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56 Funny and Meaningful Soulmate Quotes, Entertaining for Single Hearts

56 Funny and Meaningful Soulmate Quotes, Entertaining for Single Hearts Illustration (credit: - Speaking of soul mates, there is a popular saying that soul mates will not run away. When the time comes, those of you who are still single will definitely meet your soul mate. Yes, everyone has their own destiny to meet their soul mate earlier or later. Several funny and meaningful soul mate words can entertain the hearts of singles who are still waiting for their soul mate.

Meeting your soul mate is one of the blessings that need to be grateful for. Everyone has their own time to meet their soul mate, based on age, place, or different ways. Before meeting your soul mate, preparing yourself as best as possible can be done so that you are ready to build a serious relationship with them.

In the midst of waiting to meet your soul mate, it is good to make the most of your time by doing beneficial activities. For example, pursuing a career, aspirations, and dreams. Although life feels empty and lonely, you can do various things to fill the void so that your mind and heart can be more relaxed.

One of them is reading funny soulmate quotes that can represent your feelings. In addition, funny soulmate quotes also contain deep meanings about the presence of a soulmate. Funny soulmate quotes can entertain you while waiting for the arrival of your beloved.

You can find funny and meaningful soulmate quotes through the reviews below. Here are funny and meaningful soulmate quotes that have been compiled by from various sources.

1. Funny Soul Mate Words

Through funny soulmate quotes, you can make them as a reference for entertainment. You can even entertain others when uploading them through social media. You can find funny soulmate quotes through the reviews below.
Soulmate is like riding a public transportation, sometimes you can get off in the middle of the road.

1.Sometimes soulmate is like a crescent moon, it appears and then it's debated.

2.Soulmate is like a Formula 1 race, it can't be swapped. But it can be overtaken, passed, or left behind after getting married.

3.Soulmate is like Jessica's trial, it takes a long time to wait.

4. Soulmate is like a star in the sky, there are many but you can't take more than one.

5.Always talking about other people. When will you talk about your own future?

6.Exes are the past, crushes are the future. So what about the present?

7.Love is like a public transportation, you have to wait for someone at the end of the road who might not even want to get on.

8.If a boyfriend/girlfriend is the future. Then a crush is the perfected future.

9.Someone else's partner is our delayed soulmate.

10.Want to run in the morning, but no one is chasing.

11.Soulmate is mysterious. They come and go just like that.

12.Because blessings are predetermined. And soulmates cannot be exchanged.

13. Hanging out with smart people will make you smart, or at least look smart or find a smart soulmate. - Triani Retno A.

14.Soulmate is arranged by someone. Who knows if that's your soulmate? Just talk to them. There's nothing wrong with it. - Raditya Dika

15.Well, if it's meant to be, it won't be complicated. - Christina Tirta

2. Funny and Meaningful Soul Mate Words

Not only entertaining, funny soulmate words also contain a meaning. Where these funny soulmate words below can be a valuable lesson for you. So you can take the best lessons through funny and meaningful soulmate words.

16. Soulmate is like a fried rice seller, waiting for no one to pass by. Sometimes not wanting many to pass by. Approached, there are already many in line.

17. Soulmate is like a pen, when searched is never there. Not searched but found, and sometimes disappears on its own, even taken by a friend.

18. Soulmate is like healthy food, God has served it for us, but sometimes we reject it because of taste issues.

19. Proud to be single. Not spending weekends. Not spending money. And engaging in beneficial activities.

20. Enjoy your status as a single person at this time and don't be jealous. Because many people out there are tired of being single and there are also people who are tired while in a relationship.

21. It's better to wait for the right person for a long time, rather than welcoming anyone who only stays for a while.

22. Don't be too busy looking for a soulmate (rib bone), until you forget about the backbone (family and friends).

23. Do not give up in finding your soulmate. Think carefully. Maybe your soulmate is someone who has been close to you all this time. - Raditya Dika

24. If waiting to get rewarded, maybe I am one of the potential residents of heaven. Because, I patiently wait for uncertain answers from him.

25.Be patient. Your soulmate won't run away, maybe they're just being borrowed. Later, when they're bored, they'll be returned to you. Just pray that they'll be returned to you before it's too late. - Annisa Andrie

26.If it's meant to be, even if they run to the end of the world, you will definitely meet.

27.Soulmates are in the hands of God. So, look for someone who is a perfect match in body and soul. Don't keep changing partners. - Dini Fitria

28.Not all opposite genders who enter your life will become your soulmate. There are still thousands of other statuses. - Silvarani

29.A girl should not wake up late. No wonder you're far from your soulmate. - Putu Felisia

30.Please wait! Your soulmate is observing and so on, weighing and so on. Deciding and so on. Hopefully, you are the chosen one. - Moammar Emka

3. Funny Soul Mate Words That Make You Laugh

It cannot be denied that funny soul mate words can make you laugh and tickle your stomach. So, in the midst of the silence and loneliness that envelops your heart and feelings, you can be entertained by just reading funny soul mate words. Here are some funny soul mate words that will make you laugh.

31. Soul mates are like Jelangkung, they come without being invited and leave without being sent.

32. Soul mates are like ordering chicken porridge, if you leave it too long, it will go bad.

33. Soul mates are important, mama likes them.

34. Soul mates are like limited edition items, they exist but you have to pre-order.

35. Soul mates are like mice, don't chase them but sometimes you have to trap them.

36. FRIDAY: Soul Mate Will Definitely Come #randomabbreviation.

37. When it's CERTAIN: get married! When it's EX: forget it!

38. Jealousy is a sign of love. Anger is a sign of affection. Being fooled is a sign of not being soul mates. #unfortunate

39. My soul mate is pitiful, they are dating the wrong person.

40. In the grave, you will be asked who your God is, not who your boyfriend/girlfriend is.

41. Relax, everyone will get married in due time.

42. Being single is free, Freehatin'.

43. The thesis is done. But when it comes to soul mates, it's like searching for a needle in a haystack.

44. Do you think you can find a soul mate by wishing in a well? If it were that easy, no one would be single. - Catz Link Tristan

4. Funny Soul Mate Words to Entertain Singles

Funny soulmate quotes to entertain singles below can be your choice when your heart and mind are in turmoil waiting for your soulmate. The following are funny soulmate quotes to entertain single hearts.

45.They say waiting for a soulmate is like sitting at a Sushi Bar. You already know which one you want, you can see it from afar, you're ready to welcome it, but suddenly someone else takes it.

46.No matter how clever a squirrel jumps, it will eventually fall. Your single days will eventually end in marriage too. #failedexplorer

47.Go to Solo, then to Belgium. Even though I'm single, I'm still happy.

48. For singles, don't be sad, because life starts from being single.

49. Being single is thrifty, no need to set aside money to pay for a partner.

50. There are those who love each other but don't end up together. On the other hand, there are those who are already together but never love each other.

51. Wedding preparations are already 95%, the remaining 5% is finding a partner.

52. God, if you can't give me a soulmate yet. Please make my friends single too. Amen.

53. Superman single, Batman single, Spiderman single. Now I know, I'm single because I'm a superhero.

54. Romeo is willing to die for Juliet, Jack died saving Rose. In short, if you still want to live, be single.

55. Being single means being loyal, you know. Being loyal to solitude, that's what it means.

56. It's annoying when you're talking to a friend and their partner calls, and the call takes forever.

Those are 56 funny and meaningful soulmate quotes, comforting the hearts of singles. The above quotes can represent your hearts while waiting for a soulmate.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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