Kapanlagi.com - Indonesia is known as the country with the largest Muslim population in the world. Therefore, wise words from knowledgeable scholars or religious leaders are often heard and followed. In fact, some of them also make wise words from scholars as a guide in their lives.
As religious leaders, scholars indeed become role models. In various occasions, scholars almost always utter words that soothe and contain wise messages. By adhering to the words of scholars, one can live their life more wisely.
For those of you who consider scholars as role models, it is mandatory to understand the wise words of the scholars. Compiled from various sources, here are wise words from scholars that are wise and soothing to the heart.
1. Words of Wise Scholars

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Scholars are individuals who possess religious knowledge. Scholars are also known as wise individuals in their actions. Therefore, scholars become role models in speech and behavior. Here are words of scholars that teach wisdom.
1. "Do not say words that you yourself do not like to hear if others say them to you." - Ali bin Abi Thalib
2. "If you fear Allah, then you do not need humans. But if you fear humans, they cannot fulfill your needs from Allah even a little." - Sufyan Ats-Tsauri
3. "If there are many needs that must be fulfilled, start with the most important and urgent." - Imam Shafi'i
4. "A knowledgeable person is like sugar that attracts many ants. They become a light for themselves and those around them." - Abdullah Gymnastiar
5. "Do not grieve, whatever you lose will come back in another form." - Jalaluddin Rumi
6. "If everyone distances themselves when you face difficulties, know that Allah SWT wants to make you strong and He will be your helper." - Imam Shafi'i
7. "If you can be patient for a moment when you are angry, it can save you from thousands of regrets in the future." - Ali bin Abi Thalib
8. "Live as you please, but remember that you will die. And love whoever you like, but remember, you will part with them. And do as you wish, but remember, you will surely receive the consequences later." - Imam Ghazali
9. "Sometimes Allah allows you to taste the bitterness of this world so that you can fully appreciate the sweetness of faith." - Omar Suleiman
10. "Knowledge is the life of the heart, the light of sight from injustice, and the strength of the body from weakness." - Imam Al Ghazali
11. "Do not explain yourself to anyone because those who like you don't need it and those who hate you won't believe it." - Ali bin Abi Thalib
12. "Do not always rely on love because it rarely happens. Do not rely on humans because they will leave. But rely on Allah SWT, the One God, because He is the one who determines everything." - Quraish Shihab
2. Words of Scholars that Soothe the Heart

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Scholars have gentle words. The gentle words of scholars always soothe the heart. Even in hot situations, the words of scholars can instantly calm and bring peace to the atmosphere. Here are the words of scholars that can soothe the hearts of the people.
13. "Patience has two sides. One side is patience, the other side is gratitude to Allah." - Ibn Mas'ud
14. "Four things that hinder the arrival of sustenance; sleeping in the morning, praying less, being lazy, and betraying." - Ibnul Qayyim
15. "My heart is calm because I know that what passes me will never be my destiny, and what is destined for me will never pass me." - Umar bin Khattab
16. "If you cannot compete with the righteous in their worship, compete with the sinners in seeking forgiveness." - Ibn Rajab Al Hanbaly
17. "Indeed, loving creatures has a high chance of experiencing loss. Being together with creatures also has a chance of separation. Only love for Allah does not." - Habiburrahman El Shirazy
18. "Life is only two days." One day for you and one day against you. So when it is for you, do not be proud and hasty, and when it is against you, be patient. Because both are tests for you." - Ali bin Abi Thalib
19. "How many sorrows and difficulties experienced, which can divert the path of worship. Except for those who are patient and always consistent." - Erick Yusuf
20. "How fortunate are those who love Allah. They will never be separated from their beloved." - Dr. Bilal Philips
21. "Love does not weaken the heart, does not bring despair, does not cause tears of sadness. But love brings hope to life, strengthens the heart in the struggle to endure the hardships and thorns of life." - Buya Hamka
22. "The greatest blessing of God to us is freedom. We are created free. Be grateful to want to be yourself." - Habib Jafar Husein
23. "Dreams will not come true on their own. You must wake up and strive to make them come true." - Yusuf Mansur
24. "The desired help from Allah will come through cooperation between human beings. Allah guides every creature to what it needs in order to fulfill its needs." - Quraish Shihab
25. "I just hope that others understand that Islam is peaceful and does not support violence." - Muhammad Ali
3. Words of Scholars Full of Meaning

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Besides being soothing, the words of the scholars always have profound meanings. There are valuable lessons in every word they speak. It's not wrong if many people consider scholars as their life mentors. Here are meaningful words from the scholars.
26. "Your humility will not be lifted by belittling others." - Achmad Mustofa Bisri
27. "Seeking knowledge is piety. Conveying knowledge is worship. Repeating knowledge is remembrance. Seeking knowledge is jihad." - Imam Al Ghazali
28. "The grave is the entrance to the afterlife and the exit from this world. The blessings and punishments there are no more powerful than in the hereafter." - Utsman bin Affan 29. "Love your loved ones only to a certain extent, who knows they may become your enemies later. And hate your enemies only to a certain extent, who knows they may become your loved ones later." - Ali bin Abi Thalib
30. "I have proven that the joy of life lies in our patience in sacrificing." - Umar bin Khatthab
31. "I am amazed by those who know the devil as an enemy, yet still await his invitation." - Utsman bin Affan
32. "The grave is the entrance to the afterlife and the exit from this world. The blessings and punishments there are no more powerful than in the hereafter." - Utsman bin Affan
33. "Patience is when the heart does not feel angry towards what has been destined, and the mouth does not complain." - Ibn Qayyim
34. "A person's tongue can depict the state of their heart." - Ibn Qayyim
35. "Know that the greatest door entered by humans is ignorance." - Al-Hafidz Imam Ibnul Jauzi Al-Hanbali
36. "The heart is like a feather in the middle of a desert, tossed back and forth by the wind." - HR.Ibnu Majah
37. "Love your loved ones only to a certain extent, who knows they may become your enemies later. And hate your enemies only to a certain extent, who knows they may become your loved ones later." - Ali bin Abi Thalib
38. "The weakest of people is someone who cannot seek friends, and even weaker than that is someone who wastes the friends they have sought." - Ali bin Abi Thalib
39. "The greatest blessing from God to us is freedom. We were created free. Be grateful to be yourself." - Habib Jafar Husein
40. "Every person in this world is a guest, and their money is a loan." - Ali bin Abi Thalib The guest will surely leave, sooner or later, and the loan must be returned." - Ibn Mas'ud
41. "What's wrong if life is not perfect? Life is not heaven." - Nouman Ali Khan
4. Words of Scholars Full of Advice

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Known for their wisdom and politeness, scholars become a place where many people seek advice.Words of wisdom or advice from scholars lead someone towards goodness.Not only in terms of religion and faith, but also in social life that is harmonious.Here are the words of the scholars full of advice.
42. "I know that death is always lurking every moment, so I prepare myself to face it." - Sheikh Hasan Al Bashri
43. "Life is too short to chase after something that does not bring us closer to heaven." - Boona Mohammed
44. "Never stop praying for the best for the one you love." - Ali bin Abi Thalib
45. "Do not love someone who does not love Allah. If they can leave Allah, then they will also leave you." - Imam Asy Syafi'i
46. "Guard the Quran, do not let others precede you in practicing it." - Ali bin Abi Thalib
47. "Do good deeds no matter how small because you never know which good deed will lead you to heaven." - Imam Hasan al-Basri
48. "Do whatever has become your right and obligation because the happiness of your life lies in it." - Musthafa al-Gholayani
49. "Learn the Quran, surely you will be guided to the right path, and do good deeds according to the Quran, surely you will become its people." - Umar bin Khattab
50. "Those who do good deeds without knowledge, their deeds will be in vain because they are not accepted by Allah." - Ibn Ruslan
51. "Be diligent in seeking knowledge. Avoid laziness and boredom because if not, you will be in danger of deviation." - Abu Hamid Al Ghazali
52. "The more we recite the Quran, the more we understand how limitless the field of meaning of the Quran is and how small our thoughts are, so we continue to be more humble. Not the other way around." - Habib Jafar Husein
53. "Whoever does not care about the fate of religion means they do not have a religion. Whoever's spirit does not burn when Islam is afflicted with a disaster, then Islam does not need them." - Imam al-Ghazali
54. "Whoever has not tasted the bitterness of learning, even for a short while, will feel the shame of ignorance throughout their life." - Imam Syafi'i
55. "Prayer is the capital possessed by everyone to become anything and get anything, regardless of position, status, wealth, or even physical appearance." - Yusuf Mansur
Those are among the 55 meaningful and wise words of the scholars. May they be beneficial, inspiring, and increase faith as a Muslim. Amen.
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