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50 Meaningful and Soothing Self-Reflection Words, Material for Self-Reflection Contemplation

50 Meaningful and Soothing Self-Reflection Words, Material for Self-Reflection Contemplation Illustration (credit: freepik) - Almost everyone has a desire to become a better person. Various ways are done, one of which is by introspection to find out the shortcomings within oneself. Especially in the teachings of Islam, introspection is better known as muhasabah. Of course, doing muhasabah is not an easy thing. However, this method can slowly be done by understanding the meaning of self-reflection words.

By doing self-reflection, a Muslim can evaluate their personality more deeply. After recognizing and knowing the shortcomings within oneself, we become more aware of what needs to be improved. Self-reflection can also be a way to get closer to Allah.

To further enhance motivation in self-reflection, here are self-reflection words that soothe the heart gathered from

1. Meaningful Self-Reflection Words

Self-reflection is a very personal matter. It can only be done through personal motivation. Self-reflection is done with the intention of improving oneself and getting closer to Allah SWT. Therefore, self-reflection is an action full of meaning. Here are some meaningful self-reflection words.

1. "And it may be that you dislike a thing but it is good for you, and it may be that you love a thing but it is bad for you. And Allah knows, while you know not." (Quran, Al-Baqarah: 216)

2. "Do not feel weak or grieve, for you are the highest if you are believers." (Quran, Ali Imran: 139)

3. "And the worldly life is not but amusement and diversion. But the home of the Hereafter - that is the [eternal] life, if only they knew." (Quran, Al-Ankabut: 64)

4. "Every bad situation has a positive side." Even a broken clock will show the correct time at least twice a day. So, always think positively in life. Allah knows what is best for you."

5. "Allah does not look at your appearance and wealth, but He looks at your heart and deeds."

6. "Seek knowledge, and to acquire knowledge, learn to be calm and patient." (Umar bin Khatab)

7. "And know that victory comes with patience. The way out comes with difficulties. And after hardship, ease will surely come." (HR.Tirmidzi)

8. "Whoever does a good deed, even as small as an atom, will surely see its reward." (QS.Az-Zalzalah: 7)

9. "One of you sees a speck of dirt on his brother's eye, but forgets the log in his own eye." (HR. Bukhari)

10. "Love for Allah encompasses the heart, this love guides the heart and even extends to all aspects of life." (Al Ghazali)

2. Soothing Self-Reflection Words

Self-reflection must be based on a sincere heart. Yes, self-reflection is closely related to the state of the heart. Therefore, words about self-reflection not only have deep meanings but also can soothe the heart. Here are some words of self-reflection that soothe the heart.

1. "The human heart is like a cup. The more you fill it with love for Allah, the less space remains to be filled with love for the world."

2. "Perhaps Allah grants our hopes by not giving us what we want, because He knows the danger that lies behind our desires." (Aa Gym)

3. "Indeed, Allah is with the patient." (Al-Anfal: 46)

4. "What's wrong if life is imperfect? After all, this is not paradise." (Nourman Ali Khan)

5. "A person cannot be trusted with their responsibilities if their speech is not upright, and their speech cannot be upright if their heart is not upright." (Hasan al-Bashri)

6. "The shortest distance between a problem and its solution is the distance between the knees and the floor."

7. "O Prophet, tell the captives in your hands: If Allah knows any good in your hearts, He will give you better than what has been taken from you, and He will forgive you." (Quran, Al-Anfal: 70)

8. "When Allah throws you off a cliff, trust Him completely because only two things can happen. Whether He will catch you or make you learn to fly."

9. "Reviving religion means reviving a nation. The life of religion means the light of life." (Bediuzzaman Said Nursi)

10. "Every person in this world is a guest, and his money is a loan. The guest will surely leave, sooner or later, and the loan must be repaid." (Ibnu Mas'ud)

11. "Instead of forcing something that we cannot control, pray to the One who holds control and seek help."

12. "When your heart is broken, it is good. With a broken heart, the light of God will enter more easily." (Hamza Yusuf)

3. Self-Reflection Words for Contemplation

As a self-introspection effort, self-reckoning is often done through contemplation. Someone who is engaged in self-reckoning will reflect more to recognize oneself. Self-reckoning will bring someone face to face with their shortcomings and mistakes in the past, which will then be corrected. Here are some words of self-reckoning that can be used for contemplation.

1. "Remember, only by remembering Allah will the heart find peace." (QS.Ar Rad: 28)

2. "Allah does not burden a soul beyond its capacity." (Al Baqarah: 286)

3. "The worst of our mistakes is our interest in the mistakes of others." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)

4. "No Muslim is afflicted with a sickness or a similar ailment except that Allah will remove his sins from him like a tree shedding its leaves." (HR.Bukhari and Muslim)

5. "O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient." (QS.Al Baqarah: 153)

6. "A stingy person will not escape from one of the four qualities that lead to destruction: he will die and his wealth will be inherited by his heirs, then spent in the wrong place; or his wealth will be forcibly taken by an oppressive ruler; or his wealth will be fought over by evil people and used for evil purposes; or sometimes his wealth will be stolen and used wastefully in useless ways." (Sayyidina Abu Bakar)

7. "Every child of Adam (human) makes many mistakes, and the best person who makes a mistake is the one who (wants to) repent." (HR Timidzi)

8. "You disobey Allah while claiming to love Him?" It's really strange in situations like this. If your love is sincere, surely you will obey Him. Because indeed, someone who loves will always obey the one they love." (A'idh Al-Qorni)

9. "It is far better to lose something for God than to lose God to gain something." (Mufti Menk)

10. "I observe all friends, and I cannot find a better friend than guarding the tongue. I think about all clothes, but I cannot find better clothes than piety. I contemplate all kinds of good deeds, but I cannot find anything better than giving good advice. I seek all forms of sustenance, but I cannot find better sustenance than patience." (Umar bin Kattab)

11. "When you feel like you don't have anyone, remind yourself that Allah has sent them away so that you can be alone with Him."

12. "Believe me, there is something waiting for you after much patience, which will leave you amazed until you forget how painful it was." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)

13. "Three qualities of humans that ruin them are: obeying greed, following desires, and excessive self-admiration."

14. "This world only has three days: Yesterday, which has gone along with everything that accompanied it. Tomorrow, you may never meet it. Today, that's what you have. So, make the most of today." (Hasan al Bashri)

15. "Reflect on yourself, the past, the present, and your future. Because the most valuable knowledge is the knowledge of oneself. Whoever succeeds in knowing their own nature, has the potential to know the nature of their Lord." (Quraish Shihab)


4. Self-Reflection Words for Muslimah

Every Muslim is strongly encouraged to engage in self-reflection, including Muslim women. As women with gentle hearts, self-reflection is something that is very possible to be practiced by Muslim women. Here are some self-reflection words for Muslim women.

1. "A Muslim woman is the diamond of Islam. No one will reveal their diamonds to strangers."

2. "A woman should not be like the moon that everyone can see without any cover, but a woman should be like the sun that makes eyes bow before seeing it."

3. "A man longs for the perfect wife. A woman also dreams of the perfect husband. However, both do not realize that they were created to perfect each other."

4. "A righteous man will not distance you from Allah. If he does, then he is the wrong man." (Abdul Bary Yahya)

5. "Do not sacrifice your beauty just for praise and a few likes on Instagram, because on the Day of Judgment, no one will see you twice."

6. "Hijab is liberation from dependence on cosmetics and masks." Hijab is liberation to be honest with your heart.Hijab is liberation of your soul from worldly chains." (Mahdavi)

7. "Islam elevates the status of women from the earth to the point where paradise is placed under her feet." (Dr. Maulana Ansari)

8. "Hey, Muslimah. Don't be proud just because every man desires you. Cheap things have many buyers. Be a rare gem that can only be reached by righteous people who offer a halal relationship with you."

9. "A good woman is for a good man. And a good man is for a good woman." (QS. An Nur: 26)

10. "A Muslim woman uses her mouth to speak the truth, her voice for goodness, her ears for compassion, and her heart to love those who dislike her."

11. "O my sister, one day your body will be covered in cloth from head to toe. Don't let your last day on earth be the first day you wear the hijab."

12. "As Muslim women, we are freed from the limitations of silence. We don't need society's beauty or fashion standards to determine our worth. We don't need to be like men who must be respected, and we don't need a prince to save us." (Yasmin Mogahed)

13. "The best adornment for a woman is her sense of shame." (Fatimah binti Muhammad)

Those are some of the self-reflection words that are meaningful and soothing to the heart. Hopefully, they are useful and inspiring!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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