Kapanlagi.com - Kidney failure is a condition when the kidneys are damaged and their function is reduced. The causes of kidney failure and its risk factors can occur due to certain medical conditions or lifestyle influences. Therefore, recognizing the causes of kidney failure early on can be one way to prevent further risks.
Kidney failure is one of the most concerning health disorders for many people. This is because kidney damage can affect the functioning of other organs in the body. One of the functions of the kidneys is to filter and eliminate waste or toxins in the body.
When the kidneys are damaged, such as in kidney failure, it is possible for the body to experience health disorders due to impaired kidney function. That is why it is important to know the causes of kidney failure and its risk factors.
Because a number of common causes of kidney failure may not be realized that they can damage the kidneys. Here's a review of the causes of kidney failure and its risk factors, as well as the types of treatment that can be done, as summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Causes of Acute and Chronic Kidney Failure

Causes of kidney failure (credit: unsplash.com)
There are two conditions that can occur due to health disorders in the kidneys. They are acute kidney failure and chronic kidney failure. Acute kidney failure is a condition where the kidneys experience sudden damage. Meanwhile, chronic kidney failure is a condition where kidney health gradually or continuously declines. The following are the causes of acute and chronic kidney failure.
1. Medical Conditions
The causes of chronic kidney failure can occur due to certain medical conditions. Among the medical conditions that can cause chronic kidney failure are diabetes, hypertension, and uric acid disease. Some of these medical conditions can underlie the occurrence of chronic kidney failure, which occurs gradually or even in the long term.
On the other hand, in acute kidney failure, the cause of the health disorder can occur due to the obstruction of blood flow to the kidneys. According to halodoc.com, the obstruction of blood flow causing acute kidney failure can occur due to several factors such as vascular disorders, abnormal blood pressure, or low blood volume.
2. Side Effects of Certain Medications
Some types of medications can also cause kidney failure. Most of these medications have side effects that inhibit blood flow to the kidneys. As a result, the kidneys do not receive enough blood supply, which ultimately disrupts kidney function. For example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or hypertension medications are known to be causes of kidney disorders.
3. Bacterial or Viral Infections
Another cause of kidney failure can be triggered by bacterial and viral infections. For example, viral hepatitis or urinary tract infections can be at risk of developing kidney failure due to inflammation.
2. Causes and Risk Factors of Kidney Failure Due to Certain Foods

Causes of kidney failure (credit: unsplash.com)
Some causes of kidney failure can also be triggered by certain foods that are rarely realized. For example, excessive consumption of foods containing salt or high-sodium foods. Here is an explanation of the causes of kidney failure due to certain habits.
4. Excessive Consumption of Foods Containing Salt
The cause of kidney failure due to certain habits can be triggered by excessive consumption of foods containing salt. Salt is known to disrupt kidney function. The obstructed kidney function is related to the process of filtering and disposing of waste and toxins in the body. In addition, salt can also trigger high blood pressure and disrupt heart health.
5. Excessive Consumption of High-Sodium Foods
High-sodium foods can also be a cause and risk factor for kidney failure. Several types of high-sodium foods can be found in salt, sauce, soy sauce, or pickles. Just like the cause of kidney failure due to excessive salt consumption, sodium can also disrupt kidney function. Sodium can affect the rise in blood pressure, which causes gradual kidney damage.
6. Excessive Consumption of Meat
Who would have thought that meat is also included as a rarely realized cause of kidney failure? This can happen when you consume excessive amounts of meat that contain high protein. Although protein is essential for the body, excessive intake of this nutrient can potentially cause kidney disorders. For that reason, you can balance it with vegetables or fruits.
7. Excessive Consumption of High Sugar Foods
Another cause of kidney failure can also be triggered by high sugar foods. Because high sugar foods can trigger the risk of hypertension which is also related to kidney failure. Therefore, avoiding excessive consumption of high sugar foods, especially artificial sugar found in packaged foods and drinks, can be done to prevent it.
8. Excessive Consumption of Wheat
Although it has health benefits, wheat bread can also be a risk factor for causing kidney failure. The cause is the content of phosphorus and potassium in wheat bread which can potentially disrupt kidney health, which is why wheat bread is also included in foods that cause kidney disorders.
9. Excessive Consumption of Oranges
Another risk factor for kidney failure comes from the following food, which is excessive consumption of oranges. Although oranges contain a number of nutrients and vitamins, excessive consumption of oranges can also potentially trigger the risk of kidney function disorders. This happens because oranges also contain high potassium which affects kidney health.
10. Processed Foods
Another food that causes kidney failure is processed foods. These processed foods usually contain high salt and sodium. That is why processed foods can be a cause of the risk of kidney health disorders. Not only does it have a negative impact on the kidneys, but other health problems may also occur if processed foods are consumed excessively.
11. Excessive Consumption of Bananas
Another food that causes kidney failure is bananas. Because bananas also contain a high amount of potassium, it can disrupt kidney function if consumed excessively. However, health problems will not arise if you consume bananas in moderation and not excessively.
12. Dairy Products
Excessive consumption of processed dairy products such as yogurt, milk, and cheese can also be one of the causes of kidney failure. This is because processed dairy products contain high levels of phosphorus that disrupt kidney function.
3. Causes of Kidney Failure Due to Certain Habits

Causes of kidney failure (credit: unsplash.com)
Certain habits that you often do in your daily life can also trigger the risk of kidney problems. Here are more complete details about the causes of kidney failure due to certain habits.
13. Smoking Habit
The substances in cigarettes are known to cause several health problems, including attacking the kidneys. That is why smoking habit is one of the causes of kidney failure that can occur.
14. Alcohol
Another cause of kidney failure is the habit of consuming alcohol. Individuals who have a habit of consuming alcohol are at a higher risk of experiencing kidney health problems. Especially if this habit is also accompanied by heavy smoking, the potential for kidney health problems increases exponentially.
15. Lack of Water Intake
How important water intake is for body health. No wonder if a body that lacks water intake can cause several health problems including kidney failure. That's why, lack of water intake is one of the rarely realized causes of kidney failure. This happens because lack of water intake can cause dehydration which is known to be a trigger.
16. Lack of Rest
Generally, adult bodies need about 7-8 hours of sleep per day. Whereas if they lack sleep, it is possible to trigger several health problems including kidney disorders. Because according to liputan6.com, kidney function is related to the sleep cycle which indirectly can regulate the workload of the kidneys throughout the day.
17. Sitting for Too Long
Another factor causing kidney failure is due to the habit of sitting for too long. Lack of physical activity can increase the risk of kidney disorders compared to someone who frequently moves.
4. Types of Kidney Failure Treatment

Renal failure treatment (credit: unsplash.com)
After knowing the causes of kidney failure along with its risk factors, here are several types of kidney failure treatment. Let's directly see the review about types of kidney failure treatment.
Medical Treatment:
- Chronic kidney failure treatment to address swelling is usually done by doctors to control fluid balance in the body.
- Treatment for high blood pressure, anemia, or controlling cholesterol levels which are also associated with the risk of kidney disorders.
- Dialysis to address kidney disorders. Dialysis is performed to assist the kidneys in performing their functions.
- Kidney transplantation can be one of the advanced stages of treating kidney problems.
Natural Treatment:
- Consuming celery juice to aid kidney function and cleanse toxins in the body.
- Consuming pomegranate juice to improve kidney function, lower urine acidity, and prevent the risk of kidney stones.
- Meeting the body's fluid needs to prevent kidney problems.
- Reducing consumption of high-salt foods by replacing them with onions.
- Consuming foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like fish to improve kidney organ function.
- Adopting a healthy lifestyle.
5. Signs of Kidney Failure
There are several signs of kidney failure that need to be aware of. By knowing what signs of kidney failure are, it can help you be more cautious and prevent further risks as early as possible. Here are the signs of kidney failure:
- Easily tired body condition.
- Experiencing continuous difficulty sleeping.
- Urine appears to be mixed with blood.
- Feeling dry and itchy skin.
- Increased urea levels in the blood.
- Disturbance in heart rhythm.
- Swelling in the body.
- Decreased urine output.
- High levels of potassium in the blood.
- Loss of appetite.
Those are the 17 causes of kidney failure and its risk factors along with their respective treatments. Consultation and further examination can be done to get advice and proper treatment from a doctor.
Source: liputan6.com, halodoc.com, alodokter.com
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.