Kapanlagi.com - One of the series of Ramadan worship that should not be missed is tarawih prayer. Because, tarawih prayer only exists during Ramadan worship, which is usually performed after isha prayer. However, drowsiness and laziness often come when performing tarawih prayer. Don't worry, there is a way to overcome drowsiness and laziness when performing tarawih prayer at home that is easy to apply.
In addition to obligatory fasting, sunnah worship during the month of Ramadan also needs to be performed. Among the highly recommended sunnah worship to be carried out during Ramadan worship is performing tarawih prayer.
Because, tarawih prayer is a sunnah prayer that only exists in the month of Ramadan. Therefore, Muslims are expected to take advantage of Ramadan as a month of rewards by performing worship in it.
As it is known that tarawih prayer can be performed at night, precisely after performing isha prayer. At night, especially after breaking the fast, drowsiness will easily attack the body.
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If this condition occurs when performing tarawih prayers, it will certainly make worship less optimal. But don't worry, because there is a way to overcome sleepiness and laziness during tarawih prayers at home.
So how to overcome sleepiness and laziness during tarawih prayers at home?
During the corona covid-19 pandemic, there is an advice to limit activities outside the house. This includes worshiping at home, such as tarawih prayers. However, sometimes sleepiness and laziness attack when you are about to perform tarawih prayers at home.
But you can do the following to overcome sleepiness and laziness during tarawih prayers. Here are 7 ways to overcome sleepiness and laziness during tarawih prayers at home that can be applied.
1. Avoid Overeating During Iftar

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One way to overcome sleepiness and laziness during tarawih prayers at home is to avoid overeating during iftar. Overeating during iftar is also not allowed in Islam, as it will affect both health and worship activities.
Therefore, you should break your fast in moderation and not as a way to seek revenge. It would be better to have a heavy meal after performing tarawih prayers to avoid feeling sleepy and lazy.
2. Avoid Lying Down After Iftar

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After breaking your fast, you will feel full and have the desire to immediately sleep. Therefore, it is best to avoid lying down after iftar, especially after Maghrib or Isha prayers.
Lying down can make you feel comfortable and have the effect of drowsiness and laziness to wake up for tarawih prayers. You can engage in other activities such as reciting the Quran or gathering with family. This can be a way to overcome sleepiness and laziness during tarawih prayers at home.
3. Try Taking a Nap

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Having enough rest is indeed very good for health, especially in boosting the immune system. If you want to overcome drowsiness and laziness during tarawih prayers at home, you can try taking a nap for a few minutes.
However, do not take excessive naps, as anything done excessively is not good. So, you can take a nap for 15 to 20 minutes during the day. Surely, when performing tarawih prayers, you will feel more refreshed, fit, and free from drowsiness and laziness at home.
4. Find a Strategic Place to Perform Tarawih Prayers at Home

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Another way to overcome drowsiness and laziness during tarawih prayers at home is by finding a strategic place to pray. By strategic, it means a clean and comfortable place with sufficient lighting.
In addition, avoid placing a fan during prayers or being under the AC. Because the cold air can trigger drowsiness that cannot be resisted.
5. Embed Intention

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Intention is the main thing that must be embedded within oneself when going to perform everything according to desire. Including when going to perform tarawih prayer at home. Embed the intention first to truly perform tarawih prayer.
So with a strong intention, it will certainly make worship smooth and able to ward off drowsiness and laziness. Also, know the benefits and virtues of tarawih prayer in the month of Ramadan to become more enthusiastic about performing it.
6. Perform Ablution Again If Drowsiness Strikes

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The way to overcome drowsiness and laziness during tarawih prayer can also be overcome by performing ablution again if drowsiness strikes. By washing the face, it will make it fresher and able to overcome drowsiness and laziness. So you can try to perform ablution when drowsiness suddenly strikes.
7. Drink More Water

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Drinking water is known to be very good for the body. One of the benefits is that it can help overcome drowsiness and laziness when performing Tarawih prayers. Fulfill the body's water needs according to health recommendations to avoid dehydration. If dehydration affects the body, it will make the body easily lazy, tired, and lethargic. As much as possible, fulfill your water intake to keep the body hydrated and free from drowsiness and laziness.
So those are 7 ways to overcome drowsiness and laziness during Tarawih prayers at home. You can apply them so that worship can run smoothly and maximally. Happy Ramadan 2020, KLovers.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.