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60 Touching Depressed Words, Deep Sadness Expression

60 Touching Depressed Words, Deep Sadness Expression Illustration (credit: - Complicated life problems often trigger someone to drown in sadness. This condition makes someone depressed because it eventually affects their life. Several depressed words can represent your sad feelings due to certain problems.

Being depressed is a condition that occurs when you feel too drowned in sadness, too deep in lamenting the situation, or at the lowest point because of life problems. When this condition occurs, the support of loved ones is needed to foster the spirit to rise from depression.

However, determination and self-confidence are key factors that you need to develop in order to get out of depression. In this case, you can find inspiration and motivation through words.

One of them is depressed words that can represent your sad feelings due to certain problems, ranging from friendship, love, or career. The depressed words can be found in the review below.


1. Touching Words of Despair

Despair can happen to anyone due to various reasons. This condition often triggers feelings of sadness and loss of motivation in living life. Consequently, if it persists, it can have negative impacts on oneself as being stuck in a state of despair. The following words of despair can represent your feelings due to certain issues.

1. "When you're dreaming with a broken heart, waking up is the hardest part."

2. "Sometimes, it's not the song that makes you emotional, but the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it."

3. "I'd rather leave than fight for you, not because you're not worth fighting for, but because you never asked me to stay."

4. "I know you won't come back, but it will take my heart a long time to accept it."

5. "When you're used to talking to someone every day, a day without talking to them feels like a year has passed."

6. "I pretend not to be hurt, I travel the world like I'm having fun."

7. "I'm not tired of loving you. I'm just tired of waiting, assuming, hearing lies, apologizing, and getting hurt."

8. "I post pictures of myself because I'm lonely. Everyone knows what I look like, but none of them really know me."

9. "You're an expert in regret and blurring the lines."

10. "The more you show your true feelings, the more people find ways to hurt you."

11. "Perhaps the wolves are falling in love with the moon, and every month when it appears, they cry out for a love they will never touch."


2. Meaningful Words of Despair

A number of the following words contain deep meanings that you can take as valuable lessons. So through these words, you can make them a learning experience for life in the future. Here are meaningful words.

12. "Never hurt someone who loves you deeply because they won't hurt you back. But, they might have no choice but to leave you forever."

13. "Don't judge. You don't know what storms someone has just been through."

14. "Be careful who you fall in love with because someone somewhere won't approve."

15. "Appreciate that person when they are still alive, don't cry for them when they're gone."

16. "The angrier you get, the more troublemakers you encounter."

17. "Behind every flirtatious man, there's a girl who leaves him alone for no reason."

18. "She's brave, strong, and broken at the same time."

19. "That's one of the strange things about a bad mood. We often deceive ourselves and create misery by telling ourselves things that are not true."

20. "Sometimes I wish I was little again. Small wounds are easier to heal than a broken heart."

21. "Every heart has its pain. Only the way of expressing it is different. Foolish people hide it in their eyes, while brilliant people hide it in their smiles."

22. "Never be a princess from a home without a mother."

23. "For the less fortunate, life is just a tragedy."


3. Deeply Sad Words of Despair

The following words can describe your mood because of problems that make your heart sad, disappointed, or hurt. In addition, the following words may relate to your current problems. Let's take a look.

24. "I spent my life burdened with a hard heart, drowning in irony and settling for anything."

25. "Don't expect me to tell you what your mistake is. If you can't figure it out yourself, then you're not ready to fix it because you don't know that it's a mistake."

26. "The worst battle is the one between the heart and the mind. You never know which one to listen to."

27. "Seven billion people on this planet and I only have two friends."

28. "It's hard to breathe. When you cry a lot, it makes you realize that breathing is difficult."

29. "I don't care about people who don't care about me!"

30. "The clouds match my mood."

31. "I'm always where the sun doesn't shine."

32. "Until it happens to you, you won't know what it feels like."

33. "The hardest thing to do is to pay attention to someone you love, loving someone else."

34. "I will never stop caring, but if you decide to push me away, I will leave."

35. "This is a problem tied to someone. When they leave, you feel lost."

36. "Being in a bad mood with your friends will beat a bad mood without them."

37. "Keep smiling. One day life will tire you and make you upset."

38. "Sometimes you know when your mood is very bad and you're not sure why? That's life."

39. "One of the biggest mistakes I ever made was expecting happiness from others."


4. Advice-Filled Words of Despair

To rise from despair, determination and self-motivation are needed to overcome every problem in life. You can find motivation and inspiration through the following words of despair. These words contain the spirit to help you rise from despair.

40. "Falling is normal. Rising is extraordinary."

41. "Rise and rise again until lambs become lions."

42. "Do not give up if your dreams have not come true. With spirit, belief, and accompanied by prayer, everything that seems impossible can become possible."

43. "Realize that God tests you because He believes in you more than you think. Rise up. Life won't wait."

44. "Never be sad about what happened today. Because, we do not know what will happen tomorrow."

45. "If you fail 10 times, remember that there are people who have failed 15 times before achieving success."

46. "It is easy to sit and observe, what is difficult is to rise and act again."

47. "When time and circumstances force us to go nowhere, at least we have tried."

48. "To make progress, there are many obstacles. It is okay to be disappointed for a minute or two, but after that, you must rise again."

49. "Someone who can rise after falling is stronger than someone who has never fallen at all."

50. "Everyone has failed. Some give up, some rise again. So there are losers, there are winners."

51. "Believe in miracles, but do not rely on them."

52. "Teach me to dissolve in the darkness without disappearing, to embrace fear without retreating, to wake up from illusions, but not choose to leave."

53. "Life cannot be repeated. What has already happened cannot be undone. We must decide whether to rise or just let ourselves sink."

54. "Failure is the only opportunity to start again with more intelligence."

55. "Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose."

56. "People who criticize us are essentially the guardians of our souls, who work without pay."

57. "Rise from all adversity and do not be defeated by circumstances."

58. "We must learn from adversity, not run from it."

59. "Mourning sadness, that is appropriate. Rising from adversity, that is an extraordinary effort, my silent thoughts, strengthening my heart."

60. "Problems are tests that should be turned into strength, not weaknesses that lead you to adversity."

Those are 60 touching words of adversity, deep expressions of sadness. A number of depressed words above can represent your feelings if you are in that situation.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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