Kapanlagi.com - PSHT pearl words contain meaningful messages about inspirational life philosophy. That's why we can take wise lessons through inspirational PSHT words. For example, messages about patience, perseverance, optimism, or other wise advice.
The name PSHT is certainly quite familiar to the public. PSHT itself is a silat organization also known as the Setia Hati Terate Brotherhood. This organization has been established for quite a long time and is part of the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI).
In addition to focusing on silat education, there are various inspirations that we can learn from through PSHT pearl words. Where PSHT pearl words contain wise messages that inspire you about the meaning of life.
The PSHT pearl words and their meanings can be found through the reviews below. The following PSHT pearl words have been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Wise PSHT Quotes

(credit: pixabay.com)
Like previous reviews, we can learn wise lessons through PSHT pearl words. Where there are various meaningful messages that you can reflect on about life issues. Just listen to the following reviews about PSHT pearl words.
1. "Satria Ingkang Pilih Tanding."
(A warrior can choose opponents. It means that someone with a warrior spirit will only fight against someone who is capable of facing them, not someone weaker than them)
2. "Budhi Dayane Manungso Tan Keno Ngluwihi Kodrate Sing Maha Kuwoso."
(All human efforts will not be able to exceed the provisions of God Almighty)
3. "Sepira Gedhening Sengsara Yen Tinampa Amung Dadi Coba."
(No matter how great the suffering is, if you can accept it, it will only be a mere test.)
4. "Tega Larane, Ora Tego Patine."
(Brave to see the pain, not brave to see the death. So the meaning is that PSHT residents dare to hurt someone in order to improve, not to destroy (kill))
5. "Jer Basuki Mawa Beya."
(All success requires sacrifice)
6. "Sing Resik Uripe Bakal Mulya."
(Those who live cleanly will be noble)
7. "Amemangun karyenak tyasing sesama."
(Making others feel comfortable.)
8. "Ngunduh Wohing Pakarthi."
(Whoever does something will definitely receive the consequences of their actions)
9. "Life is 10% about events that happen to us and the remaining 90% is about how we respond to those events."
10. "The best time to plant a tree is indeed ten years ago, but another best time is now."
11. "Life is actually something simple, it is us who make it look so complicated."
12. "Asking like a fool is better than someone who remains foolish because they refuse to ask."
13. "Just like a gemstone that is clarified by rubbing, humans are also perfected by the succession of life's trials."
2. Inspiring PSHT Quotes

(credit: pixabay.com)
The inspiration that you can gain from the following PSHT quotes is related to various life issues. For example, it can inspire you to be patient, respect each other, help each other, and so on. Here is a review of inspiring PSHT quotes.
14. "Suro Diro Joyo Diningrat Lebur Dening Pangastuti."
(All the perfection of life (Supernatural powers, intelligence, victory, and wealth) is still inferior compared to noble character)
15. "Ngluruk Tanpo Bolo, Menang Tanpo Ngasorake, Sekti Tanpa Aji-Aji, Sugih Tanpa Bandha."
(Going without friends, winning without defeating, powerful without supernatural powers, and wealthy without wealth)
16. "Kridhaning ati ora bisa mbedhah kuthaning pesthi."
(The turmoil of the soul (should not) change certainty)
17. "Memayu Hayuning Bawana, Ambrasta dur Hangkara."
(Beautifying the beauty of the world and eradicating the traits of anger, greed, and greed in oneself)
18. "Sepi ing Pamrih Rame ing Gawe, Banter tan Mbancangi, Dhuwur tan Ngungkuli."
(Work diligently without expecting rewards, be fast without rushing, and be high without competing)
19. "Urip Iku Urup."
(Life is to give life. It means that in life, one must be able to be beneficial to others.)
20. "Aja Adigang, Adigung, Adiguna."
(Don't pretend to be powerful, big, and magical)
21. "Ojo Rumongso Biso Ning Sing Biso Rumungso."
(Don't think you can, but you should also be able to feel)
22. "Everyone makes mistakes, but God will always give them a second chance to change and become better at fixing all the mistakes that have been made."
23. "Our goal in life is to help others. If we are not capable of doing it, then at least do not hurt their feelings."
24. "Success is built from a collection of valuable lessons taught by various forms of failure."
3. PSHT Quotes Full of Advice

(credit: pixabay.com)
Sometimes when we are given wise and good advice from someone, it can be used as self-introspection material. Including the following PSHT pearls of wisdom contain advice messages that help you wiser in facing life problems. Just take a look at the references to PSHT pearls of wisdom full of advice below.
25. "Sopo suci adoh saka bebaya pati."
(Whoever has noble thoughts will be kept away from all kinds of dangers)
26. "Aja Gumunan, Aja Getunan, Aja Kagetan, Aja Aleman."
(Don't be easily surprised, don't be easily disappointed, don't be easily shocked, don't be spoiled)
27. "Aja Milik Barang Kang Melok, Aja Mangro Mundak Kendo."
(Don't be tempted by luxury, don't easily cheat so that the spirit doesn't weaken)
28. "Sak Apik-apike Wong Yen Aweh Pitulung Kanthi Cara Dedhemitan."
(The best person is the one who helps without wanting to be known by others)
29. "Aja Kuminter Mundak Keblinger, Aja Cidra Mundak Cilaka, Sing Was-was Tiwas."
(Don't act smart because it will go the wrong way, don't cheat because it will be disastrous, those who hesitate will perish)
30. "Aja Ketungkul Marang Kalungguhan, Kadonyan lan Kemareman."
(Don't be obsessed with positions, worldliness, and satisfaction)
31. "Sukeng tyas yen den hita."
(Like/willing to accept advice)
32. "Ojo Waton Ngomong Ning Yen Ngomong Sing Gawe Waton."
(Don't just talk, but must be able to prove)
33. "A strong person will always look for something within themselves. While a weak person always tries to find something in others."
34. "When anger has successfully taken over us, try to think a little about all the consequences that will exist later."
4. Motivating PSHT Quotes

(credit: pixabay.com)
The following are motivational PSHT pearls of wisdom that you can use as a reference to boost your spirit. These are suitable to be used as inspiration when life feels tough. Here are the motivational PSHT pearls of wisdom.
35. "Cilik ora kurang akal, gede ora luweh akal."
(Being small doesn't mean lacking intelligence, and being big doesn't mean being smarter. If you always remember this, you will never retreat)
36. "Datan Serik Lamun Ketaman, Datan Susah Lamun Kelangan."
Don't be upset when faced with adversity, don't be sad when experiencing loss)
37. "Ala Tanpa Rupa Yen Tumandhang Amung Sedhela."
(Every hardship, trouble, and problem will feel temporary if faced with an open heart)
38. "Sepiro duwurmu ngudi kawruh, sepiro jeromu ngangsu ngilmu, sepiro akehe guru ngajimu tembe mburine mung arep ketemu marang sejatine awake dewe."
(No matter how high you seek knowledge, how deep you pursue learning, or how many teachers teach you, it still depends on yourself)
39. "Suro Diro Joyo Diningrat Lebur Dening Pangastuti."
(All the perfection of life can be melted by noble character)
40. "Ojo Seneng Gawe Susahe Liyan, Opo Alane Gawe Seneng Liyan."
(Don't enjoy causing trouble for others, what's wrong with making others happy)
41. "What we think will always determine where we will go and what will happen to us. If you want to change your life, start by changing your mindset first."
42. "Giving someone a fish will feed them for a day. But teaching them how to catch fish will feed them for a lifetime."
43. "We, ordinary people, live based on what we receive, but we also create life based on what we give."
Those are the 43 inspirational and philosophical PSHT pearls of wisdom. The words from PSHT above can be used as reflection and motivation for you to be wiser in facing every life problem.
Source: bola.com, sahabatnesia.com
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.