Kapanlagi.com - Dreams are a common phenomenon that occurs during sleep. However, many also consider dreams as an interesting phenomenon. This is because there are several dreams that are believed to have hidden meanings. One of the dreams with intriguing meanings is the dream of being bitten by a dog on the hand. Many people try to find out the meaning of dreaming of being bitten by a dog on the hand.
According to Javanese primbon, dreaming of being bitten by a dog has various meanings that can be interpreted differently. The interpretation differences depend on the situation that someone is facing in real life. The moment of being bitten by a dog, which often seems frightening, makes many people consider this dream as a bad omen. But is that true?
To find out the explanation of the meaning of dreaming of being bitten by a dog on the hand according to Javanese primbon, just check out the following review.
1. Symbol of Protection and Strength

Meaning of Dreaming Being Bitten by a Dog Symbol of Protection (credit: unsplash)
One of the meanings of dreaming being bitten by a dog according to Javanese astrology is considered as a symbol of protection and strength. When dreaming of being bitten by a dog on the hand, it could mean that someone is being protected by someone strong and powerful.
On the other hand, the meaning of dreaming being bitten by a dog on the hand is also a warning to develop one's own abilities and strengths. So that later when faced with problems, the person who dreams can face challenges independently without relying on others.
2. Danger or Warning Sign
The meaning of dreaming being bitten by a dog on the hand according to Javanese astrology can also be a sign of danger or warning. This depends on the situation in the dream.
If in the dream we feel pain or fear when being bitten by a dog, it could mean that there is a danger lurking in real life. If experiencing this dream, Javanese astrology suggests being more cautious in dealing with situations or people around.
3. Symbol of Fear

Meaning of Dreaming of Being Bitten by a Dog, Symbol of Fear (credit: unsplash)
According to Javanese astrology, the meaning of dreaming of being bitten by a dog on the hand can also represent fear or doubt towards something in real life. It could be that, while dreaming, there is a situation or circumstance that makes the dreamer feel intimidated or uncomfortable.
Furthermore, the depiction of being bitten by a dog on the hand in a dream is a representation of fear or doubt in facing it. To confront this situation, Javanese astrology suggests the dreamer to overcome this fear by strengthening courage and self-confidence.
4. Sign of Health Problems
The meaning of dreaming of being bitten by a dog according to Javanese astrology can also be related to health problems. Furthermore, the depiction of being bitten by a dog on the hand in a dream can be a sign of potential illness or health disorders that might be faced.
So, if someone experiences this dream, it is advised to pay more attention to and take better care of their health.
5. Signs of Broken Trust

Meaning of Dreaming of Being Bitten by a Dog: Signs of Broken Trust (credit: unsplash)
Dreaming of being bitten by a dog on the hand in Javanese beliefs is also believed to symbolize that trust has been violated by someone. In relation to this interpretation, the dog reflects someone who was once considered close or trustworthy, but later betrayed.
To anticipate this, Javanese beliefs suggest that people who dream should be more careful in trusting others. Dreamers are also advised to be more selective in choosing friends or colleagues.
6. Symbol of Emotional Instability
The meaning of dreaming of being bitten by a dog on the hand according to Javanese beliefs is also believed to be a symbol of emotional instability. Perhaps when dreaming, someone is experiencing significant emotional changes in real life.
In relation to this interpretation, being bitten by a dog on the hand in a dream depicts that the dreamer is facing internal conflict or emotional pressure. Javanese beliefs suggest that people who dream should find a way to overcome this pressure, such as meditating or expressing their feelings to someone close.
7. Signs of Obstacles or Hindrances

Meaning of Dream Bitten by a Dog Indicates Obstacles or Hindrances (credit: unsplash)
Lastly, the meaning of dreaming being bitten by a dog on the hand according to Javanese astrology can also be a sign of obstacles or hindrances in achieving goals. Perhaps, when dreaming, the dreamer is experiencing difficulties in achieving what is desired due to being obstructed by various factors.
In this interpretation, the dog that appears in the dream is believed to be a symbol of the obstacles that must be faced. Therefore, Javanese astrology suggests being patient and persevering in facing every obstacle.
Those are the 7 explanations of the meaning of dreaming being bitten by a dog on the hand according to Javanese astrology. However, it is important to remember that this explanation is merely a belief and does not have a scientific basis. So, even if experiencing a dream of being bitten by a dog on the hand, there is no guarantee that the above-mentioned things will actually happen.
Nevertheless, this is just a myth passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, the final decision to believe or not believe is entirely up to the reader.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.