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66 Words for Enemies in Disguise, So Sarcastic and Touching Feelings

66 Words for Enemies in Disguise, So Sarcastic and Touching Feelings Illustration (credit: - It cannot be denied, an enemy can be your closest friend who is known as an enemy in disguise. Because they appear like good friends but actually have deceit. Some words for enemies in disguise can be spicy satire and touch feelings.

Realizing that the friend you trust turns out to be an enemy in disguise certainly makes you disappointed, hurt, angry, and sad. Because you feel betrayed by their various deceits.

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Various factors can cause a friend to become an enemy, such as jealousy, envy, or having high selfishness. That is why sometimes you want to express all your feelings so that they realize their mistakes.

However, some people may find it difficult to confront their enemies directly. If you are in that situation, some words for enemies in disguise can be the right choice. Words for enemies in disguise can be spicy satire that can touch their feelings.

The words for enemies in disguise can be found in the review below. The following are the words for enemies in disguise that have been summarized by from various sources.



1. Words for Enemies in Disguise

Words for enemies in disguise can be a reference for you to express feelings of anger, disappointment, and sadness. The words for enemies in disguise can be seen through the following reviews.

1. By talking behind my back, it means you respect my presence enough not to behave in front of me. - Madea

2. A friend is nothing more than a known enemy. - Kurt Cobain

3. The difference between a friend and an enemy is very thin. There are times when they support everything you do, but they can also stab you in the back and even destroy you.

4. Speak positively about others, because positive words always come back to their source.

5. Be careful with those who never match their words and actions.

6. I have never been afraid to accept help, but there is only one thing I fear, that one day you will come and force me to repay.

7. A true friend will not feel offended when you insult them. They will smile and insult you even worse.

8. Make sure your worst enemy does not live between your ears.

9. It is much easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.

10. Sometimes the closest person is the most dangerous enemy.

11. For every ten jokes, you have a hundred enemies.

12. The saddest thing is when betrayal does not come from your enemies, but from a friend you have trusted all this time.

13. Enemies are not always those who hate you. There is something even more terrifying, they appear nice but secretly push you from behind.

14. Being honest may not make you gain many friends, but it will always make you find true friends.

15. Some people are real. Some people are good. Some people are fake and some people are really good at pretending.

16. Don't be afraid of enemies who attack you, but fake friends who hug you.

17. I used to think that enemies were the worst people in the world, but that was until I met fake friends and realized that they are much worse.

18. Fake friends: once they stop talking to you, they start talking about you.

19. It is better to be secretly praised by one person who is the best at giving honest and open opinions than by many people who are not good for anything, but often secretly mock others.

20. The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.

21. Some of the most toxic people come disguised as friends and family.


2. Words for Enemies who Touch Feelings

Here are some words for enemies who hurt your feelings that can be a reference for you to make them more self-aware. The words for enemies are as follows.

22. I don't like fighting. If I have an enemy, I will forgive them, invite them to a peaceful place, and then finish them there. - Mark Twain

23. Someone who smiles too much with you sometimes frowns a lot behind you. - Michael Bassey Johnso

24. This heart is still hurting, but it seems like no one cares.

25. It is easier to deceive someone than to convince them that they have been deceived. - Mark Twain

26. The word 'friend' is a label that anyone can try. And you are the one who determines who is most worthy of wearing it. - Carlos Wallace

27. In life, there are always enemies and obstacles that must be fought and defeated.

28. If you want an enemy, defeat others. And if you want to be friends, let others defeat you.

29. Thank your enemies, because they are the ones who first find your mistakes.

30. Arrogance is the enemy of goodness and truth. A proud person cannot see the truth and understand goodness.

31. There is no stronger bond of friendship than having the same enemy.

32. It's okay to hate, but keep it in your heart, not by speaking or typing hurtful words.

33. There's no need to get angry and stressed facing haters. Just throw a smile and open your heart to accept every negative thing they produce.

34. Usually, someone who likes to expose the flaws of others in front of you is likely to expose your flaws in front of others.

35. Don't talk about the badness of others because the one who is bad is actually the one talking about it.

36. Funny, they mock the shortcomings of others before seeing what is lacking in themselves.


3. Words for Spicy Enemies

Undeniably, the desire to express all emotions when you find out that someone close to you has become an enemy, of course you want to express it. But not many people have the courage to express all their feelings. Some harsh words for enemies below can represent your feelings towards enemies.

37. You remind me of loose change. Two-faced and worthless.

38. Don't look for someone who can solve all your problems. Look for someone who can stand with you in facing all the problems.

39. Reflect on yourself before you make a mirror of others.

40. They laugh at me for being different and I laugh at them for being the same.

41. Sometimes it's okay to be a bad person because being a good person is constantly taken advantage of by friends.

42. Even wood that has been in the river for decades will not turn into a crocodile.

43. An honest enemy is far better than a lying friend.

44. The remedy for fifty enemies is a friend.

45. Sometimes, the insult of an enemy is more sincere than the praise of a friend.

46. It is better to have one enemy than to have a thousand friends who only come when they need something.

47. It is better to listen to a wise enemy than to ask advice from a foolish friend.

48. A friend will always underestimate your goodness, while an enemy will always respect your flaws.

49. Listen to honorable haters, you live not to mind other people's lives. Is your life less important than mine?

50. Do not spread hatred and harsh words to those who oppose you. Your life doesn't have to be filled with such filthy things.

51. To all the haters, never stop paying attention to me because your attention is more valuable and makes my life more colorful.

52. Shallow-minded people always think of things that harm others.

53. Empty-minded people talk the most.

54. God gave us one tongue, but gave us two ears so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.


4. Words for Enemies Full of Satire

Using sarcasm towards enemies can lighten your disappointment and anger towards their behavior. Here are some references for sarcastic words for enemies.

55. Always apologize, as there will be many mistakes ahead.

56. Look down, there are still many who have the potential to surpass you.

57. Listen carefully to how someone talks about others in front of you. That's how they talk about you in front of others. - Chernoff

58. A good person is someone who feels ashamed if their words exceed their actions.

59. Sometimes fear and rejection are your biggest enemies.

60. If you are too eager to show off your strengths, it will only make it easier for enemies to calculate your weaknesses.

61. Give your enemies a thousand chances to become your friend, but do not give your friends a single chance to become your enemy.

62. Life is not about repaying evil with evil, but about learning to repay evil with kindness.

63. Do not be an impatient person when facing hateful human species like this. Be a great and wise person to accept all their criticism.

64. Respect others if you want to be respected, do not insult if you do not want to be insulted, and do not belittle others if you do not want to be belittled.

65. If I treat you as you treat me, then you will hate me.

66. Karma never walks alone, it always walks behind you, waiting for the right time to awaken you.

Well, those are 66 words for enemies in disguise, so sarcastic and touching feelings. Some of the words for enemies above can be a reference for you when you are in a similar situation.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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