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62 Heartbreaking, Confused, and Heartwarming Words, Representing Deep Feelings

62 Heartbreaking, Confused, and Heartwarming Words, Representing Deep Feelings Heartbreaking words (credit: - Bahasa gaul budak cinta or known as bucin is quite popular among young people nowadays. Yes, bucin is often associated with the love problems of young people with various interesting stories. Bucin words that are ambyar and make you sad can make you baper when you remember your relationship with your partner.

Bucin is a condition used to describe someone who is currently falling in love with something to the point of difficult to forget and willing to do anything for their lover. Someone who is bucin usually does things beyond their control to make their crush happy.

Unfortunately, bucin doesn't always have a sweet ending, hence the term bucin ambyar. Yes, bucin ambyar is used to refer to a condition when you are willing to do something for your partner but get a response that is not as expected. In short, bucin ambyar can experience love rejection or heartbreak.

So it makes your day and thoughts sad, confused, even chaotic. Some bucin ambyar words can be a reference for you to express your feelings if you are in that condition.

Here are some bucin ambyar words that make you sad and baper that you can read through the following reviews. The following bucin words have been summarized by from various sources.



1. Heartbreaking Words that Touch the Heart

Words of 'bucin ambyar' often make everyone carried away by feelings or 'baper'. Because, someone who is 'bucin' but 'ambyar' can touch the heart. The following 'bucin ambyar' words that make 'baper' can be a reference for you.

1. Sometimes I envy an object. It has no feelings but is always needed. Unlike me who has feelings, but left and ignored.

2. Late, when the heart is already tied. Begin to be cut by selfish feelings without certainty, just give me a gap for me. I will enjoy the wounds before my soul is tortured any longer.

3. It's better to stay away from someone, not because of not loving, but because you have to protect yourself from getting hurt continuously.

4. It's very difficult to get rid of a wound that is getting wider day by day.
I'm hurt, do you also hurt me?

5. It feels strange.. How is it that just by hearing your name, my heart can be cut and hurt like a wet wound sprinkled with vinegar?

6. I'll stay strong even if you hurt me. So that you understand, pain doesn't mean anything to my sincere love.

7. He cares only because he has experienced the same thing as you. He just 'sympathizes' with you.

8. So it's wrong if you interpret that he gives you hope. It is actually you who place hope in him.

9. Love doesn't easily disappear, especially changing places. So if he moves on quickly, maybe he doesn't love.

10. Hoping and being given hope are equally painful, do you know the pain for what? Because hope may not necessarily match reality.

11. Sorry, I forgot that I am nobody.

12. Jealousy is a feeling of love and hatred at the same time. - Drake

13. My sleep is ruined by longing.

14. Chasing is tiring, but waiting is even more tiring. Waiting for you to realize my existence.

15. I don't know why every time I see you, I remember exams. It's difficult, but still, it must be fought for the future.

16. Everyone can say love, but not everyone can be faithful.



2. Heartbreaking Words that Confuse

Although being in love is often associated with someone who is intoxicated by love and is willing to do anything for their idol. However, in some conditions, someone in love may feel confused or emotional. Here are heartbreaking words that confuse.

17. You leave with memories, and you come back with an invitation.

18. I am disappointed in myself. Disappointed for giving my heart to you who are clueless.

19. He always manages to hurt me, but I always fail to hate him.

20. It often makes me upset. But realizing that you are still here makes me happy again.

21. I have told everything, but why does this heart still not accept and this mind keeps thinking about it?

22. I thought my happiness was with you. But I doubt it, until now I haven't found that happiness.

23. I am not a substitute when the main character is not around.

24. Only one wish, to be loved by you.

25. I love you more than words can express, expressing feelings, and thinking thoughts.

26. Until this moment, you are still the reason why my heart doesn't want to accept anyone.



3. Words of Bucin Ambyar Representing Feelings

Various words of Bucin Ambyar representing feelings can make your heart and mind feel light. Because, you can express all your feelings through words that can describe your mood. Here are some words of Bucin Ambyar representing feelings.

27. Make me able to hate you even just for a few minutes, so it's not too heavy to forget you.

28. Feeling a feeling is easy, leaving it is too difficult.

29. Thank you for promising. Even though in the end you broke it.

30. The one who loves too much will become a Bucin.

31. Can your heart be like a swan that is faithful to only one person.

32. With you, falling in love is an intentionally broken heart. - Wira Nagara

33. It's better to be alone than together but without certainty.

34. Don't give too much attention, it's enough to be ordinary without causing any feelings.

35. It's difficult for me to say that I'm jealous of how happy you are without me. - Labrinth

36. You are the impossibility that I hope for.

37. At a glance, I might look like I'm smiling in your eyes. But actually, this heart is crying bitterly seeing you with him.

38. Sometimes I envy kites, even if their strings are broken, they are still chased and not willing to be taken by others.

39. Since I stopped hoping for you, I have lost enthusiasm in everything.



4. Funny Ambyar Bucin Words

Someone who is bucin sometimes shows funny and different behaviors from themselves. Because, generally bucin people are willing to do anything for their idol, which sometimes makes them behave differently from before. Here are some bucin words that are broken and funny.

40. If I were a representative of the people, I would definitely fail, how can I think about the people if the only thing on my mind is you.

41. When the heart is destined to choose you, please don't go, I beg you. If you still want to leave, then I'll leave you some food :)

42. Kolak pisang Tahu Sumedang, even though the distance stretches, my love will never fade away.

43. When you have made him happy and he still chooses someone else, believe that maybe you are not rich enough!

44. I like anything as long as it's with you, including eating liver.

45. I like you, you like her, she likes someone else :v

46. You're like a color pen, you can color my days.

47. If you're an angel, I'll break all your wings. Because I don't want you to go back to heaven.

48. I don't need someone whose love is only temporary.

49. Already knew that you were being cheated on but still stayed. Who's the stupid one, you or the neighbor's cat?

50.They say love is more important than money, but have you ever paid bills with hugs?

51.Love may be blind, but love is not deaf. Love can differentiate between the sound of a Honda Jazz and a Honda Supra.

52.You are someone I will never forget in my life. Because you still owe me.

53. We're like dominoes. I fall for you, and you fall for someone else.

54.The hardest thing I've ever experienced is seeing you in their arms.

55.If you love them, chase them while the traffic light is green. If it turns red, just keep going, it's a habit of +62 people.



5. Wise and Meaningful Ambyar Bucin Words

Various wise and meaningful ambyar bucin words contain deep meanings. In addition, wise ambyar bucin words can give you valuable lessons when your heart is in turmoil. Here are wise and meaningful ambyar bucin words.

56. Smiling doesn't mean being happy, but sometimes it's the best way to hide a hurt heart.

57. Keep those who love you extremely. Not just anyone, not by chance, let alone as an outlet.

58. Try to appreciate the person who has patiently dealt with your nature. Because they believe that someday you can change thanks to their sincere and patient support.

59. Because the heart doesn't need to choose, it always knows where to anchor. - Dee Lestari

60. I'd rather have half of your heart than someone else's whole heart.

61. Love starts from the eyes, so it's no wonder that love ends with tears.

62. In my sleep, your face will always appear, in my gaze, it will be clear how we met, and in my thoughts, the word longing will always be spoken.

Those are 62 ambyar, confused, and make you emotional words, representing the deepest feelings. The above ambyar bucin words can be a reference for you to express all your feelings.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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