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55 Wise Words of Muslimah About Life, Touching Heart - Become Contemplation Material

55 Wise Words of Muslimah About Life, Touching Heart - Become Contemplation Material Illustration (credit: - Muslimah is a term for women who embrace Islam. In this case, a Muslim woman certainly has noble character based on Islamic teachings. So, through several wise words of Muslimah about life, you can use them as material for self-reflection.

Islam honors a woman as stated in several hadiths about women. For example, one hadith mentions a righteous Muslim woman as the adornment of the world. From Abdullah bin Amr, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

"The world is an adornment, and the best adornment of the world is a righteous wife." (HR.Muslim)

This is one of many hadiths about Muslim women who are honored in Islam. So, it is not surprising that a Muslim woman is highly respected and honored in Islam.

Aside from that, several wise words of Muslimah about life below can inspire you. Because, from these wise words of Muslim women, you can take valuable and wise lessons about the attitude of Muslim women in facing life's problems.

As for wise words of Muslim women about life, you can read them through the following reviews. The wise words of Muslim women below have been summarized by from various sources.


1. Wise Words of Muslimah About Life

Like the previous reviews, the wise words of Muslim women about life below can be an inspiration for you in giving meaning to life. Because, from these wise words of Muslim women, you can take the best wisdom from them. Here are some wise words of Muslim women about life.

1. "Think positively, no matter how hard your life is." - Ali bin Abi Thalib

2. "It is much better to lose something for God than to lose God to gain something." - Mufti Menk

3. "Indeed, it is very difficult to be patient, but wasting the rewards of patience is worse." - Abu Bakar as Siddiq

4. "Islam treats women with respect and dignity. So, do not accept anything less than that."

5. "Every breath given to you by Allah is not only a blessing, but also a responsibility." - Anonymous

6. "Allah's promise never disappoints, and if you still feel disappointed, there may be something wrong with your faith."

7. "A strong person is not someone who never cries, but someone who remains steadfast in the face of temptation."

8. "A Muslim is not afflicted with any illness or the like, but Allah will remove his sins with it, just as a tree sheds its leaves." - HR.Bukhari and Muslim

9. "And know that victory comes with patience. The way out comes with difficulty. And after difficulty, ease will surely come." - HR. Tirmidzi

10. "A person's religion is in accordance with the religion of their close friends. You should see who their close friends are."

11. "A woman is the pillar of a nation. If the woman is good, then the nation is also good. But if the woman is bad, then the nation is also bad." - Prophet Muhammad SAW

12. "Do not explain yourself to anyone, because those who like you don't need it. And those who dislike you won't believe it." - Ali bin Abi Thalib

13. "Do not walk on the face of the earth with arrogance and pride, because soon you will also enter the earth."

14. "We will never be defeated until we surrender everything to God."

2. Wise Words of Muslimah That Touch the Heart

A number of wise words from Muslim women can also describe your feelings about a certain issue. For example, when you are feeling confused, desperate, or sad, the following wise words from Muslim women can help express your innermost feelings. Here are wise words from Muslim women that touch the heart.

15. "When your heart is broken, it is good. With a broken heart, the light of God will enter more easily." - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

16. "When you feel like you don't have anyone, remind yourself that Allah has sent them away so that you can be alone with Him." - Anonymous

17. "Women are not clothes that you can wear and take off as you please. They are honorable and have their rights." - Umar bin Khattab

18. "Women are like flowers. They should be treated gently, well, and with love." - Ali bin Abi Thalib

19. "Islam elevates the status of women from the bottom of the earth to the point where paradise is placed beneath their feet." - Dr. Maulana Ansari

20. "Patience is not real if it still has limits, and sincerity is not genuine if it still feels pain."

21. "Those who are deeply wounded are caused by being too far away from love for Allah and His Messenger."

22. "For all the pain you experience, be patient and endure, because Allah knows your limits."

23. "Do not grieve, whatever you lose will come back in another form." - Jalaludin Rumi

24. "This world is like a shadow. If you try to catch it, it will run away. But if you turn your back on it, it has no choice but to follow you." - Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

25. "The best revenge is to make yourself better." - Ali bin Abi Talib


3. Wise Words of Muslimah About Love

Some wise words from Muslim women about love help you to wisely deal with love issues. For example, teaching you about loving for the sake of Allah, love with sincerity, and genuine feelings in love. Here are wise words from Muslim women about love.

26. "A good woman is for a good man. And a good man is for a good woman." - Surah An-Nur 26

27. "A righteous man will not distance you from Allah. If he does, then he is the wrong man." - Abdul Bary Yahya

28. "Men dream of a perfect woman. Women desire a perfect man. They do not know that Allah created them to complete each other." - Ahmad Al-Shugairi

29. "The human heart is like a cup. The more you fill it with love for Allah, the less space there is to fill with love for the world." - Anonymous

30. "When you love someone for the sake of Allah, that love will never fade." - Anonymous

31. "Truly loving someone brings happiness to our hearts. Loving for the sake of Allah gives us worship and greater happiness." - Anonymous

32. "Waiting for you in patience is more beautiful to me than expressing it. Praying for you is more meaningful than explaining it." - Nina Nurrahman; About Me, You, & My Journey

33. "A man who will guide you to Allah, and not to a path full of sins, is always worth waiting for." - Anonymous

34. "Allah has already written the name of your soulmate. All you need to do is strengthen your relationship with Allah." - Anonymous

35. "Love is a war, a great war within the human spirit. If it wins, you will find someone who is sincerely sincere, broad-minded, patient, and calm. If it loses, you will find someone who is desperate, misguided, weak-hearted, with little feeling, and sometimes even lost trust in oneself." - Buya Hamka

36. "You may hate something, while it is good for you, and you may like something, while it is bad for you. Allah knows, while you do not know." - Surah Al-Baqarah 216

37. "Love never asks to wait." He takes advantage, or invites. The first is courage, the second is sacrifice." - Salim A.Fillah

38. "There is no better solution for two people who love each other than marriage." - HR.Ibnu Majah

39. "Do not love someone who does not love Allah. If they can leave Allah, then they will also leave you." - Imam Asy Syafi'i

40. "When a husband and wife look at each other with love, Allah looks at them with compassion." - HR.Bukhari


4. Inspiring Wise Words of Muslimah

As for the wise words of Muslim women that inspire, you can use them as a reference in living your life. In addition, the wise words of Muslim women below also show the figure of an honorable and noble Muslim woman. Here are the inspiring wise words of Muslim women.

41. "The best adornment of a woman is her sense of shame." - Fatimah binti Muhammad

42. "A Muslim woman uses her mouth to speak the truth, her voice for goodness, her ears for compassion, and her heart to love those who dislike her." - Anonymous

43. "A woman should not be like the moon that everyone can see without any cover, but a woman should be like the sun that makes eyes bow before seeing it." - Anonymous

44. "Do not let your tongue mention the shortcomings of others, for you also have shortcomings and others also have tongues."

45. "Do good deeds no matter how small, because you never know which good deed will lead you to paradise." - Imam Hasan Al-Basri

46. "A Muslim woman is the diamond of Islam. No one will reveal their diamond to strangers." - Anonymous

47. "Every mother is a school for her children." - Anonymous

48. "This world only has three days: Yesterday, it has gone along with everything that accompanied it. Tomorrow, you may never meet it. Today, that is what you have, so strive on this day." - Hasan al Bashri

49. "O my sister, one day your body will be covered with a cloth from head to toe. Do not let your last day on earth be the first day you wear a hijab."

50. "Why should Muslim women wear hijab? Because their beauty is for their husbands, not for everyone."

51. "Hijab is not just about what you wear, but also about attitude and speech."

52. "Allah made you a Muslimah because He wants to see you in heaven, all you need to do is deserve it."

53. "Islam obliges women to cover their aura because Islam protects them from the lustful gaze of men."

54. "Be a Muslimah who has two beauties, external beauty protected by hijab syar'i. Inner beauty adorned with noble character."

55. "If a wife performs the 5 daily prayers, fasts in the month of Ramadan, guards her chastity, and obeys her husband, it will be said to her, 'Enter paradise'. - HR.Ahmad

Those are 55 wise words of Muslimah about life that touch the heart and become self-reflection material. Some of the wise words of Muslimah above can help you in dealing with various life issues.




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