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48 Wise Words for Husbands who Hurt their Wives, Subtle Remarks - Full of Meaning

48 Wise Words for Husbands who Hurt their Wives, Subtle Remarks - Full of Meaning Illustration (credit: freepik) - Living a married life is not easy. There are many things that test the loyalty of husband and wife. Sometimes, the test comes from within. Such as, the husband's good attitude sometimes hurts the wife's feelings. Wise words for husbands who hurt their wives could be the right message for the head of the household to improve their behavior.

As the head of the household, the husband's duty is to protect and care for his wife and children. However, it cannot be denied that in reality, there are often irresponsible husbands. Moreover, there are husbands who act as they please without considering their wife's feelings. Therefore, many households eventually end up in divorce.

Being able to love and complement each other is the key to building a harmonious household. Gathered from various sources, here are wise words for husbands who hurt their wives, which could be an effort to restore harmony in the household.



1. Wise Words for Husbands Who Hurt Their Wives

As a couple, it is only natural that husbands and wives understand and care for each other's feelings. However, sometimes one party hurts the other due to various reasons. Here are wise words for husbands who hurt their wives.

1. "Sometimes I want you to look in the mirror and see someone who deserves to be by your side. Is it me, someone who is willing to live with you, or is it him, someone you find attractive even though he is actually a troublemaker."

2. "Tell me if your wife no longer interests you, don't stay silent and drown yourself in your own world as if I mean nothing to you."

3. "My husband, if I make a mistake, I try to understand maybe that's why you're angry. But can you give me a reason why you hurt me today?"

4. "The silence of a wife does not mean allowing you to hurt me even more and do as you please, I truly don't understand your way of thinking, my dear husband."

5. "The pain of being stabbed is incomparable to the pain of seeing you cheat right in front of my eyes."

6. "My husband, what makes you change? Am I no longer attracting your attention? Or are you tired of being with me?"

7. "I feel tired of your recent behavior. However, I tried to keep trusting you, but unfortunately I can't hold back my disappointment towards you."

8. "I don't understand your way of thinking. The silence of a wife doesn't mean letting you do whatever you want and hurt me."

9. "When you give excessive attention to someone, you will get a pain that is more painful than what you should get."

10. "I am hurt knowing this painful truth. Why did you choose someone who just met you when you have become my husband."

11. "Some old wounds never fully heal. They can bleed again just because of careless words."



2. Touching Wise Words for Husbands Who Hurt Their Wives

As a woman, a wife is generally a gentle-hearted figure. Therefore, it is only right for every husband to treat his wife as best as possible, so that her heart is not hurt. Here are wise words for husbands who hurt their wives.

12. "Many people forget that long-lasting relationships are built on love, responsibility, attention, and complementing each other."

13. "No matter how expensive a pillow is, it cannot replace the calm and comfortable shoulder of a husband."

14. "I regret not being able to always be there for you, I didn't know you would change so easily."

15. "My life was not sad until you changed a lot. I miss the old you. The one who always loved me."

16. "It feels sad when I have tried my best for you. But it turns out that it's still not enough."

17. "You think all women are strong. But crying is one way to express disappointment."

18. "My husband, never leave someone good for someone who you now consider the best. In due time, if you finally choose to leave. You may realize that the best thing has actually been with you all along."

19. "I don't understand why I really care, even though you don't."

20. "Why did you break my soul when you couldn't break my heart again. Because my heart is already broken enough."

21. "There are two meanings when someone smiles, first it's a sign that they're truly happy. Second, it could be that they're actually disappointed and shattered but their smile is just a sweetener."



3. Subtle Wise Words for Husbands Who Hurt Their Wives

Making a husband realize that his behavior has hurt his wife's heart is not an easy thing to do. Hinting can be one way to make a husband who often hurts his wife's heart realize it. Here are wise words for a husband who hurts his wife's heart in the form of subtle hints.

22. "If I treat you the way you treat me, you will surely hate me."

23. "Harmony in a marriage will never exist when one person doesn't reciprocate the attention given by their partner."

24. "How beautiful it is if we respect and understand each other. Don't be selfish and indifferent."

25. "I try to like you from various angles. But have you ever tried to look into this heart? I no longer recognize. Who are you? Why are you like this?"

26. "Pay attention to your wife as you did when you were dating."

27. "Right now I won't ask where and how you are, rather than having to accept disappointment because of you."

28. "You always blame me in every argument we have, without realizing your selfish attitude and always wanting to be the number one."

29. "Anyone who hurts his wife's feelings is a coward."

30. "Don't be too busy with your work. Know, my dear, I can't stay young forever, and children only have one childhood in their lives."

31. "The best man is the one who is the best to his family and his wife."

32. "In the midst of your busyness, I'm always waiting. Please don't forget your wife."

33. "I don't want to be apart from you, I hope you understand and walk towards me. But why do you turn? You are going in the wrong direction. Turn around and come back to me."

34. "One of the commitments of marriage is mutual understanding."

35. "My husband, don't let your busyness make you forget your wife who wants your attention."

36. "Paying attention to your wife is not just buying things and then not doing anything else. Attention is actually small actions to show love to your wife that are done every day."

37. "As a wife, I know that when a husband starts to feel uncomfortable at home, usually there is someone out there who has captured your heart."

38. "A man's success is inseparable from the prayers of a loving wife." On the contrary, a man's bankruptcy can also come from the prayers of a hurt wife."



4. Meaningful Wise Words for Husbands Who Hurt Their Wives

Marriage is something meaningful and precious. Therefore, wise words for husbands and wives are written with deep meaning. Because, only with meaningful sentences, a husband can learn to appreciate his wife and their precious marriage. Here are wise words for husbands who hurt their wife's heart full of meaning.

39. "Love is about being complete, not being needy. Love is about having and holding, not having and being abandoned."

40. "I've actually always been by your side. It's a shame you didn't know. It seems like your heart has gone blind."

41. "It's possible that others have different thoughts than us. Therefore, do not be too selfish."

42. "Every great love comes from endless suffering." - Ndiritu Wahome

43. "My love for you may not be perfect, often I feel blind jealousy. When that happens, I beg you to immediately make me realize it. Because you are the only person I trust who can do that."

44. "We can never escape old age. As we age, we understand old things and things in the past better." - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

45. "My silence as a wife does not mean allowing you to hurt me more and be as selfish as you want, I truly do not understand your way of thinking, my dear husband."

46. "Trust is like a glass. When it's broken, you can fix it. But you can still see the cracks."

47. "Do not neglect the source of happiness. Why do you work and leave your wife behind just to chase money?" You waste the beauty of your wife, and come home complaining because she is no longer attractive."

48. "If indeed what you have done you consider good, I can only try not to think badly of you."

Those are among the 48 wise words for husbands who hurt their wives' hearts, full of meaning. How about representing your feelings right now?




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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