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6 Best Lightweight Reading Book Recommendations for Beginners, Guaranteed to be Addictive

6 Best Lightweight Reading Book Recommendations for Beginners, Guaranteed to be Addictive Lightweight Reading Book Recommendations (credit: - There are several lightweight reading books suitable for beginners. Lightweight reading books for beginners generally contain uncomplicated and not boring material. Starting from fiction or non-fiction, the recommended lightweight reading books are too good to be missed.

Lightweight reading books certainly discuss themes, stories, or content that is easy for readers to understand. In addition, lightweight reading books can also be read in one sitting without needing days to finish one book.

Especially for beginner readers, lightweight reading books can be the best recommendation to foster an increasing interest in reading. Among a series of book recommendations for lightweight reading, there are several book titles that can be used as references as reviewed below. Check out the recommended lightweight reading books for beginners that are guaranteed to make you feel at home as follows.



1. If We Never Become Anything

One of the best light reading book recommendations on the theme of self-improvement is If We Never Become Anything by Alvi Syahrin. This book discusses stories that are quite relatable to life. Where there are a number of stories in the book If We Never Become Anything that contain feelings of restlessness and fear of what will happen in the future.

Yes, If We Never Become Anything is indeed suitable to read for those of you who are currently facing worries about the future, whether it's dreams or careers. So, by reading If We Never Become Anything, it will give you positive energy and motivation to believe in yourself that everything will be fine.



2. Later We'll Tell About Today

The next recommended light reading book is Later We'll Tell About Today. The book by Marchella Fp is very popular and has even been adapted into a film. The book Later We'll Tell About Today is highly recommended for you to read because it discusses stories that are related to life, whether it's family, love, or various other life issues.

There are many inspirational stories in the book Later We'll Tell About Today written by the author. Where you will follow the story of Awan with his various letters that he will give to his child in the future. In addition, this book is also equipped with interesting illustrations that will make you enjoy reading until the end.



3. HI-FI

HI-FI is also included in the list of recommended light reading books that are worth not to be missed. This book is a novel with a light story about Dimas and Steffi. Steffi was caught stealing his internet hotspot. Although Dimas only suspects Steffi, he is currently looking for solid evidence that the beautiful girl is really using his internet.

Their interesting story is accompanied by stunning illustrations, making this novel very exciting to read. In addition, HI-FI can be read in one sitting because it only has a few pages, namely 160. Interested?



4. Me, You & the Universe

For those looking for Islamic books, Me, You & the Universe is a must-have on your wishlist. Because, Me, You & the Universe will motivate you to continue to evolve into a better person. In addition, the book will also help you make peace with the past and all feelings of disappointment, fear, and mistakes in order to get closer to God.

So, Me, You & the Universe can be recommended as an inspiring light reading book. This book has a total of 212 pages and is the work of @SEPERTIGAMLAMKU.



5. I Want To Die But I Want To Eat Tteokpokki

The next recommended light reading book is I Want To Die But I Want To Eat Tteokpokki. Fans of K-Pop music and Korean dramas are certainly very familiar with a food called tteokpokki, which is also known as rice cake. However, this book does not discuss about the food but rather how someone can love themselves and accept themselves as they are.

This book by Baek Se Hee is indeed a must-read bestseller. In this book, it will give you positive energy to be more confident, love yourself, appreciate yourself, and prevent feelings of insecurity that often occur in many people.



6. The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down

In line with the previous book, The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down is also very popularly written by Haemin Sunim. This book discusses how to live a happy life in the midst of today's fast-paced life.

The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down will help you achieve a calm and peaceful life. There are several main topics in the book, such as love, self-awareness, passion, mindfulness, relationships, future, life, and so on.

That is the recommendation of a light reading book that must be on your wishlist. Happy reading, KLovers.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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