDL cholesterol are also associated with the cause of coronary heart disease. This happens because it can cause fat buildup in the walls of the heart arteries, triggering the risk of coronary heart disease. LDL cholesterol is said to have high levels if it exceeds the limit of 100 mg/dl.
3. Diabetes
Diabetes is also related to hypertension and high cholesterol levels. Likewise, this disease can trigger the risk of coronary heart disease. This is because diabetes can increase the chances of coronary heart disease due to the hindrance of blood and oxygen flow to the heart.
4. Experiencing Thrombosis
According to alodokter.com, the risk factors for coronary heart disease can also be caused by experiencing thrombosis. Thrombosis is a condition that occurs when blood clots in the arteries. As a result, the heart does not receive sufficient blood and oxygen supply. This increases the risk of coronary heart disease or heart attacks.
5. Obesity
Another cause of coronary heart disease based on medical conditions is obesity. Obesity is a condition when body weight exceeds the ideal limit. Obesity or overweight is also associated with the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure. Both factors are closely related to the risk of coronary heart disease.
3. Bad Habits that Cause Coronary Heart Disease

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After knowing the causes of coronary heart disease based on medical conditions, here are some bad habits that can also trigger the risk of coronary heart disease. Let's directly review the discussion about bad habits that cause coronary heart disease.
6. Smoking Habit
One of the risk factors for coronary heart disease based on bad habits is smoking. It's no secret that the compounds in cigarettes can trigger certain health problems, including heart problems. Yes, that's why smoking is related to the cause of coronary heart disease. The nicotine and carbon monoxide content in cigarettes can increase the risk of the heart working harder, causing inflammation.
7. Alcohol
Another cause of coronary heart disease due to bad habits is excessive alcohol consumption. Excessive alcohol consumption is known to increase the risk of coronary heart disease because it can affect the weakening of the heart muscle. This condition can increase the risk of heart disease occurring more easily. In addition, the habit of consuming alcohol also affects the risk of obesity, high blood pressure, and stress.
4. Unhealthy Lifestyle Causes Coronary Heart Disease

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In addition to bad habits, there are also several unhealthy lifestyles that affect the causes of coronary heart disease. For more details, you can read the following review about the causes of coronary heart disease based on unhealthy lifestyles.
8. Lack of Exercise
The first cause of coronary heart disease can occur due to lack of physical activity such as exercise. It is known that lack of physical activity is related to the risk of coronary heart disease. In addition, this unhealthy lifestyle can increase the risk of obesity.
9. Poor Eating Patterns
Another cause of coronary heart disease is poor eating patterns. Our body certainly needs a healthy intake of food to meet nutritional and vitamin needs. Well, if the eating pattern is bad or unhealthy, it is not impossible that there is a risk of health problems. One of them is coronary heart disease. Where some foods that are too high in sugar, salt, and saturated fat can affect the health of the heart organ.
10. Stress
Excessive stress levels can also trigger the risk of coronary heart disease. In addition, stress can also affect several health problems such as sleep disorders, eating disorders, and so on. This certainly also affects the health of the heart organ, including triggering the risk of coronary heart disease.
5. Inherited Factors Causing Coronary Heart Disease

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Several inherited factors can also be related to the risk of coronary heart disease. The causes of coronary heart disease due to inherited factors are as follows.
11. Genetic Factors
The first cause of coronary heart disease due to inherited factors is family history. When you have close family members with a history of coronary heart disease, the likelihood of experiencing a similar condition is high.
12. Age Level
Age level also affects the risk of coronary heart disease. It is known that the risk of this disease increases with age. People above the age of 45 or 55 often experience coronary heart problems. This is because the body's functions also decline, including triggering the risk of artery damage.
13. Gender
Coronary heart disease is known to occur more frequently in men than women. However, both genders have the same level of risk, especially if they have an unhealthy and poor lifestyle.
6. Symptoms of Coronary Heart Disease

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After knowing the causes of coronary heart disease, here are some symptoms of coronary heart disease. These symptoms of coronary heart disease are important for you to know to help prevent the early risk of serious coronary heart disease. Therefore, just listen to the review of the symptoms of coronary heart disease as follows.
- Feeling pain in the chest often occurs in the middle or left side of the chest.
- Shortness of breath due to the body not receiving enough blood and oxygen.
- Experiencing a heart attack with cold sweat, nausea, chest pain, or shortness of breath.
7. How to Prevent Coronary Heart Disease

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The ways to prevent coronary heart disease can be known as the following review. Preventing the risk of coronary heart disease can be done naturally and of course, easy to practice. Here are the easy and natural ways to prevent coronary heart disease.
- Choose high-fiber foods to get enough nutrition. A number of fruits and vegetables high in fiber can be the best choice for maintaining heart health.
- Choose unsaturated fat foods to prevent coronary heart disease. Because unsaturated fat foods can help you control cholesterol levels in the blood.
- Exercise to keep the body healthy and fit. In addition, regular exercise can help you prevent obesity and maintain blood pressure.
- Avoid high cholesterol foods to maintain your cholesterol levels normal, especially LDL levels that are associated with the risk of coronary heart disease.
- Avoid high sugar foods such as packaged sauces, soft drinks, packaged dairy products, and so on to prevent the risk of coronary heart disease.
- Consult a doctor to get the right advice and treatment if experiencing symptoms and problems of coronary heart disease.
Well, those are the 13 causes of coronary heart disease along with symptoms and how to prevent them. So by recognizing the causes of coronary heart disease, it can help you take early prevention.
Source: liputan6.com, alodokter.com
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.