Kapanlagi.com - A house fire is a disaster that is certainly never expected to happen. Not only material loss, but a house fire can also threaten lives. It is no wonder that dreaming of a fire becomes a frightening and worrisome dream. However, behind the fear and anxiety that arises, it turns out that there is a meaning to dreaming of seeing a fire in your own house according to the primbon that is important to know.
Yes, who would have thought that dreaming of seeing a fire in your own house has various hidden meanings according to Javanese primbon. Many believe that the meaning of this dream provides guidance about major changes in life. By understanding the meaning of this fire dream, a person can be more cautious in living their life.
Curious about the explanation of the meaning of dreaming of seeing a fire in your own house according to Javanese primbon? To find out, just read the following review.
1. Dramatic Changes in Life

Meaning of Dream: Dramatic Changes in Life (credit: unsplash)
Dreaming of seeing one's own house on fire according to Javanese astrology can be interpreted in various ways, depending on the situation faced by the dreamer. One of the most common interpretations is that this dream is often associated with major changes that will occur in someone's life.
According to Javanese astrology, a house fire disaster can symbolize the destruction or annihilation of something that no longer functions or negatively affects life. Despite the fear generated by this dream, it is actually a positive sign that life will undergo profound changes. So, it is not wrong to start preparing oneself and taking anticipatory steps.
2. Sign of Losing Security
The meaning of dreaming of one's own house burning according to Javanese astrology can also indicate a sense of losing security and deep fear. It is possible that this dream arises when someone is experiencing emotional chaos or facing situations that cause anxiety.
This feeling of losing security can be a call to focus more on mental health and better manage emotions. Perhaps it is time to engage in calming activities and seek help if needed.
3. Haunted by Guilty Feelings

Meaning of Dream: Haunted by Guilty Feelings (credit: unsplash)
Dreaming of seeing your own house on fire can be a sign of guilty feelings or failure from something that has been done. There may be a sense of having made a mistake or not being able to fulfill the responsibilities that should have been done.
When seeing your own house on fire in a dream, it is important to open the mind and find ways to fix and clean up any mistakes that exist. It is recommended to take positive action to address guilty feelings or failures as it will help promote personal growth and happiness in life.
4. Representing Difficulties in Relationships
The meaning of dreaming of a house on fire can also symbolize difficulties in a relationship that is being experienced. In this case, the relationship can be in any realm, whether it is romantic, family, or friendship.
The fire represents tension, conflict, and disharmony that may be experienced. This dream may be a call to confront the existing problems and seek balanced solutions to improve the relationship. Building effective communication, compromise, or seeking help from outside individuals if necessary can help overcome the difficulties that exist.
5. Symbol of Soul Purification

Meaning of Dream Fire, Symbol of Soul Purification (credit: unsplash)
Dreaming of one's own house on fire actually has a special meaning in spiritual life. Symbolically, fire in dreams can be interpreted as a process of soul purification and renewal in life. Although fire can symbolize destruction, it can also be seen as an opportunity to start over and build something new.
Dreaming of a fire can also symbolize a desire to release emotional burdens or problems that are disturbing the mind. This may be a sign that there is a desire to eliminate unhealthy or negative things from life.
6. Sign of Conflict Arising
Lastly, the meaning of dreaming of a house on fire can also be a sign of danger or conflict that may arise in life. It can reflect events or situations that threaten security and stability. If someone dreams like this, be cautious and act wisely to avoid problems and protect oneself.
Those are some explanations of the meanings of dreaming of one's own house on fire according to Javanese beliefs. Hopefully, it is useful and can answer the curiosity that has been lingering. For the rest, the decision to believe or not is up to the reader. So it is expected to be approached wisely.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.