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30 Wise and Touching Short Poems

30 Wise and Touching Short Poems Illustration (credit: Freepik) - Broadly speaking, poems are almost the same as poetry which both convey messages or portray someone's feelings. Poems greatly emphasize the harmony of language sounds, whether it's similarity or contrast. It's no wonder that poetry words touch the heart deeply, as they depict a profound feeling.

In the KKBI, it is explained that poems are a composition of literary works that are very dominant in terms of sound harmony, contrast, harmony of language sounds, and similarity. Poems are one form of literary works that are presented in regular and bound lines.

Some say that poems are a similarity of sounds, this similarity can be found in the beginning, middle, or end of sentences or words. Although poems are not a specific requirement for old poetry, the influence of poems greatly affects the form and choice of words in the poem.

For those of you who are looking for poetry words, here are 30 short and wise poetry words that touch the heart, as compiled from various sources. Let's check it out, KLovers.


1. Short Poems

Here are wise and touching short poems that can touch your hearts. And here are some of those poems:

  1. "With a poem, I present a request; a boat on a river that brushes its flow." - Jamal T. Suryanata
  2. "I am a poem, waiting for other pages to open. Not
  3. for you to become my place." - Muhammad Daffa
  4. "This poem is a prayer, hands that hold wounds. That takes care of you, so you never feel alone, and abandoned." - Agus Noor
  5. "Will write more poems. The feeling of empowerment cannot die just like that." - W.S. Rendra
  6. "My poems that can never be finished, hear my intention to complete you." - Muhammad Daffa
  7. "With a poem, I reveal love; a flower in the wind that brushes its petals." - Jamal T. Suryanata
  8. "In the nape of the earth. Take an item as a complement to the cursed field poem for the dry season." - A. Warits Rovi
  9. "I have no desire to call my poems mine at all; I write now and then with no other purpose than to alleviate depression or to improve my English." - Alfred Nobel
  10. "I remember a line from Sitor Situmorang's poem 'Cathedral des Chartres': 'life and doomsday are intertwined.'" - Goenawan Mohamad

2. Short Poem Words

These are wise and touching short poem words. And here are some of those poem words:

  1. "Love is like a cold-blooded poet who is skilled at inflicting wounds. Longing is like a simple poem that never dies." - Joko Pinurbo
  2. "Through poetry, I learn to delve into the human soul and the verses of God. Through poetry, I learn to become human. Through poems, I rediscover the freshness of my teenage soul." - D. Zawawi Imron
  3. "The grass also mesmerizes the soul along with the cold night. Following my frozen silence, trying to speak, composing a verse of nature." - Rohmatikal Maskur
  4. "Until the last letter of this poem, you are the one responsible for my tears." - Sapardi Djoko Damono
  5. "Silence envelops the earth. Only the sound of falling leaves composes poems in the dark expanse." - A. Warits Rovi
  6. "Writing free verse is like playing tennis by spreading the net." - Robert Frost
  7. "But I am a poet, and I have obtained eight figures of speech to transform you into a poem." - Muhammad Daffa
  8. "With a poem, I carve a wound; the forest in the city that yearns for its ancientness." - Jamal T. Suryanata
  9. "With a poem, I entrust longing; the sea on the beach that salts its foam." - Jamal T. Suryana
  10. "The glorious roll is exchanged. I am you in a box. I am a doll, you are a doll. The puppeteer's interlude parades the poem." - Amir Hamzah

3. Short Poetry Words

These are wise and touching short poem words that can touch your heart. And here are some of those poem words:

  1. "I am tired because of love, I am sick of poetry and poems, but money makes me happy all the time." - Hilaire Belloc
  2. "A poem that becomes is a world. A world that is made, recreated by the poet." - Chairil Anwar
  3. "If I stand on Ngliyep beach. I hear the Indian Ocean crashing on Ngliyep beach. I hear the song, Indonesian poem" - Soekarno
  4. "With a poem, I dissolve dreams, dew on clouds that allow rain." - Jamal T.Suryanata
  5. "Love is a star from the beauty of a poem. Love is the essence of life. And whoever gets full love, he has eternal happiness." - Friedrich Ruckert
  6. "He who enjoys noble pleasure in the sentiment of poetry is a true poet, and has not yet made a poem in his lifetime." - George Sand
  7. "Some excel in poems that reason foolishly." - Nicholas Boileau
  8. "Love is what makes oneself stay occasionally because poems are capable of summarizing the anxieties of life" - Umbu Landu Paranggi
  9. "With a poem, I sing poetry; so that every word becomes a universe of prayer." - Jamal T.Suryanata
  10. "He kills himself for a poem: what does he write in prose?" - Nicolas Boileau
Those are 30 short poem words that can touch your heart. Hopefully, those poem words can become a pearl that represents your feelings well.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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