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45 Words Fighting for Someone You Love, Meaningful and Motivating

45 Words Fighting for Someone You Love, Meaningful and Motivating Illustration (credit: freepik) - Love is often referred to as the most beautiful gift in the world. Loving and being loved can bring its own happiness. But in reality, love doesn't always end happily. The proof is that some love stories end up unrequited. The pain and sadness of unrequited love are portrayed in words of fighting for someone.

Fighting for someone's love is not an easy thing. Especially if the person we fight for turns out to be indifferent or ignores our efforts. Just like fighting for the future, in love there are also many obstacles to overcome. That's why love should ideally be mutual. Words of fighting for someone can increase your fighting spirit in getting love.

Summarized from various sources, here are some words of fighting for someone that are meaningful and can increase your fighting spirit.

1. Words Fighting for Someone Wrong

Some people say that love is blind. Sometimes, someone can fall in love with anyone, regardless of what they look like. Even, often someone falls in love with the wrong person. Here are some words of fighting for someone who is wrong.

1. "Don't overdo it. I'm not fighting for you. I'm just curious."

2. "Is it his fault for leaving, or is it our failure to fight?"

3. "Don't forget to fight for your own dreams. Because, some people pretend to care, but actually don't."

4. "This story is too short for us to choose between fighting or forgetting."

5. "We used to be so busy fighting for each other until we got tired and ran out of energy to hold on. Finally let go."

6. "Never give up fighting for what you believe is right. As long as there is a will, God will show the way."

7. "There are no limits in love, only limits in fighting."

8. "If I am not your destiny, will you still fight for me?"

9. "We are a pair of eyes that both know, there are things we feel, but choose to remain silent. Silent for later, who knows when we will fight for each other."

10. "When you believe there will be a rainbow after the rain, you must also believe there will be happiness after the struggle."

11. "If I am not your destiny, will you still fight for me?"

12. "Don't fight for someone who doesn't want us to fight for them."

13. "We are two people who are both fighting. The difference is, I fight for you while you fight for them."

2. Words Fighting for Someone But Not Recognized

The struggle to gain love doesn't always end happily. Sometimes, love remains unrequited and doesn't find a common ground. What's worse, someone's efforts to obtain love are often ignored and unappreciated. Here are some words fighting for someone but not recognized.

1. "Even though you still don't see, I still hope for you. That's the meaning of struggle."

2. "About accepting defeat and fighting for something."

3. "Left alone when fighting, ignored when trying to defend, maybe letting go is the right decision to avoid being wasted."

4. "You don't understand what it's like to fight for something. You don't get it. That's why you like to belittle other people's dreams."

5. "Don't lose respect for yourself in order to fight for someone who doesn't care about losing you."

6. "Too beautiful to forget and too difficult to fight for again."

7. "Maybe we were meant to meet just to get acquainted, not to care for each other or fight for each other."

8. "As long as you and I can fight for what we both feel, I believe there will be a way. No matter how difficult it is, there will be a way."

9. "Once fought, even though in the end it was wasted."

10. "Once fought for, but never recognized."

3. Meaningful Words to Fight for Someone

Love is a meaningful feeling. Therefore, in fighting for someone you love, you will encounter meaningful events. Like some meaningful words to fight for someone.

1. "Thank you for teaching me the meaning of fighting, and then letting go."

2. "I fight for what I should get, happiness."

3. "The person who motivates you to become better, to fight harder for your dreams, is always worth fighting for."

4. "Happiness is not a gift that falls from the sky. But, a struggle that must be continuously fought until the last breath."

5. "Because staying, fighting, and waiting, are proof of someone's seriousness in their relationship, with the person they love."

6. "The best partner is the one who fights for each other. Maybe you are different, but you can grow together."

7. "You will not win in life if you don't fight for it."

8. "Living simply does not mean living as it is. We still have to fight for an extraordinary life, but with a humble attitude."

9. "Some people think without logic, speak without meaning, act without considering, start without fighting."

10. "When you already have a goal, you are the one who has to fight for it."

4. Words of Fighting for Someone with Wise Messages

The words fighting for someone not only contain deep meaning. Behind these words, there is often a wise message about how to interpret a struggle. Here are some words fighting for someone with wise messages.

1. "There are times to hope, there are times to stop hoping. There are times to fight, there are times to let go. It's done, no need to force it."

2. "Don't easily envy other people's success. Look at how they strive to fight for their dreams and make it a motivation for yourself."

3. "In fighting, you must be self-aware so as not to lose your dignity."

4. "The more mature you become, the more you understand when to advance, fight, or slowly retreat."

5. "Fighting for ideology must be realistic, not an absolute."

6. "Someone who knows what it feels like to fight, knows what it feels like to defend, is the one who should not easily let go."

7. "If we want to fight for something, we must be consistent and continuous until we succeed. It's not easy, it takes time, but that's the characteristic of movement people."

8. "Little notes appear in my mind, not because I'm tired, but because I want to fight for them."

9. "The right person makes you feel like you can face anything because they are always there to fight for your smile and wipe away your tears."

10. "If you don't fight for something you want, then don't regret losing that opportunity."

11. "Fight for someone who also fights for you. Never be willing to fight alone because happiness at the peak is more beautiful when enjoyed together."

12. "There is nothing wrong with continuing to fight for the uncertain, what is wrong is fighting for the certain that is not."

Those are among the 45 meaningful words of fighting for someone. Hopefully it is useful and can inspire!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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