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5 Latest Mythological Anime Recommendations that Incorporate Folklore Elements into the Storyline

5 Latest Mythological Anime Recommendations that Incorporate Folklore Elements into the Storyline Mythological Anime Recommendations (credit: - Incorporating mythological elements into an anime is common. Here are some recommended mythological anime below, which provide mythological elements that make the anime storyline quite interesting to watch.

These mythological anime recommendations are the latest anime, KLovers, airing from 2022 to 2023. So, for those of you who are looking for new anime but have finished watching others, you can watch this anime.

For those curious about the recommendations for mythological anime, here is a list of the latest mythological anime recommendations that you must watch. Let's check it out, KLovers.


Alternate Title Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari
Episodes 12 episodes
Duration 23 minutes
Aired Crunchyroll
The first recommended mythological anime is MONONOGATARI. This anime tells the story of Saenome, who is tasked with sealing spirits that possess objects and pose a threat to society. Known as tsukumogami, these spirits generally do not engage in violence, and Saenome usually seals the spirits after a simple verbal exchange.

Traumatized by a previous deadly encounter with an evil spirit, Hyouma Kunato refuses to use peaceful methods and resorts to physical violence with any tsukumogami he encounters. Deeming this behavior unacceptable for a future clan leader, Hyouma's grandfather, Zouhei, proposes that he start living with Botan Nagatsuki.

She is a young woman whose family consists of six tsukumogami. Determined to track down the spirits that took everything from her, Hyouma reluctantly accepts Zouhei's proposal. As an unknown group of evil spirits begins to threaten the balance between worlds, the young man must earn Botan's trust and overcome his hatred for his mysterious family.


Alternate Title Hataraku Maou-sama!!
Episodes 13 episodes
Duration 23 minutes
Aired On Crunchyroll, Disney+ Hotstar
The second recommended mythology anime is titled THE DEVIL IS A PART-TIMER!. This anime tells the story of the Demon King and his loyal servant who move to the human world in the present time. They try to adapt and start everything from scratch.

Because he wants to conquer the world, the only way for the Demon King to do this is to have the skills possessed by the Demon King, which are clearly not needed in his new situation. Sadao has to work as a freelancer in a fast food restaurant to pay for his living expenses and live a life like a modern human.


Alternate Title Raven of the Inner Palace
Episodes 13 episodes
Duration 23 minutes
Aired Crunchyroll
Anime KOUKYUU NO KARASU is also included in the list of recommended mythological anime. It tells the story of Empress Raven Jusetsu, someone who is both feared and respected, living in a dark and isolated palace away from the emperor. She is falsely accused of having mystical abilities and other bad things, but it doesn't bother Jusetsu.

Until Emperor Ka Koushun breaks into her palace and asks for her help in solving a mysterious case. The young emperor's request eventually forces Jusetsu to leave the palace for the first time. She asks Jiujiu, a naive and curious palace girl, to be her only servant.

Together, they begin fulfilling the requests of the palace people. However, unknown dangers lurk in the outside world and draw attention to themselves. Therefore, the anime KOUKYUU NO KARASU must be included in the list of recommended mythological anime that you should watch.


Other Titles My Master Has No Tail
Episodes 13 episodes
Duration 23 minutes
In a fairy tale in the early Taishou era, there is a story that there is a raccoon dog who can transform into a human and likes to fool humans. However, due to the development of time and technology, this myth is becoming extinct. However, a girl named Mameda has not given up on this tradition and is determined to follow in her father's footsteps.

Until she travels to Osaka hoping to deceive people. However, Mameda fails to deceive anyone. Until she discovers a rakugo performance performed by a master artist named Bunko Daikokutei. Enchanted by the portrayal of life created by the rakugoka's acting, Mameda becomes fascinated with this storytelling style and decides to become Bunko's disciple.


Alternate Title Ayaka: A Story of Bonds and Wounds
Episodes 12 episodes
Duration 23 minutes
Streaming Crunchyroll
And the latest recommendation for a mythology anime is titled AYAKA: A STORY OF BONDS AND WOUNDS. It tells the story of Yanagi Yukito, an orphan who one day meets a student of his eccentric father. The strange man takes him to Yanagi Yukito's birthplace in Ayakashima.

The place consists of seven islands where mysterious creatures called Mitama and dragons reside. There, Yukito also meets two other students of his father. Both of them are trying to protect the harmony in Ayakashima, as it is threatened with extinction.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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