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73 Words from Your Mouth are Your Tiger, Becoming a Lesson to Maintain Speech

73 Words from Your Mouth are Your Tiger, Becoming a Lesson to Maintain Speech Words from your mouth are your tiger (credit: - Every word spoken usually can have an impact on future life. The impact of not being able to keep one's speech well can be felt directly or in the future. That's why there is a term 'mulutmu harimaumu' which means that everything we say can have an effect on ourselves and others.

The importance of keeping one's speech well is not only beneficial for oneself but also for those around us. Because, the words or speech we say tend to influence the people around you. That's why it is important to maintain good and bad speech, because it can determine your life the next day.

For example, when you say bad or untrue words, the same impact can come back to you. Likewise with good words, you will receive similar responses. That's what we often hear in society.

The term 'mulutmu harimaumu' is quite popularly used as a verbal message for everyone to keep their speech in check. Because words can be a spear that pierces someone and potentially affects their lives. So it is important to guard your tongue well.

A number of words from your mouth are your tiger below can be valuable lessons so that you can guard your tongue well. These words from your mouth are your tiger have been summarized by from various sources.

1. Meaningful Words from Your Mouth are Your Tiger

Words from your mouth are your tiger can be a reference for you to be careful in guarding your tongue or speech. These words from your mouth are your tiger below contain deep meanings about guarding your tongue. Here are the complete words from your mouth are your tiger.

1. Think first before you say what's on your mind. The words that come out of your mouth can hurt others.

2. Harsh words can hurt the heart, even if sometimes you don't realize it.

3. Only anger can make someone's mouth act faster than their thoughts.

4. If you speak wrongly, admit your mistake and apologize. If you are right, listen attentively, close your mouth tightly, and forgive.

5. A dirty face will not hurt someone's heart. But a dirty tongue will definitely hurt someone's heart.

6. Eyes can be mistaken, mouth can say the wrong things, but the heart never feels wrong.

7. Diseases always come from the mouth, either from eating or speaking wrongly. - Mario Teguh

8. When you're in chaos, don't open your mouth to avoid adding more confusion. - ponijanliaw

9. An open mind and a closed mouth are a combination of happiness.

10. It takes two years for someone to learn to speak, but fifty years to learn to keep their mouth shut. - Ernest Hemingway

11. A person's speech is an extension of their heart.

12. Good words are like lotus flowers that come out of the mouth. Bad words are like venomous snakes spewed from the mouth.

13. Hurt and wounds caused by the tongue leave deeper and harder-to-heal scars than wounds caused by a sword.

14. The tongue is very small and light, but it can elevate you to the highest level and bring you down to the lowest level. - Imam Ghazali

15. There are times when silence is stronger than an answer.

16. In the past, your mouth was your tiger, but now it has changed. Your fingers are your tiger's claws.

17. In the digital era now, it's not only about controlling your mouth or speech, but also about controlling your fingers.

2. Wise Words from Your Mouth are Your Tiger

Various wise words from your mouth can also be valuable lessons for you. The following wise words from your mouth can also be used as captions on social media. The wise words from your mouth are as follows.

18. Words that escape from your mouth are no longer yours but belong to those who hear them.

19. Words that come out of the mouth are a reflection of what is in the heart and mind.

20. The mouth is a reflection of the heart. So if you want to know someone's heart, pay attention to what they say.

21. Do not let your tongue mention the shortcomings of others, because you also have shortcomings and others have tongues. - Imam Syafii

22. Use your ears more than your mouth. Because you are given two hands and one mouth so that you listen more than you speak.

23. God gave one mouth and two ears so that humans can listen to advice more than speaking without purpose.

24. Knowing someone's heart is impossible. But the heart will be reflected in their actions and words.

25. The tongue is like a lion, if you let it loose, it will hurt someone. - Ali bin Abi Thalib

26. The mouth is created in front so that we don't talk about people behind.

27.Indeed, this tongue always disobeys its owner.

28.You find that the human tongue is so light, yet its power can be very destructive. - Ali bin Abi Thalib

29.Few tongues treat you fairly, both in spreading evil and goodness.

30.Do not like to judge and condemn people based on other people's stories.

31.When someone's tongue becomes calm and friendly, then their heart becomes righteous and clean. - Uthman bin Affan

32.The best words of a person are proven by their actions.

33. Every word and sentence that comes out of our mouth is a prayer, even if it's a joke. So, try to speak positively and optimistically. Who knows, one of our words will become a reality. God is All-Hearing and All-Answering. - Deanno

34.The worst of all people are those who don't know their own mistakes. The ugliest of all people are those who can't reflect on themselves and their origins. The dumbest of all people are those who can't control their mouth.

3. Words from Your Mouth are Your Tiger to Maintain Speech

The importance of maintaining the words we say needs to be preserved and implemented. Because, as you know, the tongue is boneless but can be the most hurtful weapon. That's why some of the words below may motivate you to be more careful in guarding your tongue.

35. Guarding your mouth is like guarding a pearl.

36. Be careful with the words you speak.

37. Get used to guarding our speech and writing.

38. It is better to keep your mouth shut and let others think you are foolish, than to open your mouth and confirm all their assumptions.

39. Be careful, the mouth is an extraordinary treasure but also a contagious disease that is difficult to cure if not guarded.

40. Be wise in words, polite in actions, and careful in guarding your mouth.

41. Inability to guard your tongue is evidence of inability to guard your heart.

42. It is better to guard your mouth for a few minutes than to hurt someone's heart.

43. The safety of humans lies in guarding their speech.

44. Because guarding your tongue is the same as guarding the hearts of others from being hurt.

45. My silence is my way of guarding myself from my own helplessness in guarding my tongue and desires.

46. Many religious experts are not skilled at guarding their tongue.

47. Be careful with every word you say, because every word is a prayer.

48. If this tongue is unable to speak, let the heart continue to pray.

49. I may not know what you're going through, and vice versa. So, keep guarding your tongue so as not to hurt others.

50. The wiser a person is, the wiser they are in guarding their tongue.

51. Among so many friends, I have not found a friend better than guarding the tongue. - Umar bin Khatab

52. A wise person once said, the mouth is a slow killer of humans, if we do not guard our mouth.

53. Do not blame women who talk a lot, because you do not know how difficult it is to guard two mouths. - Moderatthor

54. Being an adult is harder than guarding the mouth.

55. Not being able to control emotions and not being able to guard the mouth is common, but wise people can do it.

56. Trying to guard this mouth so as not to hurt others, because the pain that comes from the mouth may not heal even with an apology. - Febbyansa

4. Words from Your Mouth are Your Tiger and Preventing Bad Words

A number of words from your mouth can be a valuable lesson for you to keep your tongue. Where the following words from your mouth can possibly inspire to prevent bad words. Here are the words from your mouth.

57. The tongue may not have bones, but it is strong enough to break hearts.

58. Words spoken from the heart will enter the heart, words that are only in the mouth will stop at the ears.

59. Do not take to heart the words of someone, sometimes humans have a mouth but no brain. - Albert Einstein

60. Being angry in silence is better than being angry with words.

61. Bad words that come out of our mouths and writings, in fact, we are displaying our own badness.

62. Good words are like lotus flowers that come out of the mouth; Bad words are like venomous snakes that are spewed out of the mouth.

63. Sometimes the tongue can penetrate what cannot be penetrated by a needle.

64. Sometimes with our mouth, we can conquer people, but because of our mouth, we can fail to take care of people.

65. A tongue that easily belittles others is a sign of a person who has difficulty finding happiness.

66. The tongue is like a wild animal, which if released, it will surely bite.

67. The biggest problem for people with narrow minds is that their mouths are always wide open.

68. Many are able to praise God, but many also criticize their brothers and sisters.

69. There is no need to talk a lot, just prove the best.

70. Your words are the quality of your character.

71. If you are so careful about putting food into your mouth, why aren't you careful when speaking?

72. Among the worst sinners is the one who takes the time to discuss other people's mistakes.

73. Do not underestimate the power of the mouth. From that small mouth, words can change the world.

Those are the 73 words of your mouth, my friend, as a lesson to keep your tongue in check. Some of the words of your mouth, my friend, above can be a reference for you to maintain good speech and writing.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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