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40 Wise Words from Jack Ma, Inspirational Business Motivation for Achieving Success

40 Wise Words from Jack Ma, Inspirational Business Motivation for Achieving Success Illustration (Credit: Freepik) - Jack Ma once said that if someone is poor and not successful, all of his wise words sound like farts. But when that person is rich and successful, his farts sound very wise and inspiring. Yes, that's how Jack Ma's wise words were once delivered.

And now, you can judge for yourself how Jack Ma's wise words become motivation for aspiring entrepreneurs around the world. His success in starting a company from scratch has garnered praise and his wealth has made many people want to follow in his footsteps.

Therefore, to get inspirational business motivation, you need to learn it through Jack Ma's wise words. Let's directly see Jack Ma's wise words as quoted from below.


1. Wise Words from Jack Ma for Business Motivation

Business talent cannot be obtained easily. Before starting, you need to learn tricks for facing failure and strategies for achieving success from predecessors. One of these tricks and strategies can be known through wise words from Jack Ma.

There are many beginners who consider Jack Ma as a role model in business. Therefore, the following wise words from Jack Ma are often quoted and used as a source of inspiration.

1. "When people think highly of you, you have the responsibility to stay calm and be yourself."

2. "We have never run out of money. We have run out of people with dreams, people who are willing to die for their dreams."

3. "You are still young, enjoy the show!"

4. "Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine."

5. "It is very difficult to know the outside world, but you know yourself. You know your needs and what you want. If I know myself better, I can change myself to meet the outside world."

6. "Help the young.Help the little people.Because small people will become great.Young people will have the seeds that you plant in their minds, and when they grow up, they will change the world."

7. "Smart people need foolish people to lead them.When the team is all a group of scientists, it's best to have a farmer as the leader.His way of thinking is different.It's easier to win if there's someone who sees things from a different perspective."

8. "If you want to win in this 21st century, you must empower others, make sure others are better than you. Then you will succeed."

9. "I don't care about income."

10. "You never know that the things you do are very meaningful to society."

11. "A leader must have higher endurance and perseverance, and be able to bear what employees cannot do."

12. "The most important thing you must have is patience."

13. "I really hope not to see my employees behaving like newly rich people.With that mentality, their wealth will not last."

14. "When people reject you, learn to warm your right hand with your left hand."

15. "Change while you're at your best, before bad things happen.It's too late to fix the roof when the rainy season has already arrived.Borrow an umbrella while the sun is still shining."


2. Inspirational Wise Words from Jack Ma

Jack Ma is a businessman who is suitable to be a role model. Starting a business seriously and experiencing ups and downs, then his name is known almost all over the world. Jack Ma's wise words have the potential to be a reference if your business is experiencing failure.

His perspective on wealth, which does not need to be flaunted like a newly rich person, is worth emulating. To find out other unique perspectives, just take a look at Jack Ma's wise words below.

16. "Life is very short, very beautiful. Don't be too serious about work. Enjoy life."

17. "If you don't give up, you still have a chance. Giving up is the greatest failure."

18. "If you've never tried, how will you know if there are opportunities?"

19. "When we have money, we start making mistakes."

20. "My job is to help more people have jobs."

21. "If we go to work at eight in the morning and go home at five in the evening, we are not a technology company, and Alibaba will never succeed. If we have that 8-5 spirit, we should do something else."

22. "I want to change history, do something important in my life, and influence people like we have with millions of small businesses on Alibaba. Then they love and respect you because you make their lives important."

23. "You must build a team that has values, innovation, and vision."

24. "You must learn from your competitors, but never copy. If you copy, you will 'die'."

25. "Why can I be a better CEO than most CEOs out there? Because I don't work for money. Making a profit has never been my main goal."

26. "Once in your life, try to work hard in something. Try to change. Nothing bad can happen."

27. "Instead of learning from other people's success, learn from their mistakes. Most people who fail have the same reasons (failure), while success can be associated with various reasons."

28. "Today, making money is very simple. However, making sustainable money while being responsible to society and improving the world is very difficult."

29. "When you're young, make mistakes. Don't worry."

30. "If we are a good team and know what we want to do, just one of us can defeat ten of our competitors."


3. Wise Words from Jack Ma for Achieving Success

Who would disagree if Jack Ma is said to be someone who has achieved success? Clearly, almost everyone agrees and is interested in following his career path. Jack Ma's wise words that reflect the spirit of achieving success need to be followed by you.

Spirit and focus on goals are often forgotten. Everyone wants to do as many things as possible in life. By learning the following wise words from Jack Ma, it might help you find the focus and goals that will lead you to success.

31. "I try to make myself happy because I know that if I am not happy, my colleagues are not happy, my shareholders are not happy, and my customers are not happy."

32. "Complainers are losers."

33. "Make sure you help many people. When others succeed, when others are happy, you will succeed and be happy."

34. "If there are nine rabbits on the ground, and you want to catch one, focus on just one."

35. "It doesn't matter if I fail. At least I have passed on the concept to others. Even if I am not successful, someone will be successful."

36. "If you treat people like enemies, they will become your enemies."

37. "We appreciate yesterday, but we look for a better tomorrow."

38. "If you want to grow, find good opportunities. Currently, if you want to be a good company, think about social problems that you can provide solutions for."

39. "You never know how much you can do in your life."

40. "I don't want to be liked. I want to be respected."

KLovers, those are the wise words of Jack Ma that you can read and share to get the spirit in achieving success.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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