Kapanlagi.com - Education is an important process in life. Through the education pursued, a person gains knowledge that is useful for life. Words of education can be a driving force and motivation for someone in acquiring knowledge. For many people, education is also a path to achieve success in the future. It is understandable that many people have ambitions for education.
However, in essence, education is not only about knowledge. More than that, in the education system, a person also learns about manners and ethics. Therefore, educated individuals are often seen and judged by their daily behavior. A person's education will be evident in how they can respect and treat others.
Unfortunately, pursuing education is not always easy. Laziness and various challenges often hinder progress. Willpower, enthusiasm, and motivation are needed to succeed in education. Gathered from various sources, here are meaningful education words that can inspire motivation.
1. Inspirational Education Quotes

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Inspiration is something needed in life, especially in pursuing education. With inspiration, one will find it easier to think clearly, make decisions, and adopt the right attitude. Here are some educational quotes that can serve as a source of inspiration in the pursuit of knowledge.
1. "The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and critically. Intelligence and character are the true goals of education." - Martin Luther King
2. "Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." - John Dewey
3. "The secret of education lies in respecting the student." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
4. "Education is the best provision for the journey of life."
5. "Teaching children to speak honestly is the beginning of education."
6. "Read a lot, until your books feel like staple food."
7. "Whoever has never tasted the bitterness of seeking knowledge, even for a moment, will swallow the disgrace of ignorance throughout their life." - Imam Shafi'i
8. "One of the deeds that will continue to flow until paradise is knowledge that is beneficial."
9. "Use your youth to seek knowledge, so that your old age can teach goodness to your grandchildren."
10. "Knowledge is like a spice, without it, your life will taste bland."
11. "A person without knowledge is like an empty vessel. It makes a loud noise, but contains nothing."
12. "The essence of knowledge is to know what worship and obedience are." - Imam Ghazali
13. "You cannot attain knowledge except through six things: intelligence, curiosity, perseverance, having the necessary tools for seeking knowledge, guidance from a teacher, and investing a long period of time." - Ali bin Abi Thalib
14. "Knowledge makes a person humble, while arrogance makes a person foolish." - Boona Mohammed
2. Wise Education Quotes

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Education not only provides knowledge to someone. From education, someone can also learn wisdom in life. People who learn a lot and have education tend to have an open mind. That's what makes them wiser. Here are some educational quotes that can teach wisdom.
15. "Education is what remains after forgetting everything learned in school." - Albert Einstein
16. "The direction given by education. To start someone's life will determine their future." - Plato
17. "Education is not something acquired by someone, but education is a lifelong process." - Gloria Steinem
18. "Whatever someone does, it should be beneficial to themselves, beneficial to their nation, and beneficial to humanity in general." - Ki Hadjar Dewantara
19. "Education develops abilities, but does not create them." - Voltaire
20. "Education is an amazing thing, but it should be remembered that from time to time there is nothing worth knowing that can be taught." - Oscar Wilde
21. "With knowledge, we can build the world by teaching the next generation."
22. "Having determination, unshakable, filled with knowledge, until convinced with absolute certainty that what he is doing is right and good."
23. "Having common sense without education is a thousand times better than being educated without common sense." - Robert Green Ingersoll
24. "If young people who have studied in school and consider themselves too high and smart to merge with the working community who work with hoes and only have simple aspirations, then it is better not to give education at all." - Tan Malaka
26. "Education without values, no matter how useful it is, seems to only create a smarter devil." - C.S. Lewis
27. "One of the goals of education is to teach that life is valuable." - Abraham H. Maslow
28. "Education is not a product like a degree, diploma, job, or money earned; education is an ongoing process." - Bel Kaufman
3. Meaningful Education Quotes

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In this life, education is not just important. Because through education, one can obtain many things, ranging from knowledge, wisdom, life lessons, and even the future. It is no wonder that education is seen as something meaningful. Here are meaningful words about education.
29. "Education is a weapon, the effect of which depends on who holds it and who it is aimed at." - Joseph Stalin
30. "The highest result of education is tolerance." - Helen Keller
31. "With knowledge, we will not become foolish and naive."
32. "Education is a good friend. An educated person will be respected wherever they go. Education surpasses beauty and youthful spirit." - Chanakya
33. "Genius without education is like silver in the mine." - Benjamin Franklin
34. "With education, we cannot be compared to fish. With knowledge, we cannot be compared to cattle."
35. "Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world." - Nelson Mandela
36. "Education has bitter roots, but its fruits are sweet." - Aristotle
37. "Educating the mind without educating the heart is not education at all." - Aristotle
38. "One special sign of all knowledge is the power of education." - Aristotle
39. "For the uneducated, the letter A is just three lines." - A.A. Milne
40. "Education requires money. So does ignorance." - Claus Moser
41. "This is the kind of teaching that humanizes humans, not education that belittles students." - Najwa Shihab
42. "The purpose of education is to sharpen intelligence, strengthen will, and refine feelings." - Tan Malaka
43. "Education ignites fire, not fills the vessel." - Socrates
44. "I don't have education. I have inspiration. If I were educated, I would be very stupid." - Bob Marley
45. "I never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain
4. Education Quotes to Boost Ambition

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Many people have a strong motivation in education. Because education is believed to be a tool or medium to achieve success or dreams in the future. Here are some educational quotes that can inspire the spirit of achieving dreams.
46. "Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." - Malcolm X
47. "Education gives birth to belief. Belief gives birth to hope. Hope gives birth to peace." - Confucius
48. "Not always does educational background determine our future career, except for careers in the field of education." - Bob Sadino
49. "The worst of all humans is the one who does not use their education to pursue their dreams."
50. "Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest when you haven't planted." - David Bly
51. "There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs." - Zig Ziglar
52. "With education, the world is in your hands."
53. "Seek knowledge as far as the land of bamboo curtains."
54. "Being lazy in seeking knowledge will make it difficult for us to progress."
55. "Education makes me strong and invincible."
56. "The most regretful person is the one who does not utilize their youth to seek knowledge as much as possible."
57. "Chase your dreams as high as the sky, don't be afraid of falling because your knowledge will make it easier for you to achieve your dreams."
58. "If educated people are not necessarily successful, then uneducated people will find it difficult to achieve success."
59. "Success is not a coincidence. It is formed by hard work, perseverance, learning, sacrifice, and most importantly, love for what you are doing or want to do." - Pele
60. "Learn to be stronger when the situation is more difficult. Learning becomes better when the situation is worse."
These are among the 60 inspirational and meaningful educational words. Hopefully, they are useful and can increase your motivation to study in order to achieve success in the future!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.