Kapanlagi.com - Challenges in life can appear one after another, draining energy. When that happens, surrendering to Allah SWT can be a wise choice. By surrendering or handing over all decisions to Allah SWT, life becomes easier and lighter. Surrendering to Allah's words can make someone truly sincere when surrendering.
Occasionally, surrendering can be the right step in life. By surrendering, it means putting full trust in the will of Allah, the Almighty. However, surrendering does not mean staying silent without making any effort. Surrendering means handing over everything to Allah, but still striving to the fullest to achieve what is desired.
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Compiled from various sources, here are meaningful and calming surrendering words to Allah SWT.
1. Surrendering Words to Allah for a Peaceful Life

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Surrendering when facing problems or pressure can make someone's life calmer. Because by entrusting everything to Allah SWT, it means we believe that we will get the best things in this life. Here are words of surrender to Allah that can make life calmer and happier.
1. "Because a wounded heart will only be healed by sincerity and surrender to the divine."
2. "I learn to let go of something that is not meant for me."
3. "Do not grieve, whatever is lost from you will come back in another form." - Jalaludin Rumi
4. "Do not be sad. Indeed, help will come along with patience." - HR.Ahmad
5. "The heart becomes restless when we place our hopes on something more than relying on Allah, the Most Giving."
6. "Allah can replace everything, but everything cannot replace Allah." - Habib Umar bin Hafidz
7. "Whoever does not thank for the little things will not be able to thank for the abundance." - HR.Ahmad
8. "If your heart is sincere, then there will be no more suffering that will hurt you."
9. "A calamity will become a blessing if we can handle it with gratitude, patience, surrender, and able to take lessons from every incident." - Abdullah Gymnastiar
10. "Complaining will never be able to improve the situation, be enthusiastic in living your life with sincerity and patience."
2. Meaningful Surrender to Allah's Words

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Surrendering is similar to trying to let go. Therefore, although it sounds simple, this action is very meaningful. That's why not many people can do it. Here are meaningful words of surrender to Allah.
11. "When we improve our relationship with Allah, He improves everything else for us."
12. "Indeed, with difficulty, there is ease." - (QS.Al Insyirah: 5)
13. "There are days when we have to stop and look back for a moment, then be grateful."
14. "Surrender does not mean being silent. Surrender does not mean not trying. Surrender is humbling the heart."
15. "There are no more beautiful words than sincerity and patience."
16. "And know that victory comes with patience. The way out comes with difficulties. And after difficulties, ease will surely come." - HR.Tirmidzi
17. "Surrender everything to Allah so that you can see the power of Allah in everything."
18. "Just like water that can erode the hardest stone, sincerity can also soften or melt the coldest heart."
19. "The most sincere person is the one who loves Allah the most and believes in Him the most." - Ibn Al-Qayyim
20. "Sometimes blessings are not found in what He gives, but in what He takes."
21. "Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is within themselves." - (QS.Ar Rad: 11)
22. "This world is like a shadow. If you try to catch it, it will run away. But if you turn your back on it, it has no choice but to follow you." - Ibnu Qayyim Al Jauziyyah
23. "Just like water that can erode the hardest stone, sincerity can also soften or melt the coldest heart."
3. Wise Surrender to Allah's Words

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Surrendering to Allah can be a wise action taken by a Muslim in their life. By surrendering, it means that someone has been able to measure their abilities. Someone who surrenders knows when to fight with all their might, and when to let go of everything. Here are words of surrender to Allah with wise messages.
24. "Be patient when something you love dearly is lost, and believe that Allah is preparing something more beautiful than before."
25. "Be patient for what is written for you. Everything is written by the greatest writer."
26. "Be patient with all the problems you face, because every problem has a way out."
27. "Be enthusiastic about things that are beneficial for you. Ask for help from Allah, do not be weak." - HR.Muslim
28. "Think positively, no matter how tough your life is." - Ali bin Abi Thalib
29. "Whatever happens, keep trying, praying, and relying on Allah." Know that behind hidden trials lies happiness."
30. "Sometimes we will be tested on the plans we make. Tested sincerely, patiently, and mentally strong."
31. "Strive with a hope that you dream of, and accompany that effort with patience and sincerity."
32. "Believe in Allah when everything doesn't go as you wish. Allah has planned something better for you."
33. "To be patient is not easy, but we must surrender to all provisions, also as a form of learning."
34. "If we desire success and happiness, then we must have great patience."
35. "If we are close to Allah, if we have a strong bond with Him, if we believe in Him, then we have everything."
36. "Do not feel weak and do not be sad, for you have the highest rank if you believe." - (QS Al Imran: 139)
37. "Do not be like those who forget God, so that God makes them forget their own souls."
38. "Do not be too hard on yourself because the final outcome of all matters in this world has been determined by Allah. If something is destined to stay away from you, then it will never come to you. However, if it is destined to be with you, then you cannot escape from it." - Umar bin Khattab
4. Surrendering to Allah's Words Increases Faith

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Surrender is not only a sign of someone being wise. More than that, surrendering with sincerity is also a sign of someone's faith. In fact, by fully surrendering, someone's faith will increase. Here are some words of surrender to Allah that can increase faith.
39. "And whoever relies upon Allah - then Allah is sufficient for him." - (Q.S At-Talaq: 3)
40. "Reliance is full belief that Allah's plan is the best plan." - Yasmin Mogahed
41. "Reliance is when we believe that only Allah is the place we seek help."
42. "Reliance is fully surrendering everything you love, but with the belief that Allah will replace it with something better."
43. "It may be that you dislike something while it is good for you, and it may be that you like something while it is bad for you. Allah knows, while you do not know." - (QS Al Baqarah: 216)
44. "Pray, Allah hears you. Be patient, because Allah will answer your prayers at the right time."
45. "When Allah pushes you to the edge, fully trust in Him because only two things can happen. Either He will catch you or He will teach you how to fly."
46. "Indeed, if you truly rely on Allah, you will be given blessed sustenance." - HR.Tirmidzi
47. "One day you will find something you have been asking from Allah for a long time, maybe since your childhood that you have even forgotten, but Allah will not forget it." - Habib Umar bin Hafidz
48. "Don't just thank Allah when everything is going well, thank Him even when everything feels difficult. Say Alhamdulillah. "
49. "Allah does not burden anyone except according to his ability." - (QS.Al-Baqarah: 286)
50. "Saying that you cannot pray because you have committed too many sins is like saying you cannot bathe because you are too dirty."
51. "There is no sad ending for those who believe in Allah."
52. "Nothing can bring you true happiness except Allah."
53. "Do not be like those who forget Allah, so Allah makes them forget their own souls."
Those are among the 53 words of surrender to Allah that are full of meaning. Hopefully useful and can increase our faith as a Muslim. Amiin.
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