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55 Wise Regretful Sin Words, Motivation to Repent Immediately

55 Wise Regretful Sin Words, Motivation to Repent Immediately Illustration (credit: - Every human being is certainly not free from mistakes and sins. In certain conditions, sinful acts often cause deep regret. As a result, lamenting all the sins in the past can only be done at the age when the mistake occurred. However, through a number of wise words of regret, sins can be used as inspiration for you to repent immediately.

Regret and sin are two things that come together. Regret usually occurs because of mistakes or sins in the past. In addition, regret usually causes anger, sadness, disappointment, and difficulty that make oneself feel guilty due to past actions.

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However, constantly lamenting regret is not the best solution for you. Therefore, it is necessary to introspect oneself about the mistakes that trigger sinful acts so that the incident does not recur.

Self-introspection helps you become a better and wiser person in stepping and acting. In this case, you can get motivation and inspiration through words of repentance for sins to help your intention to repent immediately.

As for wise words of repentance for sins, you can read them through the reviews below. Here are the words of repentance for sins that have been summarized by from various sources.



1. Wise Regretful Sin Words

The words of regret for sins below contain deep meanings that can inspire you to be wiser in your actions. The following wise words of regret for sins can be the best inspiration for you.

1. "Giving in for the greater good and avoiding arguments is much better than mocking and insisting on winning alone."

2. "Those who play with their lives will waste the days that should be used to cultivate goodness."

3. "If regret is an experience, then wisdom is a great thing contained within it."

4. "Every story has regrets, that's where we can find the meaning of life."

5. "Negligence will only cause regret tomorrow because time that has passed will never come back."

6. "Don't regret whatever happens, everything happens for a reason, don't let your life be filled with regrets."

7. "Let go of everything that has left your life because regret cannot bring it back to you."

8. "Feeling regret is allowed, but it should not hinder your progress for the future. Make that regret a guide in life."

9. "Regret always comes at the end so that we have more time to learn."

10. "Satan doesn't win when you commit sins, but Satan wins when you think that Allah will not forgive you."

11. "Goodness is good character, while sin is anything that makes your soul doubtful and you don't like to show it to others."

12. "One of the worst sins is someone who underestimates their own sins."

13. "One day, maybe, you will see for yourself that regrets are nothing. Its value lies in how they are answered."


2. Regretful Sin Words for Self-Reflection

As mentioned in the previous reviews, self-reflection can help you become a better person to try to fix past mistakes. However, to get inspiration for self-reflection, you also need motivational encouragement through words of repentance for sins like the reviews below.

14. "Later on, you will miss something that you feel right now when you lose that moment."

15. "Following emotions and desires will only harm you, and regret is a gift that will surely be received."

16. "If I were born again, I would fix my mistakes and regrets in those times."

17. "My regret is wasting your sincere feelings for me."

18. "Crying over my regrets, I know this might be karma, yes I accept this karma, the fact that time cannot go back."

19. "Sins that make you sad and regretful are preferred by Allah rather than good deeds that make you boastful."

20. "Sin destroys the heart, just as poison destroys the body."

21. "Feel ashamed when you commit sins in public. But, don't be ashamed to show your faith."

22. "Your own sins should be enough to divert your attention from judging others' mistakes."

23. "Most of the sins you commit are caused by the tongue."

24. "Sin slowly strangles the heart and leaving sin will bring life into the heart."

25. "It is better to look forward and prepare yourself than to look back and regret."

26. "We will all suffer from one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment."


3. Most Inspirational Regretful Sin Words

A number of words of regret for sins below can inspire you about various things related to bad deeds and mistakes that lead to sin. So, the following words of regret for sins can be used as a reference for you to be more careful in your actions.

27. "Human beings are given the ability to choose, determine choices with heart and logic, then live without any regrets."

28. "When you put your hope in Allah, you will never be disappointed. Believe and have faith in Him."

29. "It will be my lifelong regret if my mother's happy smile is not realized."

30. "Value your time and never underestimate every opportunity because regrets will come later."

31. "Avoiding sin is lighter than enduring the pain of regret."

32. "Sin needs to be burned, whether it be with the pain of regret in this world or with the fire of hell in the hereafter."

33. "Do not consider a sin to be small, but look at the greatness that you have disobeyed."

34. "Avoid sinful deeds because they destroy the heart. Do good deeds because they invite tranquility."

35. "When the devil fails to tempt you to commit sin, he will make you waste your time. Time is the most valuable asset you have, but time is also the easiest to waste."

36. "Your sins may be as big as a ship, but never forget that the mercy of Allah is greater than the ocean."

37. "When you commit sin, it is a sign of weakness. But when you encourage others to commit sin, it means that a lot of damage has occurred, especially to your spirituality."

38. "Do not let your past regrets weaken your life today."


4. Regretful Sin Words for Repentance Motivation

The following words of regret for sins can motivate you to not repeat the same actions in the past. In other words, the following words of regret for sins can inspire you to repent immediately.

39. "Do not take pleasure in playing with the heart of someone who truly loves you because someday, after they decide to leave, you will regret it."

40. "Regret without action will only make you more regretful."

41. "Regretting too much will only make us forget to prepare for improvement."

42. "My regret is that I have entered your life and destroyed your perfection."

43. "I see my sins as so great. But when I compare them to Your forgiveness, Your forgiveness is much greater."

44. "Small sins will eat away at our faith like ants eating a cake. You will not realize the impact for a long time, and when you do, it will be too late."

45. "It is normal for us to be full of sins and shortcomings. The problem arises when we stop regretting the sins we commit and do not repent to Allah."

46. "To obtain the most beautiful flower, you must be careful to avoid thorns. Likewise, to reach heaven, you must also be careful to avoid sins."

47. "Sins that have become habits must be greatly feared because sins committed continuously without repentance will become a person's character."

48. "It is strongly emphasized to always remember Allah because sins are generally committed when Allah is forgotten."

49. "Between dreams of tomorrow and regrets about the days of death, there is an opportunity today."

50. "Every child of Adam certainly makes mistakes, and the best of them are those who are willing to repent." - HR Ahmad

51. "Most of the screams from the inhabitants of Hell are regrets for delaying their repentance." - HR Muslim

52. "Repent to Allah, O believers, so that you may succeed." - Q.S An-Nur: 31

53. "True repentance is not only to stop committing sins, but also to turn towards goodness and strive earnestly to remain on the path of goodness."

54. "Make repentance not only for the sins you have committed, but also for the obligations you have not fulfilled." - Ibn Taymiyyah

55. "If you want peace of mind, obey Allah, place your forehead on the ground, speak to Him, and pour out all the contents of your heart. Reflect on your life, regret your mistakes, and repent."

These are 55 wise words of regret for sins, motivation to repent immediately. The words above can be used as inspiration for you to immediately improve yourself for past mistakes.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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