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80 Husband's Words from a Disappointed Wife, So Sad and Meaningful Expressions

80 Husband's Words from a Disappointed Wife, So Sad and Meaningful Expressions Illustration (credit: Freepik) - Not all marriages are sweet all the time. There are times when husbands and wives have problems, ranging from minor to serious ones. There are many factors that can cause problems, such as husbands becoming selfish or not paying attention to their wives, even prioritizing themselves. There are many things you can do as a wife to make your husband aware of their behavior, one of which is by giving husband's words from the wife.

When a wife starts to feel angry and disappointed, it's not wrong to express that feeling of concern. These husband's words from a disappointed and sad wife can be used to express your feelings. Sarcastic words that hit the heart of your partner might help make your husband realize and become better. And they can listen and solve problems together.

Therefore, compiled from various sources, here are 80 husband's words from a disappointed and meaningful wife. Let's check it out KLovers.



1. Words for Selfish Husband

The first words for a husband are words for a selfish husband. Yup! Being selfish is a bad trait and can hurt the feelings of others, especially your partner. For those of you who want to express your sadness, here are words for a selfish husband:

1. "No matter how much money you have, family will always be the greatest and most important treasure that you should cherish, and it's not in the form of money."

2. "Others may have different thoughts than us. Therefore, don't be too selfish."

3. "Life is about sharing, don't be selfish and only want to win for yourself."

4. "Life is about socializing, don't just be selfish. If you want to be selfish, it's better to live in the forest."

5. "No matter how expensive a pillow is, it can never replace the peace and comfort of a husband's shoulder."

6. "You're the one who's selfish, I'm the one who's always blamed. You're the one who's temperamental, I'm the one who's always patient."

7. "I'm tired of your recent behavior. No matter how hard I try to trust you, unfortunately, I can't hold back my disappointment in you."

8. "Don't just be selfish and only want to win!" Try once in a while to be me, and feel what it's like to be in this position."

9. "Women prefer small but repeated attention, rather than big but occasional attention."

10. "The sad reality is that opportunities don't come twice."

11. "If I treat you the way you treat me, you will surely hate me."

12. "Instead of explaining anything to someone who is selfish and never wants to understand, sometimes surrendering and apologizing can be a very important action."

13. "Life should always listen to the opponent, not just elevate ego and refuse to give in."

14. "There are some things that require you to give in, don't be stubborn and selfish."

15. "Maturity between us is greatly needed. Therefore, it's better not to be selfish and win alone."

16. "Love is about wholeness, not necessity. Love is about having and keeping, not having and being left behind."

17. "How beautiful it is when we appreciate and understand each other. Don't be selfish and indifferent."

18. "Know that a good husband is not selfish."

19. "The tongue is very small and light. But it can lift you to the highest level and bring you down to the lowest level."

20. "Love yourself, but don't be selfish. Understand others, but don't force it."



2. Calculating Husband's Words

The second husband's words are calculating words. In a relationship, especially a household relationship, a calculating attitude will indeed be detrimental. That's why there is a discussion that we can do so that the husband does not calculate on us. For that, here are the husband's calculating words that might be one way:

21. "Why are you stingy with yourself? Why do you have to restrain yourself? What are you saving for another time? There is no other time, there is only now." - George Balanchine

22. "O husbands, recognize the intelligence of your wife and her ability to discuss family plans, family activities, and family budgets with you." - Ezra Taft Benson

23. "Life should be shared, not too selfish, not apathetic."

24. "Lightening someone's burden is noble. Do it before you no longer have the opportunity."

25. "It's useless to have everything in this world if you forget how to share."

26. "Open your ears wide, look around carefully! There are so many people who need your concern, even just a little." - Ken Terate

27. "Help others sincerely, even if they will not remember your help."

28. "Never forget those who care about us when they need them, and do not forget the people who have helped you even when you have not asked for help."

29. "Money may not buy happiness, but it can greatly help others if we are willing to share it."

30. "Stories teach us not to be selfish and greedy. You have so many toys, clothes, and other nice things. Are you not willing to share at all?" - Stephie Anindita

31. "It is enough as a sin for a husband to waste those who depend on him." - HR.Muslim

32. "Do not be afraid to spend money on your own wife, because the wife is the cause of the husband's easy sustenance." - Muhammad Assaewad

33. "Those who are moderate in spending will not be poor." - HR.Ahmad

34. "Being rich is not about how much money we earn, but about how well we manage that money." - Noe Whittaker

35. "I am your wife. I belong to you. But you belong to my mother-in-law."

36. "If you really want to contribute, why calculate the numbers?" - Rhoma Irama

37. "Our concern today will make a meaningful difference in the future." - Morrie Schwartz

38. "It would be nice if I could go out with my child. So that this stay-at-home mom doesn't get stressed."

39. "I can't imagine how relaxing it would be to wear new clothes, new sandals, and a new appearance."

40. "Just buy all your needs with your own money. I won't ask. The most important thing is that you fulfill my needs without me knowing."



3. Words for Inattentive Husband

Being inattentive indeed makes us as wives feel sad. But there are actually many reasons why husbands behave like that. For those of you who want to express your feelings, you can give the following words:

41. "Just pretend to believe that you care about me."

42. "Behind your busyness, there is someone willing to spare their time just to wait for you."

43. "You always win with your ego that refuses to give in."

44. "A man's success is inseparable from the prayers of a wife who loves him. Conversely, a man's bankruptcy can also come from the prayers of a wife whose heart is hurt."

45. "It's not about what you do, but give me a little attention."

46. "Busy people always make time. But if someone pretends to be busy, it seems like they won't have time."

47. "No matter how small your attention is towards me, I will feel very happy."

48. "It feels sad when I have tried my best for you, but it turns out it's not enough."

49. "I don't understand why I really care, when you don't."

50. "Giving attention to a wife is one of the responsibilities of a husband."

51. "Paying attention to a wife is not just buying things and then not doing anything else. On the contrary, attention is small actions to show love to the wife that are done every day."

52. "Commitment in marriage includes mutual understanding."

53. "The best man is the one who is best to his family and wife."

54. "Respect the desires and accompany your wife and children." Because they are the people who have the most right to your kindness."

55. "Busy people will always make time. But if someone pretends to be busy, it seems like they won't have time."

56. "Attention comes from the heart, not from coercion."

57. "Don't let your busyness make you forget about someone who needs your attention."

58. "Do you still have time for me?"

59. "A great attention done only once is not enough to balance the small attention done occasionally."

60. "Whoever hurts his wife's heart is a coward."



4. Words for Cheating Husband

And the last words from the husband are words for a cheating husband. Yup! Infidelity is a crime that can make everyone feel heartbroken. For those of you who are feeling very sad and devastated, the following words from a cheating husband can represent your feelings:

61. "If a woman's fate is only to accompany a man from the beginning until he achieves success and then is left behind, then it is possible that the woman will see the man destroyed with his new partner."

62. "Indeed, there are many women who are so tempting in the virtual world. However, remember that there is a wife who is so busy working, busy taking care of the house, and even busy taking care of the children."

63. "Be a good husband, don't have a habit of seducing other women in the virtual world, even though there are many who are more beautiful."

64. "I don't understand your way of thinking. The silence of a wife does not mean letting you do whatever you want and hurt me."

65. "As a wife, I know the reason why you have started to feel uncomfortable at home, usually there is someone else there who has captured your heart."

66. "If the woman who accompanies you during your struggle is left behind after you succeed, then be prepared for your bankruptcy prayers to flow abundantly from her."

67. "Sometimes I want you to look in the mirror and see someone who is worthy of accompanying you. Is it me, the person who is willing to live with you, or is it him, the person you consider attractive even though he is actually a troublemaker."

68. "Prioritize your wife over your colleagues."

69. "Getting many women when a man is successful is easy, but keeping them when he becomes poor again is difficult."

70. "If your wife is not as beautiful as an actress. So be grateful, because no one enjoys her beauty except you as her husband."

71. "One day everything will turn around. Those who hurt will be hurt. Those who betray will be betrayed. Those who hurt will be hurt. Those who leave will be left."

72. "May this be your last lie to me, I may forgive but I will not forget, let alone erase disappointment."

73. "If a woman cries because she is hurt by a man, then every step of that man is cursed by the angels." - Ali bin Abi Thalib

74. "Trust is like a glass. When it's broken, you can fix it again. But you can still see the cracks."

75. "Now I am looking for love for happiness, if all I get is disappointment, what's the point of holding on?"

76. "The deepest heartache that may never be forgiven is when you betray the love of your partner. Cheating to pursue a lowly happiness with someone else."

77. "There are some painful feelings that cannot be healed, only can be tried to be forgotten."

78. "When you have given excessive attention to someone, then you will get a pain that is more painful than what you should get."

79. "Many reasons are given for mere entertainment, but on the other hand, how does your wife's heart feel when she sees you flirting with other women."

80. "The one who accepts you when you are rich, may not stay when you become poor again."

Those are 80 words from a husband to a wife filled with disappointment. Hopefully, by giving the above words from a husband, you can show an incredible sadness and disappointment to your husband.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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